Aug 28, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

my concern is without open dialogue and open exchange of ideas in how to properly manage our existence on earth we will exterminate ourselves because we have allowed A few self-centered dominant individuals to control the narrative!

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Start local. Then branch out from there. The central planners will fail as they always have.

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I see the puppet masters pushing and pushing for violence.

Usher in UN NATO military.

Martial Law, zero rights, constitution, private property rights.

All for our safety of course.

What’s remarkable, tools like Gavin, Kamala, Pelosi, Biden etc all believe they are protected from execution.

Nobody likes traitors. They have set themselves up, with a target on their backs.

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Increasingly looking like a massive collapse of civilization. The more complex the system the faster it will unwind and collapse. The 'great reset' brought to you by the same psychopaths' that created the current mess. More like the great chaos.

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Pray we can right the ship!

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Not sure praying will help to remove what needs to be removed.

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Seems like the plan is for weakened immune systems do their work in the winter while people have no heat. Cover for all the winter excess deaths will be to blame Putin for no heat instead of the jab.

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not to mention the extreme stress of being in a global financial depression.

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Exactly, whatever party wins in Nov will be blamed and if I was running this operation I’d want the house to go to the Republicans. They’ll just do for Covid what they did before with Trey Gowdy and his endless Benghazi hearings. They’ll fund raise off sound bytes and no one will be held accountable, everyone will be sick of it and meanwhile nothing else will be in the news. They’ll probably end up making some vaccine injury fund or get forced into paying out stimulus money so people can get by further angering people. Even if the republicans won congress in a landslide and were motivated to change course nothing can get done with Biden.

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F the UN, the WEF the Green Scam...read Germany is turning off their escalators in shopping malls. Gee I thought they were self sustaining with all their solar power? And how all those sanctions working on Russia, Europe..shooting yourself in the foots. How long with this shit continue....???? biden the great "uniter" has torn everything apart ......And How is that Ukraine spending billions of money..where does that all go? Time to take the game to them smash mouth. Bring on the space invaders deep State your last card to play.

1. Russia Russia

2. Stolen elections

3. Green energy scam

3A. Climate crisis in which their weather wars has created

4. Destroy food facilities

5.. War on Nitrogen

6. War on carbon

7. War genocide

8. My patience is wearing thin....lol now the great inflation crisis

9. fbi nazis

10. Get a rope lots of rope plenty of trees

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I like #10.

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ME too Go Clint Eastwood Josie Wales with a cape...... we all know they deserve this. We could go Roman and symbolically crucify them slow or swift. Get my drift This is OUR Planet not theirs...."It's My Island" as Stephen would say In Braveheart.

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Not good news at all. I just take one day at a time. I realize that if I'm even allowed to live in peace. I may have to learn how to live and survive as my ancestors did. They may have had their share of problems to deal with. But I don't think my ancestors had to deal weaponized medicine, the climate change and the covid narratives, the WHO, the WEF and the threat of the great reset. I doubt they had to deal with being guilty until if ever being proven innocent of whatever the evil powers decide to charge you with.

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We are days to weeks away. The detonator will be Saudi accepting other currencies. Boom

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Have you ever considered doing interviews with Josh Phillips or Jan jeklielek at Epoch Times. They stay up to date with world issues but I fear not enough people are aware of the plans laid out for us all. Too many people rely on legacy media, but Epoch is not far right or left, they are about the most unbiased news source I have found. Just a thought.

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I may rant and get too angry for interviews and then everyone winds up in a fema reeducation camp.

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You're too funny! I understand completely, sometimes I just want to smack someone into reality. What stops me? Only the left is allowed to smack people without consequences.

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Electronic currency replaces paper fiat. End game.

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Don’t worry.

Own nothing.

Be happy.

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So my question is on this be happy thing, are they going to supply everyone with really good dopamine drugs or do we just get creative?

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They want us all stoned and stupid. My state actively promotes this behavior with the gangster government licensed pot shops sprouting up all over. Government sanctioned drug dealers to keep down the populace and reap the profits. Another example of societal suicide.

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When you read the UN agenda you have to wonder how in the heck any reasonable country is still in the corrupt monster. All world governments are evil and the people of the entire world better realize this ASAP!

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I think most of this is true except that there are some powerful groups fighting back - not because they are heroes but because of their own self-interest. Check out the theory proposed by geopolitical and financial analyst Tom Luongo (link below). He points out that the Fed is now engaged in quantitative tightening (QT) not QE and he posits that they are raising interest rates to destroy what he calls the ‘Davos crowd’ (Schwab, Gates, Lagarde etc) and the EU which rely on the Eurodollar market and USD to finance their plans as Europe is basically broke. The Fed is owned by the big US commercial banks like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs etc., who will have no role in a The Great Reset world as there’s no need for commercial banks when you have a CBDC. The Great Reset is an existential threat to their existence. It’s not that Jerome Powell and Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan CEO) and co are heroes. They are just fighting for their survival and self-interest like the rest of us - and Luongo thinks they will win - although the whole world including the US is going to go through a lot of pain over the next few years in the process. Worth checking him out. https://tomluongo.me/

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Luongo is one of the smartest minds out there, really able to get into the weeds & zoom out as well.

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thankfully they have climate change. I t won't be cold this winter, so they won't need to heat.

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Well...looks like we will all be in for a very bumpy ride. Fall and winter could be

a real disaster for the peeps the world over. The perps must think they are

infallible and victorious. Not. Orchestrated death and destruction will exact a cost

on the perps. That is inevitable, because when people have nothing else to lose,

they lose it.

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Geez this was a hard one to like, looks like the Muse made a great theme song:


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one way or another they want to destroy private property ownership, not that you own anything if you have to pay prop taxes.

where are you located?

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deletedAug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022
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If you only knew how this substack is the antithesis of all the evil social media recruiting nodes out there.....

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