PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH Update: In The Fall The EU Will Be Instrumental In Bringing Down The Global Financial Ponzi
As the psyops flow into and out of each other, the final elements of the Great Reset are now converging as we head into fall and winter.
Global G7 central banks have since 2009 been coordinating their orgiastic money printing scheme such that they have finally ushered in PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION.
Concurrent with this, PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE and it’s associated “clean energy” agenda has been carefully leveraged to choke off energy production while PYSOP-UKRAINE-INVASION sealed the deal; to wit:
The manufactured fertilizer “crisis” is putting pressure on food prices:
Back in the USSA the senile adult diaper soiling ice cream eating pedo criminal puppet’s “administration” is not only impoverishing Americans but also the developing world:
And this “green” scam poverty program is already delivering significant pain across the planet; to wit:
The WEF and UN have been tabletop game planning this “angry world” global revolution for decades. They require the EU and America to go into full on civil war mode so that they can swoop in with their Hegelian dialectical “solution.”
Whichever party wins the midterms will result in an identical outcome: the “winning” party will be blamed for PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH.
Expect the major indices to lose anywhere from 20 to 30% of their values by this December.
VAIDS wreaking absolute havoc this cold and flu season will add fuel to the Wall Street dumpster fire.
Global “markets” are long overdue for their crash to end all crashes.
As the Fed continues to print money despite the hawkish jawboning while pouring accelerant in the form of another 75bps rate hike in September, the other major central banksters have just delivered a hawkish message at Jackson Hole; in other words, the G7 central planners have all been tapped on their proverbial shoulders to take down the system. Raising rates by 75 or even 150bps will do nothing to curb inflation, but it will blow up the middle class and poor: as food and energy prices soar home values will crater. In other words, private property will be further eroded.
We may just see the dreaded biflation scenario after all.
And when the global depression is official, the perpetual lockdowns are de facto instituted as energy and food prices plus decimated disposable income make any kind of travel prohibitively expensive.
Throw in another “pandemic” in PSYOP-22 and/or PSYOP-CYBER-WAR and/or PSYOP-POWER-GRID-OUTAGE and mission accomplished.
Do NOT comply.
my concern is without open dialogue and open exchange of ideas in how to properly manage our existence on earth we will exterminate ourselves because we have allowed A few self-centered dominant individuals to control the narrative!
Seems like the plan is for weakened immune systems do their work in the winter while people have no heat. Cover for all the winter excess deaths will be to blame Putin for no heat instead of the jab.