PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION-22: Germany: Grocery giant Aldi is raising prices on 400 products by up to 30% starting tomorrow & expects discounters like Lidl, Edeka, and Rewe to follow suit
The discounter expects food purchase prices to further rise by 20 to 50 percent over the next few weeks, according to information from the Funke Mediengruppe.
Blaming PSYOP-UKRAINE-INVASION-22 perennial baddie Putin for the neoliberal banking sector along with the private central banks getting the proverbial taps on the shoulders to take down the entire system, en route to the Cult’s One World Government.
True inflation in the USSA is running in excess of 15% now, and we are just in the early innings of the planned hyperinflation. With Biden having announced the largest release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in U.S. history, his handlers framing the disastrous policy, "a wartime bridge." This is done because after the fall gas prices will be in excess of $10 a gallon, which will drive real inflation well above 20% as the dollar is further devalued, all by design.
Concurrent with these pain node Psyops, the European Parliament is about to vote for universal mandatory EU covid passports. This is ahead of PSYOP-22 which will be unleashed shortly after USSA elections, and will be global in scale.
Do NOT comply.
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