Thanks! It’s so hard to have any conversation with jabbed friends, & because of climate hoax, I can’t even change the subject to the weather anymore!

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

Climate change is an even bigger third rail than covid. One text with a video with graphs showing the deception of the theory I had previously believed seems to have alienated my grandson, who was on my side in the covid debate. And, I just got a fear-porn article on the horrors of global warming from Time sent to me by my head-on-her-shoulders-about-covid niece. The woke propaganda is a mine field for those of us who want to share facts.

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Yes but you can plant seeds, may take some time

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They say climate change I say weather wars they say safe and effective I say baby protein spikes

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I remind them about cloud seeding in Vietnam & get blank stare or called crazy conspiracy lady

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Not only that but using agent orange to

Defoliate so they could maneuver better

In jungle. People who do not read or pay attention are not worthy of your precious

Breath lol 😂💕

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I’ve seen the damage at the local VFW.

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Ya mean the Viet Nam Vets...I worked with 2 guys just 6 months after their tour of duty was complete, both from Colorado, came up to Oregon.....these boys/Men were traumatized..and boy they could drink like loggers bc we were interfacing with Loggers ...we sang Jerry Jeff Walker "Up gainst the Wall Red Neck Mother" 10,000 times. Damged Men...I have had 4-5 hour conversation with David big brother to my dear HS friend ....

where did daddy go ?

i am all about the Woman's movement

The great Goddes is raising

I do know Men get broken too in many ways

I do believe men are completely at a loss to manage their emotions

let alone dare show there brokeness in the light of the days

so here .....is my mini take

broken men sometimes break

their own sons

or bend them

to become just the opposite

you will know...

where did daddy go?

from WW 2


Viet Nam

the Gulf war

Iraq 1


Iraq 2

fuk i just dont know

they came to fight for the patriarchs

patriots are they

boys come from every walk of life

boys are boys they say

pecking orders

alpha males guns, knives

sports, hobbies, passions

cars, girls, wives

one up man ships

fending for self and K rations

drinkings, and killing the next

tender moment that crash's in

boys are simple

yet complex

boys hide our sensitive sides as best we could

i am a bull, and fish solid emotionally exuberant

quiet and dark but i am just a man

bad indifferent sometimes good

i am a boy trying to being a man dance

for peace

where did my daddy go ?

he went to a dark space

un noble impossible to replace

open wounds grow

blood and water flows

one must wonder what men at war see

they come back ...who knows

what eats me

the boys leave full of flags

and self confident in training

and god & country

the men come back dark, distant...ohhh

you might see

the machine eats their souls

these wounds stuffed into

the holes

and the woman and family fight a war they never knew

or see


these men may pretend to be brave

the men stand at attention

look in the mirror and shave

and inside the war makes them absent

flag waving has crushed their own soul

fighting an enemy they will never know

where did daddy go?

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Sorry. Veterans of Foreign War . My husband was 22 years in the army, & in desert storm .

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By the way like your name

Always reminds of the Beatle song

She called herself Lil

Lil McGill made this up

But everyone knew her as Nancy

My last name is McAndie lol

So not making fun of your name

Miss McGill

Ever here of Mcgiilicutty ?

Not even sure I know where or what

That is but a word game from the


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A funny story. I was married (& divorced) years ago to Mr . Gil

A few years ago I met my husband & so happy being a McGill. I think mcgillikutty is an alcoholic drink. ( I had to get sober years ago, thank God I did)

Thanks for comment & keep playing word games! We need some fun around here lately. They’ve canceled the comedians..

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Ok I can be v funny I crack myself too.

I think my dad said mcgillicutyy not sure

What it meant happy you got your man

Love ❤️… congrats misses Rosalind

McGill who came mcgillicutyy up north

Where the winds whip still

Who snuck off to consume her own

Batches from her still

And ran boot legged until she met

Her man who’s mr McGill

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Delightful, thanks

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The only humans that have any type of control over the weather are the ones deploying weather weapons. Amazing how made scientists cause havoc with human health, the weather, geoengineered foods, etc. As always. It's the 99% that are punished and taxed into oblivion.

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Every time I see chem trails I know it’s a declaration of war on us. The money spent

Mining, manufacturing, distributing, flying

Everywhere including here Tim buck too

Is just beyond any comprehension. I point

Out these chem trails as they cloud the skies my brother and friend who believe

In global warming deny my claims.

Even when it’s right before their eyes they

Will NOT SEE 🧐

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Sometimes it is warm. At other times it is cool. Creating crises over climate is the work of the fool.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022


Where was the climate legislation ban on private jets that suck up 3 months of energy with each flight,, if Biden's climate policy isn't actually only a fake ploy to block autonomy to travel and to associate?

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What do private jets have to do with Trucker's piece about electronic vehicle controls???

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

Electronic vehicles are a major push of false climate control. Biden's climate policy mandates electric transportation conveyances (and other shifts to electric) on a fast-tracked timetable to replace fossil fuels. The advantage and disadvantages of the big picture of Biden's nearly exclusive over-reach into electric mandates has not been publicly discussed for its full impact upon the average person.

Biden's over-reach of mandates excludes the elites, but only applies to the masses. He and his jet-setting friends, like Soros, Gates, Rockefeller, etc., flew to WEF in Davos recently in their own private jets that suck up in one trip the amount of fossil fuel energy used by numerous nations over an entire year. These billionaires dis-proportionally have the largest energy use footprint in the world. These elites who want to regulate us--the masses--are hypocrites who do not believe in regulating themselves in the same way.

In the 1980s, Rockefeller Foundation sponsored the Rio de Janerio conference and published the carbon dioxide fallacy without any peer-review. A couple scientists present published articles detailing the lack of scientific credibility in Rockefeller's carbon dioxide global warming claims.

WEF now has adopted this fallacy promoted, in effect, by its authors who are WEF members. This fallacy has been think-tanked with non-independent often laundered think-tank money through multiple entities. These PR firms blanketed the mass media which propagandized the carbon dioxide.

Independent scientists have long been too reluctant to publicly criticize structural flaws in theories, especially outside of their published speciality, despite the highest quality scientific debate requiring the widest input of different specialities to uncover the maximum scientific truths. Obtaining grants often requires not stirring up controversy, and scientific thinking pushes forward controversially, especially when profits may be involved.

The failure to deal with private jets is the largest gaping hole showing in my opinion that the jet-setting crowd is only using a false carbon dioxide theory hypocritically. This is so basic that we correctly learned the science in 1st grade that all life depends upon the automatic carbon dioxide and oxygen feedback climate cycle where animals and humans breath out carbon dioxide for the vegetative and tree life forms to breathe in and release oxygen for the animals and humans.

Lying about carbon dioxide that every human exhales being the cause of global warming that will kill humans and life on earth is irrational. 1200 global scientists recently signed such a statement that the sun and photons coming into the earth's ionosphere influence weather, not the life cycle's closed carbon dioxide cycling.

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I am done arguing I just state a fact truth bomb

Leave let them explore the words ….

This is a war Truth needs no promoting nor

Defense but spoken …. If they never get it

Let them wear mask get jabs whistle through the

Grave yard get sick claim it’s long kovid

Done did that gone state fact and like a duck

Shake my feathers … I am willing to cut all

False ties I am seeking Truth they have swallowed the lies. Truth is liberating lies

Are enslaving.

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The only one that has ultimate control over the weather is God not man God will determine through time what the weather will be it is written in the Bible if you read it God is the only one that can control whether not a human being there is no such thing as climate control anybody that thinks that is a foolish idiot thank you very much

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But the media is trying very hard to make us think each year is getting hotter. We get a daily barrage of reporting on “severe weather “. Try turning on ABC evening news and see for yourself. Also, I don’t want to get any shit for watching it because the only reason I turn it on is to see what they want us to be afraid of and know their aims. Aside from climate, recurring themes are Ukraine, Jan 6, and Trump is guilty although they try to make us think they are being objective.

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It would also be helpful to see the average global ocean fluctuations for the last 50 years in a download or a link that can be passed on to federal and state elected officials.

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It would be helpful to show the average US temperatures over the last 50 years in a download as well as the average global temperatures.

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