As the “climate change” screws are turned up to further exacerbate PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION and PSYOP-FAMINE ahead of PSYOP-22 more inconvenient to the WEF, UN, CFR, Club of Rome et al. truths keep coming out:
The UN climate scam began with a bang in 1989, global warming would cause massive upheaval, rising oceans, melting icecaps, drought, floods, storms & the death and dislocation of millions of people. None of these events took place. It was just untrue- no warming for 17 yrs. Fact.
A reminder:
Do NOT comply.
Thanks! It’s so hard to have any conversation with jabbed friends, & because of climate hoax, I can’t even change the subject to the weather anymore!
The only humans that have any type of control over the weather are the ones deploying weather weapons. Amazing how made scientists cause havoc with human health, the weather, geoengineered foods, etc. As always. It's the 99% that are punished and taxed into oblivion.