Yep, we are the carbon.

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No CO2, no life.

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And of course they ignore how we get the lithium and communities of children and adults harmed being forced into slave labor to mine it. And as more of these cars end up on the road the more stories about spontaneously combusting lithium batteries are starting to make headlines. Safe and effective as they’d say.

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It's Cobalt extraction that uses kids to mine in very dangerous conditions. Lithium involves very large and toxic/polluting evaporation ponds that uses lots of water. Approximately 2.2 million litres of water is needed to produce one ton of lithium.

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Shits getting crazy.

5 Environmental Regulators killed on takeoff, heading to the BURNING TRAIN CATASTROPHE


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Want something crazier Jimmy? I heard from a guy who said he needs the aliens (I know, WTF hold onto that for a second) so he can live a Star Trek life. Aliens? If we have been visited by extraterrestrials, it's a damn long trip if they can make it. I think they would send something like a virus or bacterium life form, not little green or grey men like that guy expects.

Back to this Everything we've gotten balloons, "choo choos," saline that's most often a bioweapon, social distancing that's the wrong distance. All has been a giant psyops and it is effecting Canada now too. Clear WWIII stuff since sloJoe was behind it.

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Affecting Canada? We lead the world in idiots running governments.

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He may as well say, “i have enough money to be a what I’d call a dick, climate-wise. You don’t.”

Or, “I have enough $ to continue doing whatever I need to do in order to fulfill my obscene GOD COMPLEX as well as enough $ to tell YOU what you can & cannot do.” His Texas-sized God complex is more important than our need to carry on with our lives as we see fit.

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We humans are always the problem - and it must be true that for "them" we are. They go to so much effort, it's sort of astounding. Yes, they want the planet for something clearly, not human, imo.

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USA and Canada weather stations have been too close to heat retaining structures for years in urban settings!!!! Articles came out last year and before. Google it. I mean use brave. Lol.

The data is flawed!!! Probably also going on in other countries worldwide too.

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Thank you 2nd. Climate change? Climate crisis? Climate emergency? Climate armageddon?

HELLO? Get over yer lunatic selves. All of you dipsticks bleating that knackered, buggered, frigged, sadsack, mantra.

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One of the really bad things 'they' have/are doing (they being the scum behind the poisons, the climate nonsense, etc.) is brainwashing kids in schools such that kids lack critical thought and are unable to challenge the climate lies they are fed.

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Gorebull warming is a psyop. The climate has been cooling from the peak of the Holocene.


Satellite data shows this years temps are not higher than previous years.


Th e sun controls earths climate.


CO2 has a short residence time in the atmosphere of about 4 years.


it appears the sun's magnetic field strength is reflected in the sun spot activity. High sun spots/magnetic field, blocks cosmic rays from the earth. Low sun spots/ magnetic field allow increased cosmic ray bombardment of earth. High cosmic rays make more clouds, cool the earth, less cosmic rays gives clear sky and warming. (Svensmark


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Bill Gates. Bought pfizer stocks low and sold them before talking shit about the vaccine. Mastermind of all assholes.

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Carbon credits, what a racket.

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hi any good reads to know about what you mentioned ? that oil is not organic ?

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What the demons conveniently don't understand is C02 is a needed gas. Take it out and we die. It's that simple. Plants need it to make oxygen which in turn we need to breathe. This is simple science 101, FIRST GRADE!

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I agree with everything written here except one thing: the penultimate sentence and the one before it should switch places.

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