The Cult has dialed back PSYOP-19 in Europe only to have unleashed PSYOP-UKRAINE-INVASION-22 and the resultant PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION-22 as gas prices and food prices are now soaring all because of WEF graduate baddie extraordinaire a one Vlad Putin.
From one manufactured crises of a lab created bioweapon bug and associated slow kill bioweapon injection to the next manufactured crisis to the next and so on and so forth in perfect synergy in order to continue facilitating more draconian mandates en route to technofascist dystopia.
The two key components of PSYOP-19 were always Depopulation and Control. Now the former is being bought back out again as German lawmakers are set to vote on endless mandatory DEATHVAX™ boosters for all citizens 60 years of age and older.
Lawmakers from Germany’s ruling coalition sealed a deal on proposed legislation that would require people aged 60 and older to get vaccinated against Covid-19 from October.
The poison is the dose. The death injections will not be endless by virtue of the elderly dying in skyrocketing all cause mortality, but never from the actual poison.
Remember, that 2 weeks to flatten the curse curve is now anyone aged 60 or older which will invariably become mandatory infant DEATHVAX™; to wit:
The agreement between senior members of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democratic Party, the Greens and the Free Democrats, which could still change before it’s voted through parliament, includes the option of making Covid shots mandatory for everyone aged 18 or older if the development of the pandemic this fall warrants it, according to a paper published late Tuesday.
IF the NAZI 2.0 Social Democratic Party gets its way, then the EU will in effect be in a sterilization and depopulation phase. Of course, only “if the development of the pandemic this fall warrants it,” but considering there was never any global “pandemic” (2020 global death rate was 0.76% same as 2019, and 2018), we can assume that another “pandemic” will be manufactured in the upcoming PSYOP-22.
“We are united by the goal of effective prevention through the highest possible level of basic immunity for all adults for the fall, because in this way we can prevent the health system from being overwhelmed,” they added.
Except, as admitted by ALL of the BigPharma manufacturers, the puppet at the CDC and even the captured FDA, the DEATHVAX™ confers ZERO IMMUNITY.
Scholz, who backs a vaccine mandate along with Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, justified the move by saying that such “matters of conscience” should be decided in parliament and not by the government.
No, “matters of conscience” should only ever be decided by the free individual. But in the EU, as well as in the USSA, that is anathema to the technocratic elite hellbent on eliminating as many useless eaters as possible before they rollout the full-blown social credit score posthuman 2.0 system for those that survive these “vaccine” mandates.
“This compulsory vaccination from the age of 60 will help us to get through the fall with freedom,” Klingbeil said in an interview with RTL television late Tuesday.
Compulsory is Freedom, and Freedom is Slavery: Pure Orwellian reality inversion.
Never forget, your human rights are property of the illegitimate and as such wholly criminal State. And now with the added benefit of nature perverted via Modified mRNA gene therapies, all notions of natural rights are out the window since the DEATHVAX™ subjects’ very own biologies are now partly patented.
Bloomberg article.
Do NOT comply.
One word: grotesque.
thank fuck it got voted down...