Whether it’s imbibing in the laced Kool-Aid or subjecting oneself to the DEATHVAX™, the denouement of every Death Cult member is always the same; namely, suicide.
This video perfectly illustrates the mindless trust and compliance of the average Canadian Death Cultist, which is sadly the majority of the population there. All of the interviewees “Trust the Science” yet know nothing of actual science. They insouciantly obey their Nanny State and its dopey Cult WEF puppet Trudeau:
The low IQ’s just hum along with MSM talking points commingling with State supplied virtue signaling. These slaves are model early adopters of the Social Credit Score system and the associated UBI CBDC programs awaiting them, readily primed for happiness in owning nothing, not even their own bodily autonomy.
When watching such videos there are moments when yours truly thinks that maybe, just maybe the Cabal and their front people like Schwab et al. have the right idea in depopulating these idiots off of the face of the planet. After all, since they are imbecilically complying with their own demises, then maybe, just maybe— and then I stop these thoughts dead in their tracks.
Because there will come a time when the surviving DEATHVAX™ subjects will need to be welcomed into the fold in order to defeat this Technocratic evil.
Do NOT comply.
I agree that these people are not so bright, not following the science. I'm sure you can find people like that in every country. I'm in Ontario Canada and know of 3 groups of people who are not vaxxed and will never comply. "this is the hill to die on," many of them say.
I know some who have left Canada and others who want to leave.
It's unkind to paint us all with the same brush.
Great video. Would you post another video in about 12 months of them talking about their 8th booster. That is, the ones that are still alive and can talk.