NEW - PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE: Bill Gates and the Secret Push to Save "Biden’s" Climate Bill
The billionaire "philanthropist" was among those lobbying Joe Manchin, starting BEFORE Biden took the White House. A look at the influencers who secured a rare "climate" win.
When the Founding Fathers conceived America they were acutely aware that venal influence peddler sociopaths like Bill Gates would one day come along to destroy this nation. They did their very best to protect We the People for careerist politicians that never did much of anything in the private sector and were thus that much more prone to bribery and manipulation.
It so happens that the senile ice cream eating adult diaper soiling pedo that is compromised by the CCP and involved in Ukraine money laundering and God knows what other crimes has exceeded the worst of all possible nightmare scenarios that the Framers could have ever imagined such that the rates at which they are spinning in their respective graves could drive the energy needs of not just this planet but all dimensions and galaxies.
The majority of politicians today are captured by the WEF, UN, CIA, Cult created and owned puppets like Bill Gates and his felonious non-profits, et al. These lifelong government grifters only ever subvert their constituents; to wit:
How do you think the vast majority of Americans that wrongly believe in the “death and taxes” social engineering scam would respond to polls on the following?:
Do you support $80 billion or double the criminal IRS budget for an addition 87,000 thieving goons?
Do you support $374 billion in new “climate” spending in the “Inflation Reduction” Act, one of the worst bills in US history?
Do you support hundreds of billions of dollars stolen from American tax slaves only to be gifted to Ukraine?
Do you support “green” policies like closing down pipelines and coal plants that are causing your gas prices to soar?
Do you think the government is representing your interests and values?
Unlike losers like Obama, Biden, and AOC, Joe Manchin had some success in the private sector before entering politics; in fact, the great irony here is that he founded a waste coal brokerage company. This is precisely why he balked multiple times at supporting the “Inflation Reduction” Act which he knew was like all bills these days a complete fraud that would especially hurt his state. Enter Bill gates:
It was the middle of July — with temperatures surging through one of the hottest summers in US history, half of the country in drought — and the Senate’s all-important member, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, had slammed the brakes on legislation to combat global warming. Again.
That’s when billionaire philanthropist and clean-energy investor Bill Gates got on the phone with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, whose job it was to hold together the Democrats’ no-vote-to-spare majority.
This is not a properly functioning government. This is a coup d'état.
One of the world’s richest men felt he had to give one of the nation’s most powerful lawmakers a little pep talk. “[Schumer] said to me on one call that he’d shown infinite patience,” Gates recounted in an interview last week, describing for the first time his personal effort to keep climate legislation alive.
“You’re right,” Gates told Schumer. “And all you need to do is show infinite plus one patience.”
Gates was banking on more than just his trademark optimism about addressing climate change and other seemingly intractable problems that have been his focus since stepping down as Microsoft’s chief executive two decades ago. As he revealed to Bloomberg Green, he has quietly lobbied Manchin and other senators, starting before President Joe Biden had won the White House, in anticipation of a rare moment in which heavy federal spending might be secured for the clean-energy transition.
Or why lobbying must be outlawed. Gates does not represent We the People, he represents the Cult and their WEF, WHO, UN, etc. nodes that want us dead.
So Gates and the other technocratic agents assembled a group of “experts” to pressure Joe Manchin into voting for more crimes against America.
Collin O’Mara, chief executive officer of the National Wildlife Federation, recruited economists to assuage Manchin’s concerns — including representatives from the University of Chicago and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware brought in a heavyweight: former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, who has spent decades advising Democrats.
The economists were able to “send this signal that [the bill’s] going to help with the deficit,” O’Mara said. “It’s going to be slightly deflationary and it’s going to spur growth and investment in all these areas.”
The reality inversion “signal” could only ever convince an ignoramus and/or compromised politician that any of the inflationary money laundering schemes contained within this “Inflation Reduction” Act could ever “help” with the deficit.
This “signal” reminds one of the following Reagan quote:
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
Of course, “help” is always the exact opposite of whatever is professed:
Through this subtle alchemy, clean-energy investments could be reframed for Manchin as a hedge against future spikes in oil and gas prices and a way to potentially export more energy to Europe.
Not so subtle alchemy and much reframing. What Gates and his cadre of mendacious “experts” did was quite literally baffle Joe Manchin with utter bullshit. And in turn Joe Manchin signed on to pass this Baffle With Bullshit Act.
It’s by far the biggest financial commitment the US government has ever made to fight climate change. The emissions reductions that will result from this law will be roughly the same as eliminating the annual planet-warming pollution of France and Germany combined, or about 2.5% of the total global greenhouse gas output, according to researchers who specialize in climate modeling. It might be just about enough to revive the virtually left-for-dead goal of limiting warming to 1.5° Celsius, as enshrined in the Paris Agreement.
It’s by far the biggest unconstitutional scam bill that only 1% of Americans want, yet all of the 1% elites like Gates desperately need.
The dual crimes of more taxes and increased inflation are exactly what the Great Reset requires. Turning the stressor screws up on productive people until they are eradicated is critical to the WEF endgame. (Yuval Noah Harari’s wet-dream is for whoever survives post-DEATHVAX™ to become so depressed and aimless in their senseless Meta virtual reality lives that they will beseech the likes of him for the “freedom” to be euthanized.)
No coincidences: “vaxxes” and taxes: the Cult sent Gates on this “climate” tax scheme exactly at the same time that they were rolling out PSYOP-19:
The Bill Behind the Bill
Gates started wooing Manchin and other senators who might prove pivotal for clean-energy policy in 2019 over a meal in Washington DC. “My dialogue with Joe has been going on for quite a while,” Gates said. “Almost everyone on the energy committee” — of which Manchin was then the senior-most Democrat — “came over and spent a few hours with me over dinner.”
Because PSYOP-19 ends with PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE.
While a carbon tax could level the playing field, the US failed spectacularly when it tried to enact that policy under President Barack Obama. Manchin at the time released a campaign ad in which he shot a bullet into a copy of the cap-and-trade bill favored by many lawmakers in his party.
Carbon taxes = Decarbonization = Depopulation.
Another Cult owned puppet and corporate welfare (money stolen from We the People) queen is Elon Musk. His mega polluting Telsa only ever made a profit from ZEV credits which are essentially carbon credits. His vehicles are all taxpayer subsidized, just like Bill Gates’s “nonprofits” are. Neither of them pay any taxes. But we digress…
Tax credits are the other way governments can help overcome what Gates calls the “green premium,” easing the path to commercial adoption. New climate-friendly technologies such as hydrogen, advanced nuclear reactors, carbon capture and sustainable aviation fuel need this kind of support right now. The sum that can be brought to bear by the US government would be “far greater than any individual’s fortune,” said Gates.
Note the overt technocommunism in the last quote. Translation: steal from the individuals to fund policies that directly subvert said individuals because the 1% are far greater than the victims. Put another way: your money is being used against you, but collectivism will save us all.
There’s been such whiplash from 2016 when, as Gates puts it, green spending from the US government “had dropped to near zero.” Six years later, American climate finance has been “reinvigorated,” and Gates now sees innovation “going way faster than I expected. That's why I'm optimistic that we will solve this thing.”
This “thing” as Gates so ineloquently put it is “green” spending to exacerbate PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION on the American worker’s dime while driving PSYOP-SUPPLY-CHAIN-BREAKDOWN straight to bug food and synthetic estrogen “meat”:
When the US government, which by the way has zero constitutional right to spend a single red cent on “green” anything, was not funding the “green” scam inflation was fairly low while real unemployment was far more robust than now; in fact, America was energy independent and a net exporter versus begging for cheap oil from other nations. In 2016 CO2 was the same at around 421ppm as it is now, not that carbon is a control knob for climate or weather.
All of the psyops flow into and out of each other, and this “Inflation Reduction” Act serves to hasten the ushering in of the 4th Industrial Revolution hell on earth which is why Gates has been so instrumental in its passing.
The whitewash disinformation Bloomberg article may be read in its entirety here.
Do NOT comply.
Will no one rid us of this troublesome philanthropath?
What gets me is the naming the Bill the opposite of what it does. For the lowest 30 percentile, it works for the 30 percent not paying attention, maybe it works, for the 5 or 10 percent plus bots that are their base? It works. But for the rest.? Printing money on that scale still CAUSES inflation.