This brilliant animated infographic clearly establishes that the Upper Middle Class are being targeted and depopulated by the PSYOP-19 program. This perfectly jibes with the Technocratic WEF/WHO/UN One World Government agenda:
The Low Class Developing World is firmly in the Cult’s sights next, but first the West must be depopulated and controlled.
Bonus: American data showing excess deaths as direct function of DEATHVAX™ doses:

Summing up the above USSA data:
Excess Mortality 2021 Q3:
129% INCREASE in 0-24 year olds
181% INCREASE in 25-34 year olds
217% INCREASE in 35-44 year olds
208% INCREASE in 45-54 year olds
This too jibes with what the illegitimate USSA government has been perpetrating against the middle class since 1913, and especially since the Great Financial Crisis of 2008. With the immanent PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH-22 now underway, expect the further demolition of the middle class as all-cause mortality continues to increase.
Expect PSYOP-22 to be rolled out shortly, with the associated lockdowns, masking and DEATHVAX™ 2.0 injections.
America must be destroyed for the Great Reset to take hold globally.
Do NOT comply.
So they're killing off their own cult followers, then? (The upper middle class.)
Check out this link for a page out of the "old" NWO manual.
Gotta love those Commies (or whatever they are-Satanists), they know how to stick to a plan!