I just read that Harry, you know, the black sheep prince, has (had) all his money in the bank. And Opra has (had) 500 million deposited in various accounts in SVB. It must be the WOKE bank.

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They are about to be made whole. This is a feudal system and some are more equal than others.

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There will be a bail-in, so yes, you are right.

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Coming eventually. Not needed this time

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They may have been the ones who withdrew their money leading to the collapse.

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From my reading, most are trapped—billions due to Illiquid assets—lots of public companies amounting to billions. Many start-ups can't make payroll. A few rich tech guys are loaning cash to them to get by.

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like Theil? who did get his out of there.....

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yeah that is sus. Who says 1.7% over 10 years is a good investment? SVB!!

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And just so, "they" are talking about a bailout to make depositors whole. Do you think they would do that if only no-name depositors were affected?

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I take comfort knowing my money was stolen in a #diverse and #inclusive way, with a positive outlook for the #innovationeconomy

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I needed that laugh - well written snark saves the day. So glad I pulled my money from a woke bank after telling them I didn't see how/why DEI was a banking priority.

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I salute you

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Go woke

Go broke

The perfect way to infiltrate and collapse institutions.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Oh boy, what a great article.

While reading the article Speaker McCarthy was on Mornings with Marie. She asked him about SVB. His reply, and I paraphrase,is that Powell and Yellen have the tools to solve this problem and the “Administration” will work to fix it before tomorrow morning.

Doesn’t that give us all the satisfaction we need to sleep well tonight.

Wait a second. Aren’t these the same tools that lead up to this situation?

I agree. Don’t comply.

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"The banking sector is contained."

-- Unelected Bureaucrats on Monday, March 13th, 2023

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Can't even muster a coherent rant today.

Shot down and wounded by the Texas Department of Public Safety and put in my Diversity Equity Inclusion place. Won't be able to renew my 60- year Texas driver's because I guess I'm among the unchosen.

My once great state of Texas has sold we the people out to the federal branch of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. That transfer of state sovereignty includes Texas Department of Public Safety which lost its Texas franchise to that international cabal.

Soon there will only be PUBLIC Transportation on PUBLIC Roads.

Maybe all the cars without drivers can be used as human shelters, that is, if some of we humans are allowed to live.

I think the collapse of the bankster system and USA economy could be a blessing in disguise.

Pray unceasingly.


You thought evil against me: but God turned it into good, that he might exalt me, as at present you see, and might save many people.

Genesis 50:20

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Reading this at 3:30 am, hilarious. Thank you :)

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I like how their CFO is a Lehman Brothers refugee. Such confidence inspiring white bread and mayonnaise personnel virtue signaling DEI, which in SVB’s case is now DIE.

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Right? I'm sure he will show up on somebody else's executive org chart shortly. These parasite bankers always seem to land on their feet.

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it's a big club, and we ain't in it

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This was an awesome article!!! The analogy to a New England hockey team was perfect. This matches perfectly with several 5000 plus corporations I have worked for. I look like the executive team, but every employee communication is saturated with trans and racial cultural virtue signaling and absolutely no one who represents me. The message is a handful at the very top. Demoralizing of any possible competition and build several layers of the protected segments in between.

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I, a fellow bald white guy, found the article truly entertaining.

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First of many financial house of cards to crash? Personal savings have gone negative! DC Clown College will run amok next week!

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the inability of their clients to make payroll guarantees a domino effect starting 9am ET.

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Sadly, you are right. I believe this is the Black Swan event that will trigger a major diaster.

Biden policies have just made things worst and inevitable.

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Hmmm, I am getting an overwhelming feeling of dé·jà vu. Several of the thoughts of FTX and Mother Weffer money laundering are floating to the surface. The fact that they have a WEF photo collage as a website and catering to the Israeli technology companies is enough of a red flag showing that we’re there’s smoke, there’s going to be a fire sale.

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Is the tax paying American citizen on a similar carnival ride?

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At least there will be equity in the firings.

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023

too bad they didn't think about their depositor's financial well being!

ultimate virtue signaling ... green house emissions now going down to zero since they're bankrupt

at least their board had a dude name "John China". That's Asian representation right?

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We live in a very worrisome time on all fronts and most people go about their little lives with little or no awareness. The narrative has been controlled and this movie will not have a happy ending.

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