I'd like to see them try and take my chickens and pigs and rip up my cabbages.

These lunatics can just fuck right off.

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May 19, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

The war on agricultural production, especially against small farmers, has been going on for decades and is part of an ongoing conspiracy. It's awful. Here is Gore Vidal on the topic in "Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, p. 61:

“But Dyer has unearthed a genuine ongoing conspiracy that affects everyone in the United States. Currently, a handful of agro-conglomerates are working to drive America's remaining small farmers off their land by systematically paying them less for their produce than it costs to grow, thus forcing them to get loans from the conglomerates' banks, assume mortgages, and undergo foreclosures and the sale of land to corporate-controlled agribusiness. But is this really a conspiracy or just the Darwinian workings of an efficient marketplace? There is, for once, a smoking gun in the form of a blueprint describing how best to rid the nation of small farmers. Dyer writes: "In 1962, the Committee for Economic Development comprised approximately seventy-five of the nation's most powerful corporate executives. They represented not only the food industry but also oil and gas, insurance, investment and retail industries. Almost all groups that stood to gain from consolidation were represented on that committee. Their report [An Adaptive Program for Agriculture] outlined a plan to eliminate farmers and farms. It was detailed and well thought out." Simultaneously, "as early as 1964, congressmen were being told by industry giants like Pillsbury, Swift, General Foods, and Campbell Soup that the biggest problem in agriculture was too many farmers."....So a conspiracy has been set in motion to replace the Jeffersonian ideal of a nation whose backbone was the independent farm family with a series of agribusiness monopolies where, Dyer writes,"these companies controlled 96% of U.S. wheat exports, 95% of U.S. corn exports," and so on through the busy aisles of [grocery stores]. Has consolidation been good for the customers? By and large, no."

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I hereby pledge I will keep all my emissions under that of John Kerry, for the planet.

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I am going to have to come back and read this later but just from seeing the name in the title I want to say that John Kerry is an enormous buffoon, liar, hypocrite, and piece of shit. He could have been cast in The Walking Dead without makeup.

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Control the food, control the people; control the resources, control the continent; control the money, control the world. Same battle, different tactics.

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It’s all done. At least here in Europe. The Germans are not only completely oblivious to the ongoing Dutch farmers problems, they don’t generally care. Their farmers have been spared from “net zeroing” regulations for now. So they don’t care and they adopted ostrich strategy. Food is still available and relatively not expensive. The compliance is extraordinarily high. Tomorrow when The Cult comes for them there won’t be any Dutch left to sympathize with German farmers. Then there will come time for other nations.

“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out-because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out-because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak for me.”

Martin Niemöller.

I admire your ongoing and relentless battle for humanity 2nd..., but it requires involvement of humans to achieve any level of success. From my perspective I can’t see any of it, so my hopes are fading away. I hope I am the only one seeing it this way.

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John Kerry; Joe & Hunter Biden; Hussain Obama; Chelsea Clinton & The Clinton’s; The Bush’s; Rothschild’s; Rockefeller’s and many Global Leaders are all members of The World Economic Forum which is founded by Klaus Schwab, a Jewish-Satanic Demon who serves Lucifer and his visions include a Hierarchical Society of Global Elites in charge of Humanity. These psychopathic individuals believe that they have the power and rights to enslave Humanity by microchipping them with Graphene Oxide which they re-invented by creating a new engineering of an element of Carbon. They used nanotechnology to produce very small amounts of Graphene Oxide and injected them into humans during their Plannedemic [The Rockefeller’s 2010, PDF Document, “Operation LockStep Scenario” explains a step-by-step process on creating a Crisis and use it to your advantage. It describes how to create fear mongering by using their media. It describes how to force the public into lockdowns, enforcing mandatory masks and mandates for their Graphene Oxide, MRNA, DNA 🧬 ALTERING JABS to depopulate the world. Bill Gates has played a major part of deceiving the masses. Anthony Fauci played a huge part in actually genetically modifying Human Cells & Bat 🦇 Cells to make it possible for transferring a virus from one species to another species, a process called “Gain of Function.” Fauci & Gates are members of The WEF. They have made millions of dollars from their Bio-Warfare laboratory experiments. Their goal=Depopulation and Control Over Humanity

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This means civil war can not be avoided.

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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023

We out number them in the millions!!! If this doesn’t provoke people, I don’t know what will! It’s time for all of us to organize and stop these monsters!!! Kerry has exploited everything for personal gain and its time all these treasonous monsters are taken out just like he wants all of us taken out! Now its clear what are founding fathers had to do! It’s time!

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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023

We are fighting the Fascist Fabian Society out of Oxford, Britain, the origin of Nazi Germany's descendants...The 'Death Cult' ideology governing Europe historically using starvation, sickness, weakness, illiteracy, stupidity as population management to DEPOPULATE AND ENSLAVE SOCIETY...SLAVERY THEY Called SERFDOM AND PEASEANTRY which was the same thing. "You will own nothing and you'll be happy." has always been the motto of traditional Europe.

The American Dream was NOT about becoming a Movie Star or Model. "The American Dream" was about OWNING LAND AND HAVING THE MEANS TO FEED ONE'S SELF AND ONE'S FAMILY unlike anywhere in the old world where the International Mafia Death Cult owned everything and death could and did result from fishing in the master's streams or ponds, or hunting game to feed one's STARVING FAMILY; overtaxed for the Master's Table...Who did NO WORK AT ALL.

One has to be totally bonkers to believe these Parasite Psycho/Sociopathic Predators will stop anything simply form 'RESISTANCE'...That's a fallacy. BLOOD ON THE LINE IS THE ONLY WAY 'THE PEOPLE' WILL REGAIN THEIR POWER AND INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS; especially, NOW THAT THEY KNOW WE SEE THROUGH THEIR HISTORICAL B.S. unlike ever before. They will fight this time as they know WE WILL END THEM AND THEIR OWN BLOODY DESCENDENT'S POWER AND SPECIAL PRIVILEGE FOREVER.

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May 21, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Stalin did this to Ukraine in 1932-33. It was called Holodomor, or murder by starvation. Govt took over all small farms owned by peasants and turned them into collectives; government-owned distribution of food. Millions died.

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i'd declare war on john kerry. thankfully most farmers are armed

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Farmers in America, unlike in soy sad lad places like the Netherlands, have guns. Bring it.

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Is it just me, but doesn't John Kerry look like Count Dracula?

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May 21, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Obama's Igor..

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The WEF is the same as the One World Government globalists. No doubt.

Schwab, Soros, Gates, Rothschild, Trudeau, etc are determined to rule the world and are pushing these initiatives.

All for population control.

Why are they still breathing?

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