wow ... that is not very japanese. amazing whats going on there.

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Glad you noticed too. He has to be very very upset to behave so unJapanese like.

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It's genocide, across the globe.

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All a bit late now to protest and as you infer a deliberate plan.

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Dude... We are 8 billions... For a genocide.... A complete failure

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You and rest of us don't know what the medium to longer term effects are. Right now birth rates are crashing in all Western nations that pushed the mRNA jabs.

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As you have consistently illuminated and amplified in your important ‘stack, the impeccably stainless and qualified virologists, epidemiologists, MDs, biologists (I mention none specifically here.... we know --and owe-- them all) it is already too late for millions. The completely corrupt and incurious Media intentionally threw a dark blanket over the facts and prevented millions from exercising their God-given common sense.

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These are logical, thoughtful, and trustworthy people. Daunting report.

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Msm complicit. I guess they don't have loved ones to be accountable for.

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With msm anchors & reporters collapsing, dying, or getting paralyzed mid-reporting, it's clear they drank the kool-aid.

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You took the words out of my mouth. WEF and Gates et al must laugh themselves silly watching these dolts do their bidding and then die in real time on live TV in front of millions. Then the same clips go viral around the globe to billions. There are no words for this evil.

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I always wondered if they watched the early news reports from Italy & laughed at the sight of all those poor, dying people in rows of beds, face down with their naked butts propped up high in the air, in a desperate attempt to get O2 circulating.

Nothing like dying with dignity. ☹️

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I have watched this clip of Dr Fukushima a couple of times - he hits all the bases. He’s a cancer specialist with 25 years of practice. But what really stuck out to me was this one sentence: he said everyone who got the jab now has high blood pressure. The most basic of regulatory functions is damaged in billions of people. Everyone I know over 50 who took the jab, regardless of the manufacturer, has high BP. It’s unbelievable. I am grateful he lost his cool - his life’s work, his patients’ very lives have been destroyed in one fell swoop. Not to mention he also must surely be jabbed himself, as well as his much loved family members. God help us all.

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My dear friend went to Koyoto University where she met and married...a doctor who specializes in oncology.

Contracting covid in Japan has become a source of great shame for all (except for vaccinated healthcare workers). My friend is vaxed. Her wonderful husband, too. Breaks my heart. Am waiting to call her till it doesn’t seem rudely obvious. Her husband and this man I think must be close friends. This is most unusual!

There was one murder in Tokyo last year and the whole city found that alarming. Parents there send small children to the store with money to shop...traveling alone on a bus! People there really respect rules. Really.

This is amazing that he risked so much!! I may write him a letter of support. He will feel....dunno, can but begin to imagine. What strength to stand as a lone voice!

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I am staying all over this, please keep me updated & in the loop.

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Thanks for posting this. A little chat between me (40 years in Japan now) and The Naked Emperor in comments and on my page. Something I need to add from the hour long plus meeting aired on Twitter Japan ... the meeting was chaired by representative Kawada ... a famous symbol and victim of the government's scandal allowing infected blood to knowingly cause AIDS in recipients of blood transfusions ... https://nakedemperor.substack.com/p/professor-emeritus-at-kyoto-university

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Wow, Dr. Fukushima let 'em have it full broadsides. Another man of courage who's credentials cannot be questioned. Let's see how our press covers this piece of reality. Oh, forgot. Our MSM is not into reality.

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deliberate destruction of the global middle class

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Not misconceived if you work from the premise the jab is not a vaccine and has another purpose.

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