Getting covid was the best thing to have happened to me! I took Ivermectin during covid and not only did it get rid of the covid it got rid of my 15 plus years of stomach problems. No Dr's ever helped me! Over the years I tried every diet, no gluten, no dairy, nothing spicy but nothing helped except Nexium (Pfizer)

Nexium is a short term drug (2 weeks) but it helped so, I took it for 15 years. I knew it was bad for me but I couldn't stop taking it. In November of 2023, I got covid and took Ivermectin, all of my stomach issues were gone and still are. I can eat and drink whatever I want with zero issues now and I feel great!!

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FLCCC says to take Ivermectin with a meal for best absorption, but just about anywhere else (through internet search) says take on empty stomach. Does anyone have any research showing which way would be the most effective way for taking IVM?

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Ivermectin's effacacy threatened the EAU of the bioweapon VAXX death shot., of which gives immunity for crimes of fraud committed to Gates and company (WEF). With turbo cancers from Vaxxed victims, Iver and Fenben is more important than ever. Beware of the X virus coming from Porton Downs et al-it has a 20% mortality rate as WEF's current telegraph road warning sign!.

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Thanks again 2nd Smartest Human. Got my last order of PetMectin in a weeks time. Just now ordered more! It actually says Ivermectin on the back side of pills. Any idea of if you should or should NOT take it with food? Regards as always.😊

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New sub / follower. Excellent content. Question: Is it reasonable to take ivermectin or fenbendazole regularly for "prevention" over the long term, like a vitamin, instead of a medicine after you get sick? If so, what is the suggested protocol?

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Probably, just goes to show that most of us are infected with parasites.

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I’d really like to purchase two of the products. However there’s no instructions on how much to take, and or how often.

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I’ve seen the Tippens protocols for taking Fenbenzadole,, but have yet to find one for Ivermectin other than for the psych-op. Any suggestions?

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It appears that yet another antiparasitic compound called artiminin is being repurposed to treat cancer. What is it about antiparasitics? Are cancers born of parasitic infection? In any event, the research seems promising according to this report:


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what is the purity of the petfenben and where is it made?

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Anyone know a dosage schedule for liver/spleen/digestive issues but not cancer? My large intestine needs a good cleaning and and from what my holistic doctor has said, that spike proteins or whatever they are linger in the gut, liver and spleen. I’m around vaxed clients onhoing🙄but I’m def not vaxed! Thanks

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His book cancer care has become our 2nd bible

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I love ivermectin!!!

(and vitamin d levels over 40-60, even 60-80; and high dose, divided doses of vitamin c .... liposomal vitamin c, intravenous vitamin c ................ and only know a little about it but low dose naltrexone and on and on .......... orthomolecular medicine and repurposed drugs have a lot to offer. )


March/ April 2020 ivermectin used by 3 clinics in Key West, Florida

Dr. Bruce Boros, owner of Advanced Urgent Care of the Florida Keys


April 2020 ivermectin used by 4 hospital system in Broward County Florida

"Broward Health has approved the anti-parasite drug for its “portfolio” of medications its doctors can use to treat COVID-19 after one of its physicians theorized dozens of his patients beginning in April recovered after taking it, said Dave Lacknauth, executive director of pharmacy services and system integrative at the four-hospital network. “We think of it as helping stop the viral replication early on in the process,” Lacknauth said." ................................

"Dr. Jean-Jacques Rajter, a Fort Lauderdale pulmonologist with the Broward Health system, began prescribing ivermectin in April [2020], and his reported patients’ outcomes led the hospital system to approve it as a COVID-19 treatment." ..............................

Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/florida-keys/article245313450.html#storylink=cpy


March 2020 - Sept 2020 6000 people with covid treated with ivermectin Dominican Republic

three medical centers located in Puerto Plata, La Romana, and Punta Cana, Dr. José Natalio Redondo


September 2020 Uttar Pradesh, India (2nd largest state in India by population (210 million compared to 330 million population of U.S.)

excerpt from a May 2021 article "The state [of Uttar Pradesh in India] Health Department introduced Ivermectin as prophylaxis for close contacts of Covid patients, health workers as well as for the treatment of the patients themselves through a government order on August 6, 2020. (Wikimedia Commons) ................ "Citing the results from Agra [a smaller state in India] in the month of May and June [2020] last year, following which the use of Ivermectin, a medicine to treat parasitic ailments, along with Doxycycline was introduced as a protocol across the state for both prophylactic as well as treatment purposes, the state Health Department said it would conduct a controlled study once the second wave of the pandemic subsides. " https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/lucknow/uttar-pradesh-government-says-ivermectin-helped-to-keep-deaths-low-7311786/


May 2021 all of India uses ivermectin

August 2021 Japan uses ivermectin

You can compare different U.S. states ..... numbers of cases and numbers of deaths ...........

and pick out who used ivermectin and who did not is my working hypothesis .............. comparing Utah and Maryland ....... then searching on Utah and Ivermectin ....... you find that the Utah Senate Majority leader owns pharmacies and allowed ivermectin across his state (my interpretation) ............

from worldometers.info .... number of covid cases, number of covid deaths.............

Maryland 1,431,528 17,505

Utah 1,122,022 5,453

Maryland, where I have lived my whole life, is very much under the thumb of the federal government I have come to think. The politics is brutal and the amounts of money being struggled over is incredible. and the elections are fraudulent.

excerpt from https://www.marylandmatters.org/2019/08/06/erasing-history-baltimore-renames-park-strikes-all-trace-of-iconic-congressman/ "Much of the Eighth Ward that had been populated by the Irish became the Tenth Ward just before the turn of the 20th century, when the boundaries of the city’s election districts were reconfigured. The new boundaries, which still exist today, were the rectangle bounded by E. Preston Street, N. Caroline Street, E. Monument Street and The Fallsway.

Thereafter, the Tenth Ward was known, in a rather high-minded and exalted fashion, as “The Gibraltar of Democracy.”

The Hendricks Club was born in the days when U.S. Sen. Arthur Pue Gorman, of Howard County, and I. Freeman Rasin, the undisputed citywide boss of Baltimore, reigned supreme in Maryland as “The Ring.”

When Rasin died in 1907, the mantle of citywide boss fell to John J. “Sonny” Mahon, who drew heavily on support from the Hendricks Club.

It was said in those days that on Election Day, the returns from the Tenth Ward precincts would be held back until word came from downtown as to the number of votes needed to put the organization ticket over the top." look at 1994 Governor's race in Maryland, Sauerbrey lost by 5993 votes with 6000 votes without signatures found in Baltimore City .... 3 years later Linda Lamone was made head of elections in Maryland ..... retired Sept 2023 ........ also was on the Advisory Board and in 2015 Chair of the Executive Committee .... part of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission which tests and authorizes election software. Commission created in 2002 by the U.S. Congress Help America Vote Act (HAVA).

Finding out that Nancy Pelosi's father was mayor of Baltimore 1947-1959 ... her brother mayor from 1967-1971 over the time of the presumably 1968 organized riots ... her father was a congressman from Maryland's 3rd district ... my district in the late 1930s I believe it was.

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When you say you take two a month do you take two in one dose or one on consecutive days.

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pantoprazole has been prescribed for Barrets Esophagus ,apparently safe.

Anyone have experiences with taking it long term?

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