So, now they are just making things up to justify their mistakes.

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they were making it all up from day 1, it's just getting increasingly more pathetic as the scam falls apart.

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"You really can't make this $h!t up."

Well, actually I guess you can.

Thanks, 2SG, you have been "on it."

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This guy is a prime example of what happens to a person when he surrenders to the utterly anti-logic NWO Borg. He is a clown.

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They made it up to create the problem.

Let's not forget, the injections were not made for the "virus," the "virus" was conjured up to promote the injections.

I told people from day 1 that this would be the first virus in human history for which the only solution was a never-ending string of government approved and sponsored injections. Using those words exactly.

Talk about being a pariah! I ended up deleating all of my facebook friend list and am off of facebook. Good for me. But even people now realizing the reality were criticizing me back in the spring of 2020.

If you understand who's truly behind this, you can spot their horrors the moment that they are perpetrated. If not, well, you're fodder for them to one or more extents.

I also never once wore a mask much less ever got tested.

These people are sons of hell, liars thru and thru!!! That cannot possibly be stated staunchly enough.

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Not a mistake. Will try to avoid culpability for the rapidly growing deaths and injuries. The German health minister is totally deranged.

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The man has totally lost it. Needs one of those white jackets with the arms that tie behind the back.

Because actually, the shots do one thing very well...they suppress symptoms of Covid...so the vaxxed have turned into the proverbial asymptomatic carriers....

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More like the unvaccinated never develop symptoms and the vaccinated constantly have covid even in non flu season months. Half the vaccinated people I work with have gotten Covid this month. We all work remotely so they didn’t spread it amongst themselves.

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That man is seriously mentally ill. He needs to be internated in a maximum security ward and never let out. He is crazy as they come.

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Clearly he is preparing for his next career as a stand up comic

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I wonder what genius came up with this latest mental gymnastic feat? Remarkable. Sometimes I wonder at what level they are deceived: do they truly believe the b. s., or do they merely think others are too stupid to see through it?

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YES they actually do beleive it - it's been written and proven the majority of these government officials politician's etc are all sociopath's - Chris Christie of NJ was classic as is Tony Fauci! This is why you can't get mad - they're truly delusional.

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People like this need to be sat down and injected with their boosters monthly. ALL politicians behind this. Every last one including anyone involved at the top levels.

Then during the month, they all need to be sat down, Pay Per View style, and treated to a seven course meal of only bugs and insects and other earthy filth. Then an insect smoothie for dessert.

And who are these people to suggest that only some of humanity should live, but THEY decide, and lo and behold, THEY are included.

It's entirely a spiritual conflict and the gloves and masks (proverbial) are off now. They are fully exposing themselves and don't care.

The trappings of their system (perceived wealth in a variety of forms) is largely what is keeping people compliant. If those trappings are removed first, then it's quite possibly game-over for those Global Elites. If their NWO occurs first, then besides those trappings still being removed subsequent to that, then it's likely game-over for humanity.

Greed is our own worst enemy right now.

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My doctor will believe every word he says.

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Lauterhack appeals to stupid people.

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They will try to sell any and every excuse to get people to get injected, or to make them feel good about being injected. Thanks for letting us know about this lie.

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"afforded speedy trials and "sent to prison"

afforded speedy trials and face a firing squad!

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This guy's brain is vaccine impaired.

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LOL, that's crazy.

Then: You take the jab, you don't get covid.

Now: You take the jab, you get covid quicker.

My God, why haven't they brought out a straightjacket and put this man in an institution? He is clearly out of his mind.

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All right, my German's not good any more but I think I heard that the "Impfungen bleiben auf zu Hause." So the vaccinated stay at home. So I guess that's what the crazy man really said.

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If the covid jabs were so great. Why would a person develop symptoms quickly or at all? The best immune responses I know about is when an individual immune system is strong enough

to fight off get infections and diseases in the first place. And toxic and carcinogenic substances can't prevent or cure diseases and infections tyrants and Dr. Frankensteins. And if I knew nothing else about health. I've always had an idea of the things don't belong in a human body.

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Regarding all these "maths":

One plus one is different for some people than for other people. That's inclusive and should be celebrated..

-your friends at the CDC

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Your solution offered is the only one I can get behind. Lying to the public

by .gov and it's agencies and affiliates is nothing new. The theft and double

dealing (all congress members are millionaires +) is one thing. Steering wealth

to cronies through stupid projects is still another we have accepted apparently.

Now they have gotten together to lie and scare the populous (all over the world

meaning they have conspired and colluded) with a fake pandemic and locked

people down. They destroyed businesses, livelihoods, families and individuals.

The jab is not a cure/preventative, or effort toward ending flu, but rather, a bio-

weapon. Meanwhile they allow an open border, further stressing the economy and

allowing in more kill shots via deadly drugs. The behavior amounts to the premeditated

murder of millions. This is becoming known by more and more of our people.

People have been murdered again and again for trying to expose wrong doing by

the .gov. We know this because those acts are well beyond random coincidence.

German Health Minister Lauterbach says…

2nd Smartest Guy in the World

"Another day, another deadly lie: The good news is that the reality inversion mendacity is becoming so absurd that even the most brainwashed Death Cultists are experiencing glitches in their CogDis mass formation psychosis from the inane lies. These government grifting politicians and bureaucrats are all guilty of Crimes Against Humanity. They must all be indicted ASAP, afforded speedy trials and sent to prison."

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oops, German Health Minister Lauterbach says...complete BS, and a child might recognize that.

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