German Health Minister Lauterbach says DEATHVAX™ limits the COVID pandemic because vaccinated people develop symptoms quickly and stay home, while unvaccinated people develop symptoms more slowly
Another day, another deadly lie:
NEW - German Health Minister Lauterbach says vaccination limits the COVID pandemic because vaccinated people develop symptoms quickly and stay home, while unvaccinated people develop symptoms more slowly.
The good news is that the reality inversion mendacity is becoming so absurd that even the most brainwashed Death Cultists are experiencing glitches in their CogDis mass formation psychosis from the inane lies.
These government grifting politicians and bureaucrats are all guilty of Crimes Against Humanity. They must all be indicted ASAP, afforded speedy trials and sent to prison.
Do NOT comply.
So, now they are just making things up to justify their mistakes.
The man has totally lost it. Needs one of those white jackets with the arms that tie behind the back.
Because actually, the shots do one thing very well...they suppress symptoms of the vaxxed have turned into the proverbial asymptomatic carriers....