Your readers should understand that the lifespan of 76.2 years in the US is dismal in comparison to societal groups who practice the avoidance of factory processed foods, environmental toxins, and eat, organically and reject negative lifestyle issues. The seven day Adventist in Loma Linda California is one such group, whose average life expectancy is around 90 years of age. Of course, this lifestyle means less need for big Pharma chemical treatment modules.!
This is what I want to know. Who is the person that one day in a meeting said, "I think we should kill people."? I mean it was somebody's idea to start with.
Eugenicists? There is an actual school that Obama, Gates, Merkel, Rockefellers probably most of the big money people went to. In 2017 at a symposium, meeting of some sort Obama heard Fauci talking about a pandemic. When was the swine flu? Our first plandemic. One of Obama's. Look at the 2030 agenda.
Answer; Satan, He knows and loves that, "The wages of sin is Death." With pharma "medicine" killing 40 million iatrogenic victims in just the last 50 years along with pharma owned "doctors" killing 50 million babies, that averages out to be 4,931.5 Deaths per day! That's not, God inspired, "First do no harm" medicine! It's Satan' wages of sin Death! We know, "Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus, All the other genders that “medicine” makes up, are from Uranus."
Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolph Hitler, Xi Jinping, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Yuval Harari & The WEF’ Members, who are nothing more than a group of powerful billionaires, WEF’ Satanic Cult Pedophiles who are carrying out their One World Government Order #Agenda30 to depopulate & control Humanity via Gates’ Digital Monetary System PatentScope International Patent Office #WO2020060606 #666=“Mark of The Beast” Book of Revelation in The Holy Bible has warned us about the Mark of The Beast. It is Satan’s symbol “ ... Those who take the Mark of The Beast will not enter The Kingdom of Heaven.... You will not be able to buy food or supplies unless you take The Mark ...”
Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab, George Soros et al are Satan’s Soldiers who are depopulating the world via Kill Jabs
Vaccine injured and assaulted in the military with subsequent PTSD. Could not finish medical residency because of POTS from the vaccine poisoning because I was a believer in that system. Now come out of the kingdom of darkness from the snake on a pole faction, and into the kingdom of light. Smart guy here gives physical solutions. I tell you there is spiritual healing by the stripes borne by Jesus Christ at the whipping post. If the cross was enough, then why did he allow himself to be whipped. It was for our physical sickness. One has to stand in faith and believe that what was given unto the prophet to speak, completed by Christ Jesus stands today. It was a pleasure to tell the woman behind the glass at the social security office, I did not need part B Medicare or disability payments after more than 20 years. We have been deceived by the serpent that told Eve she could be like God. New Age telling us the same lie. No works can save anyone, only belief in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who shed his blood for the remission of sins for all time. He is the first fruits of many brethren, being the Passover Lamb, and the unleaven bread. The feasts of the Lord were established for a reason. They are prophetic.
The way I see it, as people develop these slow-kill side effects we will have fewer people participating in the economy and slowly our society will fall apart. In Sydney we don’t have enough bus and train drivers to get people to and from work. We don’t have enough people in call centres and businesses are replacing them with bots and written instructions. Accidents on the roads like never before from medical episodes. Not enough teachers and nurses. Unemployment rate is not falling because you don’t count those that are no longer participating in the economy and not actively looking for work. I could go on, but essentially a slow disaster is unfolding here in Australia, so slowly before everyone’s eyes that they don’t even see it. No political opposition and no worthy mainstream media to debate publicly the unfolding disaster.
There are tapes made by Dr. Dunegan of memories of a lecture he attended in 1968 with Dr. Richard Day, in which Day revealed the plans of the globalists to depopulate the globe. The above link is to the transcript of the tapes made by Dr. Dunegan No one was allowed to take notes during the talk, which is why Dr. Dunegan made the tapes based on his memories of the talk. The talk was given to a Pittsburgh Pediatric Society meeting in March of 1969.
You can listen to the tapes as they are now available on YouTube.
Apparently Dr. Day was an Illuminati insider. He explained all the plans in detail. For example, the plan was to encourage abortion, birth control, and homosexuality, as well as any other sexual perversion as the goal was to have more and more people who would not reproduce and have children. This has already been achieved. There are many more aspects to the plan which at the time they were discussed (1969) seemed like science fiction, if not impossible to believe, according to Dr. Dunegan.
Something important Day said: "There will be an ostensible reason given for the things we do, and there will be a real reason for the things we do. The real reason will not be made public, just the ostensible reason." He also said, "People are too unquestioning."
I believe Day talked about increasing the flow of drugs so that people became addicted with their minds addled and unable to make decisions in their own best interests.
He also stated that at that time the Rockefeller foundation already had a cure for cancer, but "people have to die of something anyway, so the cure for cancer need not be made public."
In the year the talk was given Dr. Day said, "Everything is in place and no one can stop us now."
There is another substack Ana Mihalcea MD who has dark field microscopy evidence of Quantum Dot technology from the C19 shots in live blood of vaccinated & unvaccinated people. She now has evidence that this technology is in all vaccines that being given to humanity from babies to adults, not just C19 shots. Her research is horrifying and undeniable. I suggest you go check it out. What’s being done to all of us is unbelievable. I didn’t want to accept her work for the longest time but at some point you just can’t deny it. Humanity United Now-Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D., PHD.
Hell Awaits. "Many vaccines have long-term health impacts which do not become evident for years. In a 1999 interview, Fauci acknowledged that many severe injuries would remain hidden, and if the agency rushed vaccines to approval ‘then you find out that it takes 12 years for all hell to break loose, and then what have you done?" Let's hope Fauxi has a special place there.
Hope you don't mind if I share this story that aired in Australia this morning ... it's a personal one and yes she has had a number of jabs.... Tragic ...
According to the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study vs. the well cited book, Death by Medicine, just in the last 50 years, evil corrupt [5 billion in fruad fines] "medicine" has Killed 12,500,000, to 40,000,000 [not counting Big Pharma's Coved kills] i.e. More than ALL the wars USA has ever been in! It's to teach us, "Death is the wages of sin vs the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord." [Romans 6:23]
I read and rely on your posts avidly for the real information on the state of affairs. There are not many I feel I can trust anymore. Are you able to advise if I was to purchase those repurposed drugs could they be safely sent to the latest member state of the cabal’s collection, Australia?
I would like more information on mRNA "vaccine" shedding. How long after the jab does shedding occur and for how long does it continue to occur? What are the methods in which it sheds? How to protect against shedding? Please do an article on this topic.
Your readers should understand that the lifespan of 76.2 years in the US is dismal in comparison to societal groups who practice the avoidance of factory processed foods, environmental toxins, and eat, organically and reject negative lifestyle issues. The seven day Adventist in Loma Linda California is one such group, whose average life expectancy is around 90 years of age. Of course, this lifestyle means less need for big Pharma chemical treatment modules.!
This is what I want to know. Who is the person that one day in a meeting said, "I think we should kill people."? I mean it was somebody's idea to start with.
Eugenicists? There is an actual school that Obama, Gates, Merkel, Rockefellers probably most of the big money people went to. In 2017 at a symposium, meeting of some sort Obama heard Fauci talking about a pandemic. When was the swine flu? Our first plandemic. One of Obama's. Look at the 2030 agenda.
Start looking into the Club of Rome.
Kings hoard power, control, and wealth. Which families have the kings?
Answer; Satan, He knows and loves that, "The wages of sin is Death." With pharma "medicine" killing 40 million iatrogenic victims in just the last 50 years along with pharma owned "doctors" killing 50 million babies, that averages out to be 4,931.5 Deaths per day! That's not, God inspired, "First do no harm" medicine! It's Satan' wages of sin Death! We know, "Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus, All the other genders that “medicine” makes up, are from Uranus."
Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolph Hitler, Xi Jinping, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Yuval Harari & The WEF’ Members, who are nothing more than a group of powerful billionaires, WEF’ Satanic Cult Pedophiles who are carrying out their One World Government Order #Agenda30 to depopulate & control Humanity via Gates’ Digital Monetary System PatentScope International Patent Office #WO2020060606 #666=“Mark of The Beast” Book of Revelation in The Holy Bible has warned us about the Mark of The Beast. It is Satan’s symbol “ ... Those who take the Mark of The Beast will not enter The Kingdom of Heaven.... You will not be able to buy food or supplies unless you take The Mark ...”
Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab, George Soros et al are Satan’s Soldiers who are depopulating the world via Kill Jabs
Vaccine injured and assaulted in the military with subsequent PTSD. Could not finish medical residency because of POTS from the vaccine poisoning because I was a believer in that system. Now come out of the kingdom of darkness from the snake on a pole faction, and into the kingdom of light. Smart guy here gives physical solutions. I tell you there is spiritual healing by the stripes borne by Jesus Christ at the whipping post. If the cross was enough, then why did he allow himself to be whipped. It was for our physical sickness. One has to stand in faith and believe that what was given unto the prophet to speak, completed by Christ Jesus stands today. It was a pleasure to tell the woman behind the glass at the social security office, I did not need part B Medicare or disability payments after more than 20 years. We have been deceived by the serpent that told Eve she could be like God. New Age telling us the same lie. No works can save anyone, only belief in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who shed his blood for the remission of sins for all time. He is the first fruits of many brethren, being the Passover Lamb, and the unleaven bread. The feasts of the Lord were established for a reason. They are prophetic.
The way I see it, as people develop these slow-kill side effects we will have fewer people participating in the economy and slowly our society will fall apart. In Sydney we don’t have enough bus and train drivers to get people to and from work. We don’t have enough people in call centres and businesses are replacing them with bots and written instructions. Accidents on the roads like never before from medical episodes. Not enough teachers and nurses. Unemployment rate is not falling because you don’t count those that are no longer participating in the economy and not actively looking for work. I could go on, but essentially a slow disaster is unfolding here in Australia, so slowly before everyone’s eyes that they don’t even see it. No political opposition and no worthy mainstream media to debate publicly the unfolding disaster.
There are tapes made by Dr. Dunegan of memories of a lecture he attended in 1968 with Dr. Richard Day, in which Day revealed the plans of the globalists to depopulate the globe. The above link is to the transcript of the tapes made by Dr. Dunegan No one was allowed to take notes during the talk, which is why Dr. Dunegan made the tapes based on his memories of the talk. The talk was given to a Pittsburgh Pediatric Society meeting in March of 1969.
You can listen to the tapes as they are now available on YouTube.
Apparently Dr. Day was an Illuminati insider. He explained all the plans in detail. For example, the plan was to encourage abortion, birth control, and homosexuality, as well as any other sexual perversion as the goal was to have more and more people who would not reproduce and have children. This has already been achieved. There are many more aspects to the plan which at the time they were discussed (1969) seemed like science fiction, if not impossible to believe, according to Dr. Dunegan.
Something important Day said: "There will be an ostensible reason given for the things we do, and there will be a real reason for the things we do. The real reason will not be made public, just the ostensible reason." He also said, "People are too unquestioning."
I believe Day talked about increasing the flow of drugs so that people became addicted with their minds addled and unable to make decisions in their own best interests.
He also stated that at that time the Rockefeller foundation already had a cure for cancer, but "people have to die of something anyway, so the cure for cancer need not be made public."
In the year the talk was given Dr. Day said, "Everything is in place and no one can stop us now."
There is another substack Ana Mihalcea MD who has dark field microscopy evidence of Quantum Dot technology from the C19 shots in live blood of vaccinated & unvaccinated people. She now has evidence that this technology is in all vaccines that being given to humanity from babies to adults, not just C19 shots. Her research is horrifying and undeniable. I suggest you go check it out. What’s being done to all of us is unbelievable. I didn’t want to accept her work for the longest time but at some point you just can’t deny it. Humanity United Now-Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D., PHD.
Katherine Watt has done amazing work in showing the legal framework used by OUR Govt to kill us. See "the Covid Kill Box".....simply amazing....
Hell Awaits. "Many vaccines have long-term health impacts which do not become evident for years. In a 1999 interview, Fauci acknowledged that many severe injuries would remain hidden, and if the agency rushed vaccines to approval ‘then you find out that it takes 12 years for all hell to break loose, and then what have you done?" Let's hope Fauxi has a special place there.
I understand perfectly well. The complete abolition of the Central Banking system is a given.
Hope you don't mind if I share this story that aired in Australia this morning ... it's a personal one and yes she has had a number of jabs.... Tragic ...
According to the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study vs. the well cited book, Death by Medicine, just in the last 50 years, evil corrupt [5 billion in fruad fines] "medicine" has Killed 12,500,000, to 40,000,000 [not counting Big Pharma's Coved kills] i.e. More than ALL the wars USA has ever been in! It's to teach us, "Death is the wages of sin vs the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord." [Romans 6:23]
I read and rely on your posts avidly for the real information on the state of affairs. There are not many I feel I can trust anymore. Are you able to advise if I was to purchase those repurposed drugs could they be safely sent to the latest member state of the cabal’s collection, Australia?
Thank you for your kind words.
Please direct all questions to the company:
Thanks 2nd.
The list of & variety of all the injected deaths mounts daily.
Way beyond any coincidence now. 100% deliberate for sure now.
We are grazing beneath the Hanging Tree.
Shocking statistics. My kids were coerced into taking the vax. I'm out for blood.
I would like more information on mRNA "vaccine" shedding. How long after the jab does shedding occur and for how long does it continue to occur? What are the methods in which it sheds? How to protect against shedding? Please do an article on this topic.