I pray this will be strongly resisted .

The farmers have been showing us the way to proceed.

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To the French in France :Brush up on the history of what happened to Marie Antoinette .

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Citizens of France,

In all future commentary regarding the Deathvax™️, henceforth refer to the jab as an “Article 4” (as a constant reminder of the TREACHERY of the so-called representatives of the French People).

For example, “He was fired from his job for refusing ‘Article 4’.”

Or “Their family was forced to sell their home when both mother and father lost their jobs due to the ‘Article 4’ mandate.

And lastly, but very common these days, “Five houses on my street sit empty, because my neighbors partook of ‘Article 4’ three, four, even five times. They subsequently either had heart failure, cancer or died in their sleep.”

Language is endlessly creative. Do NOT allow yourselves to be silenced by these demons from hell as they inflict DEMOCIDE upon the French People.

On the contrary, openly discuss their BETRAYAL and CRIMINALITY twice as much as before using euphemisms that inflict cutting humiliation upon your mortal enemies.

Try naming each Pharma killer with a French politician’s name (e.g. Pfizer = Macron…My father died three hours after receiving his 2nd ‘Macron’).

FUCK CENSORSHIP‼️ It’s intended to degrade, discourage and demoralize you into a state of passive compliance to TYRANNY.

Never, ever give these BASTARDS the satisfaction. Double down on your resistance, mockery and contempt for these psychopathic TRAITORS TO HUMANITY ‼️😡🤬

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This is TYRANNY! Are the French people going to put up with this?

It is time for them to rise up and do what they did in THEIR revolution. Take Macron out and lead him to a guillotine.

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It will be time soon to round up all of the WHO/WEF around the world. Proceeding will be without all of them.

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Let's hope the French do what they are known for doing, the French peoples are from a different ilk than their overlords, Salut!

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15

Well.... technically speaking, they can only fine/imprison you if they catch you.

I guess that means "I can't criticize our New God MRNA" on Facebook, but that certainly doesn't stop people from doing anonymous things like stickers on lamp posts or (gasp!) graffiti.

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Look to Canadian Province Quebec following suit. This French-speaking world Gov sector also implemented curfews (like France did) during the scamdemic.

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Feb 16Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Question: This Substack: Agent131711 …another shill for big Pharma? He aligns himself with Tim Truth so I am guessing so. He bashes most vitamins with lots of “evidence.”

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Feb 15·edited Feb 16

I think you can always tell where someone is coming from.


Does not mind being questioned.


Does not like being challenged.

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Do you mean to say removing Big Pharma's legal immunities has never been more important? They have no liabilities; said differently, they have legal protection called liability immunity giving them carte blanche thanks to scum in Congress.

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If there's anything that the Antifa/BLM and radical left has taught us it's that MASSIVE civil disobedience is the only path forward. Compliance is the surest path to tyranny and a hellish dystopian future. When draconian laws like Article 4 are passed they must be met with the opposite effect: More criticism of the Deathvax and all vaxxes. Not less.

The system cannot handle large numbers. It seeks to gain compliance by severely punishing the initial few who stand up and defy so as to intimidate anyone who dares to follow them from doing so. That mustn't be allowed to work.

Imagine an old civil war battle raging, the importance of the flag on that type of battlefield. It was never supposed to be allowed to fall to the ground, even with the knowledge that the soldier closest to it as the soldier who was carrying the flag was shot meant they had less than a minute of life left to live by grabbing it and carrying it forward, they'd have to grab it and meet their fate, if they wanted their side to prevail. They cared for something, believed in something, and risked all for it.

The same dedication to freedom must be made en masse by those who wish for freedom to prevail. They face an evil, malevolent enemy that will try to kill their will by tyrannical means. But they/we must pick up the flag on the battlefield and accept our fate if we must meet it. Or freedom will die. On our watch.

And there is safety in numbers. Those who truly care about freedom for our lives and for future generations must go out of their way to violate Article 4 in France. And grow their numbers, move even the pro-vaxxers who still care about freedom and free speech to violate it, even if they believe in vaxxes, if only just to spite those who would criminalize dissent. "When they came for me there was nobody left to speak for me." These are the stakes, Les Français!

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...the criminal Macron administration and the awakening French populace, by design.

Design or desperation? They know no one is going within a million miles of their mRNA abominations. Not only that, but people are also refusing conventional vaccines for themselves and their children.

Their money supply will dry up, and then they are toast.

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Note to FRANCE & the GLOBALISTS . . I will not take ANY mRNA vaccine, infact I've only ever had a vit-k when I was born & I'm still here . .

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People need to keep their heads about them, open your eyes, do not be lulled asleep by any means today, stay alert to all of their trickery.

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Maybe they are bored and want a replay of what took place in 1789.

In the back ground, the world over, I hear the sound of steel against sharpening stone while pitchforks tines are being sharpened. I feel in my bones that kerosene is being stockpiled everywhere as the torches are being assembled. The symbol of the Bastille is about to be stormed EVERYWHERE that the masses are waking up. The psychopathic control freak PARASITES that are sucking out the lifeblood of the average working man is making it so that they will have nothing left. And what these monsters have not figured out yet is that WHEN YOU OWN NOTHING, YOU WILL NOT BE HAPPY...YOU WILL HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE and when people have NOTHING TO LOSE...THEY LOSE IT! And when they LOSE IT, people that say to the masses..."Let them eat cake" will find their heads on the fg chopping block. Scream it. We the People, the World Over, white man, black man, brown man, yellow man, red man ARE FG SICK OF IT. And the BASTILLE is about to be STORMED. After all, FREEDOM is just another word for NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE!

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