Mar 26, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

The predator class want famine and to buy up farm land cheaply when farmers go broke.

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

That's always been the mode of operation for that mafia - they did the same in the early 90s by funneling crack cocaine into poor neighborhoods and then buying up land after prices dropped from the crime epidemic.

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Part of the larger plan to destroy America from the inside that's been happening since the 60's. Turn its Christian/Presbyterian white western culture into one of complete degeneracy.

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Mar 26, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

They are deliberately trying to cull us per the Georgia Guidestones (500 million max)!

Edward Dowd has a new interview: he predicts financial collapse within 6-24 months:


Zerohedge is notorious for doom porn, but this time they're probably right:


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Yes, i have been seeing this exact scenario for many years now, since 2011 to be exact. Von Greyerz has over 5k years of history backing his gold thesis. I would not bet against him either.

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Mar 26, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Arkansas invoked their rules for avaian flu. They're a major producer in the US so chicken is about to become scarce. Watch NC go next since they have a bunch of chicken plants.

It's fun and disturbing in a way to watch substack and see things play out a few weeks later. How long until MSM has to report on it?

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