Just remember folks!!! Please do not lump us all together. I am a pharmacist working in a large chain retail pharmacy and I NEVER GAVE ONE SINGLE COVID SHOT TO ANYONE. I was even begged multiple times but I refused. If anyone asked my opinion about them they got the truth from me which was I wasn't going to get one and neither should they. If they wanted more info (why) I gave them more. I tried to talk family and friends out of getting them with limited success and none of my saves have ever said they regretted not getting the shot!! Plenty said they did regret getting one but a lot fewer than I would think. Most walk around thinking "I turned out okay" and not knowing if there could be something seriously wrong. I have seen a lot of damage. Just told an elderly patient last week who had a list of complaints (I gave some med change suggestions) and her last but most concerning was her hair was just falling out of her head like crazy which has never happened before. I asked if she had gotten all her covid shots and she said she did. I said Ms (name), please don't get any more of those things. They did not do the work they are supposed to do making sure it won't hurt people and they honestly have no idea what will happen to people. You are not the only person who has had this reaction from these shots. She very politely thanked me for telling her the truth and said she sure would follow my advice. Now, I talk to her at least once or twice a month and she knows me from my working there so long so she trusts me. She said she wishes she had asked me about them first and I told her I would always tell her the truth. And that is how I practice pharmacy, always have and always will.
You did not and I humbly apologize if you thought I was implying so. I just like to keep it real as I know there are not as many awake pharmacists out there as there should be. There are a lot of nurses and doctors who have come out against from the beginning but pharmacists have been pretty quiet. I've seen them on substack and a couple other places but that's about it. I don't hide my opinions at work, but I don't advertise where I work either because I fear being fired for my educated opinion. I'd fight them tooth and nail, but here I am ANON on substack. But anyone who knows me knows I think they are shit and wouldn't give one to my worst enemy. Including all my "superiors" at work. Lol.
I get nervous because I recognize that we, as pharmacists, have really let people down and participated in this crime willingly. I just want to make clear that there are some of us out here, doing the right thing.
I heard the Moderna patient leaflet was completely blank. I could not afford Geodon out of pocket at the time and my insurance coverage ran out or something along those lines as it was in 2014 and my doctor prescribed me Perphenazine as alternative. I noticed what felt like muscle spasms but it was not visible. I asked the prescribing doctor if it could be stress and he said maybe, because I was under a great deal. Eventually it became visible uncontrollable movements. My PCP said it looks like I have Tardive Dyskinesia which is usually permanent and I better get in tough with my Psychiatrist right away. The drug was stopped and switched to Seroquel. I tried Ingrezza with no results and later Austedo where I would swear it was telling me to hang myself. I reported that to the doctor and he said to stop it as it can do that. Now Deep Brain Stimulation is only option and I feel like a freak enough and am not going to have electrodes put in the brain and have battery put in my body. I saw video of adverse events these shots were causing and saw lady with similar condition and said no way. My PCP said I should get the Pneumonia vaccine and I said I already did that and he said it was a 2 step vaccine and I said I am done with all of it and he said he didn't really blame me since people were coercerd into taking the Covid vaccines in which he got Pfizer as he said the Catholic Church said that one was okay because it didn't contain aborted fetus cells from decades past but then it turns out that they really did and maybe they all do. AstraZeneca has been pulled off the shelves over blood clots and other conditions and I am surprised they haven't scrapped all of them together. Now we have the ideas of Disease X and Avian Bird Flu floating out there and one of them will likely surface around election/selection time. I hear Trump made FDA skip safety protocols and he want the US to be first to have 5G and now some say the shots are connected with all of this.
If you dig you'll find more horror stories than enough, and likely all of them true. In the four years of the Fraudemic I encountered not ONE credible case of "Covid-19" and no-one where I worked ever called in sick with it. But since the release of "The Lethal Injections"? I've kept track of stuff going on around me, 6 deaths so far, counting my exlandlady's cat, the poor creature had to be put down due to an inoperable blood clot in an artery -- and 33 permanent, debilitating injuries.
When will the bastards responsible for this, the greatest crime in human history, be held to account? Probably never... 🙄
Hoping accountability comes fast. I am subscribed to quite a few Substack's including Robert Malone who had a hand in creating the mRNA vaccine. It was hoped it would be a cure for cancer's but the results did not pan out, maybe the complete opposite happened and they loved the results and decided to release it as the largest experiment on the people. Greg Reese put out interesting perspective on what appears to be the intentional invasion at the border. I hope this would not be true but many sources said single men of military age were crossing. This short video explains his perspective backed with facts. None of these people were required to get vaccinated and some say cases of Ebola, Tuberculosis are now surfacing: https://rumble.com/v4v1z8w-un-troops-being-brought-in-as-migrant-refugees.html
Rumour hath it there's whole divisions of The Chinese Liberation Army on the west coast of North America just awaiting their orders... But you have to go to people like Alex Jones, Mike Adams, Greg Hunter, David Icke, or F. William Engdahl amongst others to find this information. https://www.globalresearch.ca/ is a good website to use, and start using the Russian search engine https://yandex.com; Western search engines are growing increasingly compromised.
Oh... and don't hold your breath waiting for "accountability"; the justice system is as corrupt as all the others. It's looking to me more and more likely the only justice these creatures will ever get will be at the end of a noose courtesy of lynch mobs.
Indeed all of those in the "health Industry" that spoke out were under the most pressure not to do so. All that did speak out should be thanked and honoured for their dedication for truth.
Some spoke up just enough to NOT lose their job, but what if you had gone all in? What if all those that knew but stayed silent for money or comfort had STOOD FOR HUMANITY?? Isn’t that the oath that you take? Do no harm? Millions of innocent people have died and many more will in the future from this bioweapon. I’m literally nobody but I still think I should have done more somehow. This is the absolute saddest thing I have ever seen done to my People. 😭😱💔 All the stillborn and miscarriaged babies, myocarditis and died suddenlies of our children and young athletes, ongoing decimation of the immune system, neurological and many others. The building of networks inside the human body. Transhumanism. Changing our God given DNA. Just ‘play around’ as Gates puts it to see what kills us and what we can survive, if any can.
God help us! Pray for revival! Jesus Come Soon!🙏❤️🙌
I did no harm. I tried to talk people out of it TO INCLUDE patients asking me about it. Some took my advice, many did not. Should I have worn a shirt proclaiming my beliefs? Should I have shouted them down? Put my body in front of theirs? (And how would that make me different than those forcing the opposite?) My own mother didn't listen to my heartfelt plea's to avoid this product am I to believe that complete strangers would be any different? And yet it didn't stop me from TRYING. All I can do was counsel, advise, educate. And refuse to participate. I did those things and you can claim that I did harm all you want but it doesn't change the fact that I stood alone (at my location) trying to talk sense to many who had no eyes to see nor ears to hear. By being there, I was able to help some to make the RIGHT decision, and if another pharmacist had been there to tell them to DO IT, would that have helped? Condemn all you want, I did nothing against my moral judgement to "keep my job". And I never would. Because yes, I took an oath and I meant it.
If I’m judging you then I’m judging myself as well. If YOU did the best and most that you could then how can you be condemned? My ‘family’ took the jabs as well, if that helps you understand what I am trying to say. In the face of the carnage behind and to come, did I do enough? It haunts me. The people that need to hear this message know who they are.
Yes, Truth, it haunts me too. Especially my mom, who now has permanent damage to her vestibular inner ear and still experiences spells of intractable dizziness and the world not "feeling" the same. It makes me sad that she didn't trust me enough to believe that what I was telling her was truth and not some "conservative" conspiracy theory. But, here we are. Thank you for explaining.
I too am a pharmacist.. i refused to give these jabs (not one) and refused to wear a muzzle… was told I had to or could not have a job!… I quit and never looked back! Overall I convinced dozens to jot get the jab or at least not any boosters. I am proud to be a ‘Pure Blood’!
Me too. I sadly agreed to wear the face diaper but I did buy the good kind made of mesh that just looked like I was complying and mostly wore it around my neck. I work overnight and so am able to avoid giving any vaccines at all and half of my customers are drive thru (and the deaf ones were grateful I didn't have my face covered). When TSHTF I was for the first time really upset that I no longer owned my own pharmacy as I knew it would have been a safe place to work for a contrarian like myself. But USP 797-800 has made that all but impossible anymore and would have been the death of my little store so it's good I am where I am. Looking forward to retirement! Still got ten years to go for full retirement but only 5 til I can go part time. Glad to find another awake RPh (although you might be a PharmD--I am not---last of a dying breed)
I worked for a large chain.. (a great and terrible thing) for 42 years.. I fortunately was near retirement when I said “no I am not playing your game any longer!”.. since then I work hard to educate as many as possible to this unbelievable evil.
Since i graduated from pharmacy school there has been a consolidation in all areas of health care. Pharmacies, clinics, hospital groups, etc. Big pharma in addition to PBM’s have highjacked the entire health care system. They control the purse strings in every organization. They ‘pay only if you play’.. since profit margins have been squeezed in all areas of care, it forces pharmacies to comply.
Watch the evening news.. count how many commercials are promoting some drug. Do you think for a minute that Big Media will report on these abuses?? They are complicit as well!
The wearing of the mask was a horrible thing imposed on the population as I'm severely hearing impaired and experienced at lip reading. Only a few would remove their masks at check-out, but many did not. I really dreaded facing this every time I went to the store. Thank you for being thoughtful to the deaf people during that awful time.
You would probably have an idea then how grateful they were to me. I was told on numerous occasions how thankful they were they could “hear” me bc I wasn’t wearing my mask. It made me sad that no one else had the courtesy or courage to let themselves be unmasked. I’d have never worn it had I had the option. It was the only thing I grudgingly did, and only when “forced”.
Yes I do, very grateful indeed. The sad thing is there are too many self-serving people out there that just don't give a damn. No compassion for others. That has to change, as we are meant to be service to others and to love others. Part of our learning lessons here on Earth. Thank you once again for your kind heart.
Thank you for trying to be part of the solution, not the problem.
For years, we have wondered about the "good Germans" who just followed orders. Now we know that many of our friends, co-workers and relatives will simply follow orders. Thank you for not being one of them.
I just wanted to point out how stupid and intellectually lazy people today. The information about mRNA jabs was there; I found info in fall of 2020 about the potential side effects. No one else I know even looked. The trusted the authorities and did what they were told.
Of those that said "no," most did it either for gut reasons, for religious reasons or because they are contrarian. So... "you're not the boss of me" can be helpful at times.
So true. When the lockdowns happened, I knew this was another planned event with nefarious purposes, including possibly coming out with vaccines, which I was correct. Little did we know they were the gene editing kill shots as "they" knew many dumbed down brainwashed people would comply and take them telling them it would save them. Whatever the evil powers/govts tell you, do the opposite!
My brother in law had stage 4 lung cancer. He fought it for 8 years. Within 9 months of 2 Covid Jabs, he had brain cancer. The reason I share this with you is that my pharmacist is exactly like YOU! He never gave one Covid Jab! It's a system wide medical breakdown where the Covid Jabs became "political." I've never witnessed "medicine" becoming political. Thanks again for your comments!
I have called various pharmacies myself and spoken to lots of pharmacist who agreed with me that it’s wrong their companies are STILL making these death darts available. They knew exactly what was going on so I was at least pleased to hear that but you refused to administer to anybody!! That’s great but there’s always somebody there that’s willing to do it Anyway I just wanted to say good on you for sticking by your principles. God bless you.
That is good to hear Fayanne! Maybe they are just to afraid to tell other pharmacists. I only had one other pharmacist I worked with that didn't get the "vax" and I pretty much talked her into avoiding it. She recognized that I was right---but still gave literally HUNDREDS of them to patients like a good little German. I myself once took a 30 minute ass chewing from a dad who's kid needed to get on an airplane in the morning and needed the covid shot. Told him he might just thank me some day for not giving his kid that shot. He has yet to do so.
I remember going to the hospital with my daughter-in-law who was ready to give birth and the woman checking VAX passports and masks on the way in refused to let me in and she was nasty and she was a volunteer an elderly woman and I told her “you should be ashamed of yourself you’re old enough to know better“ she replied “I’m just doing my job“ I further replied“I’m just doing my job just like the Nazis did in World War II. I’m just doing my job… Just get in the oven”
"Like a good little German" needs to be updated to "Like a good little American" or Canadian or Australian or Israeli, or, or, or.
If anything the last four years has taught us it's that Germans weren't uniquely, criminally, iconically obedient to evil. They were just like our "free" societies.
How did Nazi Germany atrocities happen? Look at what's happened and is happening around us. Some tried to speak up there and then, too. But were also similarly "cancelled" for doing it.
We no longer have ANY right to finger-wag and shame any "good little German." Our nation and people's are Just. Like. Them. Goering said the truth of the power of fear-based propaganda on any population.
Milton Mayer's "They Thought They Were Free" could as well be talking about the US and other western nations today.
"To live in this process is absolutely not to be able to notice it-please try to believe me-unless one has a much greater degree of political awareness, acuity, than most of us had ever had occasion to develop."
"The dictatorship, and the whole process of its coming into being, was above all diverting. It provided an excuse not to think for people who did not want to think anyway. I do not speak of your 'little men,' your baker and so on; I speak of my colleagues and myself, learned men, mind you. Most of us did not want to think about fundamental things and never had. There was no need to. Nazism gave us some dreadful, fundamental things to think about-we were decent people-and kept us so busy with continuous changes and 'crises' and so fascinated, yes, fascinated, by the machinations of the 'national enemies,' without and within, that we had no time to think about these dreadful things that were growing, little by little, all around us. Unconsciously, I suppose, we were grateful. Who wants to think?
"To live in this process is absolutely not to be able to notice it-please try to believe me-unless one has a much greater degree of political awareness, acuity, than most of us had ever had occasion to develop. Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, 'regretted,' that, unless one were detached from the whole process from the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these 'little measures' that no 'patriotic German' could resent must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head.
"How is this to be avoided, among ordinary men, even highly educated ordinary men? Frankly, I do not know. I do not see, even now. Many, many times since it all happened I have pondered that pair of great maxims, Principiis obsta and Finem respice-'Resist the beginnings' and 'Consider the end.' But one must foresee the end in order to resist, or even see, the beginnings. One must foresee the end clearly and certainly and how is this to be done, by ordinary men or even by extraordinary men? Things might have. And everyone counts on that might."
""You see,” my colleague went on, “one doesn’t see exactly where or how to move. Believe me, this is true. Each act, each occasion, is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join with you in resisting somehow. You don’t want to act, or even talk, alone; you don’t want to ‘go out of your way to make trouble.’ Why not?—Well, you are not in the habit of doing it. And it is not just fear, fear of standing alone, that restrains you; it is also genuine uncertainty.
“Uncertainty is a very important factor, and, instead of decreasing as time goes on, it grows. Outside, in the streets, in the general community, ‘everyone’ is happy. One hears no protest, and certainly sees none. . . . you speak privately to your colleagues, some of whom certainly feel as you do; but what do they say? They say, ‘It’s not so bad’ or ‘You’re seeing things” or “You’re an alarmist.”
“And you are an alarmist. You are saying that this must lead to this, and you can’t prove it. These are the beginnings, yes; but how do you know for sure when you don’t know the end, and how do you know, or even surmise, the end? On the one hand, your enemies, the law, the regime, the Party, intimidate you. On the other, your colleagues pooh-pooh you as pessimistic or even neurotic. You are left with your close friends, who are, naturally, people who have always thought as you have”"
“It is clearer all the time that, if you are going to do anything, you must make an occasion to do it, and then you are obviously a troublemaker. So you wait, and you wait. But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next.
“And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jew swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God.”
“You have gone almost all the way yourself. Life is a continuing process, a flow, not a succession of acts and events at all. It has flowed to a new level, carrying you with it, without any effort on your part. On this new level you live, you have been living more comfortably every day, with new morals, new principles. You have accepted things you would not have accepted five years ago, a year ago, things that your father, even in Germany, could not have imagined. Suddenly it all comes down, all at once. You see what you are, what you have done, or, more accurately, what you haven’t done (for that was all that was required of most of us: that we do nothing). You remember those early meetings of your department in the university when, if one had stood, others would have stood, perhaps, but no one stood. A small matter, a matter of hiring this man or that, and you hired this one rather than that. You remember everything now, and your heart breaks. Too late. You are compromised beyond repair.”
“What then? You must then shoot yourself. A few did. Or ‘adjust’ your principles. Many tried, and some, I suppose, succeeded; not I, however. Or learn to live the rest of your life with your shame. This last is the nearest there is, under the circumstances, to heroism: shame. Many Germans became this poor kind of hero, many more, I think, than the world knows or cares to know”
I am starting question the official story about WWII. I don't think it is quite the way we were told. I am starting to believe that the bad guys won the war, and that we are in the same war now, with the same enemy.
I know, it's really difficult to reimagine that possibility. With all of the lies in our faces, the declarations that anti-democratic totalitarianism is 'democracy' and 'freedom' today that we need to protect from those championing actual freedom how can we not question?
And when that is so glaring that we decide to go back and learn more history to discover that our own leaders in the US and UK invested heavily in Hitler, Fascism, that 'master race' eugenics started here in the US, that US/UK leaders fawned over Mussolini's 'perfected' governing model of Fascism, AND the US/UK invested in the downfall of the Russian Tsar and Lenin/Stalin's Soviet Union, turned massive profits funding all of the world wars - including profit from deaths of American soldiers fighting in them - you realize just how rotten and crooked our nation has been on the global stage for so long.
Yes, we must question everything we thought we knew. Like thinking we were free. The terrible reality is we only had an illusion of freedom. Which is shattering in front of us and in our minds.
The breaking of illusion is very uncomfortable. Some may cling to it while others may be broken by it. The strong will go through many emotions, as the death of a loved one or break up does. Then come out on the other side sober and ready to face the world as it really is, not as we imagined it. And better able to make it the world WE want to live in. Truly free.
My local hero, pharmacist Geoffrey Reynolds, was fired and fined for signing a Covid jab card saying persons received it and wasted the material on the shot. I wish there were more of them who saved people’s lives.
Good going Irunthis. Shine on! It was not an easy or popular stand to take, by offering a sane courageous alternative to the mainstream’s hysteria re the jab agenda.
Feels like everyone we have divided, and have chosen our own path at fork in the road .. I’m sad for the injured, but have to believe they will achieve, and learn the lessons of their own perspective, as we all will.
Do you believe lrunthis that this crap is in dental shots? I have had 2 cavities since covid plandemic began and received 4 dental shots by my fluoride loving dentist who claims my insurance is cheating him out the profit he should be making.
I’ve read some interesting substacks (and other literature) regarding the contamination of prescription drugs (namely injections but certainly not limited to those) with graphene and what appears to be nanotechnology. Humanity United Now by Dr Ana Mihalcea is one who has done extensive microscopic research into this problem. I recognize that it is apparent that the meds are contaminated. My advice is to avoid what you can and detox what you can’t. Obviously a type 1 diabetic can not avoid insulin if they wish to live very long. I myself have no desire to have dental work without numbing agents. But I don’t go to the dentist twice a year for a “free cleaning”. I have shit teeth and I go when I can’t take the pain anymore. I take care of them (no fluoride ) as best I can in between.
With this in mind, be aware that microplastics and chemical compounds are in our food supply, our environment and yes in our bodies. We can’t fix these problems we can only minimize our exposure by eating as clean as possible, avoiding processed foods, exercising, and educating ourselves to keep our brain active. Educate others, maybe if enough people stop buying the crap they will fix the problem. Or it will all collapse and it won’t exist anymore! Either way you’re better off if you know how to take care of yourself without chemicals and processed foods!
We can say we avoid any pharma injections all we want, but when you get a tooth ache, what cha gonna do? Who is brave enough to get a drill on their teeth without an injection? I wonder if it would be better to have a xanax pilll or something to somewhat knock ya out. And yeah do all you can to stay healthy of course. But eventually teeth sometimes do go bad. I think even people who eat a clean diet get dental issues after some time. We live in evil times. Even kids may need a cavity filled too sometimes, and the same issue will arise.
This news is heartening, however, in my little Midwest circle, it's simply not happening. Since this all began, we have had 2 people we know question the jab. That's all. Everyone else-- most over 55, some under 35-- who are jabbed just shrug and say "I'm fine. " If you mention something like an athlete dropping dead, they says it's always happening, they're just covering it now. Same with kids who have heart issues. Or they just shrug and say nothing.
I'm also afraid if a new "bird flu" shot comes out, they'll line up for it. A relative who is not vaxxed took Paxlovid, because her doctor recommended it. And... she got ill. People are not connecting the dots here, and are not skeptical of Big Pharma or their doctors.
Jeff Childers, 2 years ago (?) claimed the truth would out, at first drip by sloowww drip, then a trickle, then a flow, then a deluge. Patience indeed has been required, and I don't know at which step of the flow we stand, but it has started to happen for sure. I have wanted (but lacked the rudeness) to ask physician assistant and pharmacy-person, if they have carefully set aside the bonus bucks they had received for pushing the shots. Because when the lawsuits start flowing (more liquidity) they will need a really good litigating lawyer. And Atty. Childers, I am positive, will NOT be taking their cases.
I always joke God gave me looks not patience. 🤣 Since I'm in my 50's that's definitely a joke, so I was hoping once it 'fleeted' I'd get patience. Nope...🥴🤷♀️
I know someone who died from the vaxx. Their family blamed his drug usage, although he didn't have any drugs in his system at the time.
Fast forward a year, and his father became vaxx injured. Doctor admitted it. His mother (has a masters degree) said she would still take the booster if her doctor told her. The doctor did not.
Fast forward a year and a half later, and the father is dead from pancreatic cancer. We gave them all the alternative info, and they would not consider it until he was too weak for chemo. By then it was too late. He died about a week and a half later.
Oh wow. This is my "like". I just can't like that it's horrible. I've had the conversation about fenbendazole with multiple people this year. Most recent was a husband who's wife has a turbo cancer they couldn't find the primary for. Gave him this substack and Fenbendazole can Cure Cancer substack and FLCCC clinical trial info. Saw him two weeks later and he said his wife would hear none of it. He is desperate for her to live and she trusts only MD. It's so sad.
Well, I have had 3 people who have faced cancer in the six months. Two are dead. One in his 70s, one in his 60s, one in his 40s.
The middle had colon surgery, and they found some cancerous cells. They wanted to start chemo immediately. He was VERY hesitant. He started on the Tippins protocol. He had more tests. No cancer. They still wanted to do chemo. He kept on the protocol, and has had two more negative scans. No chemo.
He is the ONLY one who was willing to try something different. FYI, he is single. The other two simply listened to their wives, who listened to Dr. god.
If a person was tricked or coerced into getting toxic Covid injections, and especially if they then actively encouraged or coerced their children, relatives and friends to get the shots, it is understandable that they would be in denial. The reality is too difficult to contemplate, especially the idea that Covid was a planned bioattack.
Most of the people I know willingly and happily did it. They are PROUD they did their bit for Society. If they have stopped taking the boosters, it's because their doctor told them to stop taking the boosters.
But they'll know. If one's child dies after pushing them to take the poison they'll know, but be in denial. A denial that they can't hide behind every time they look in the mirror. To the point they'll never again be able to look at themselves, into their own eyes at their own soul to face the inescapable truth of what they did. Their soul knows they failed the most important test of their life. Denial is their survival mechanism. They'll survive. But they'll never live again unless and until they face the truth.
yup...they have to face it....I don't know how I would handle this if I were in this situation.
I think I would drop everything else and go on a rampage....demanding action, demanding renumeration, demanding that the death of this child not be ignored. I would be standing in front of various governmental and medical offices day and night with signs and accusations. I am horrified that any parent would let this pass without at least some kind of action if not actual retribution. If you cannot stand up for and protect your own child....then you are not even human.
My Doctor who is Catholic showed concern over these as they contained cell lines from aborted fetuses and said the church said Pfizer was fine because it did not have them, but then it was discovered through Project Veritas before James O'Keefe was ousted that they do contain these cells. He said he would never take another one even if it meant losing his job.
Your doctor is an indoctrinated fraud like most in western medicine. Trust God, not doctors. Never forget that mRNA Bioweapons were a Global I. Q. Test. Many failed. Many died. Many are ruined for life. Many lost jobs. Many killed themselves. Many are Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity. Many deserve public Execution.
Wish I saved the link but Klaus Schwab from the WEF said when people take these shots it changes people through nano technology. Once respected Doctors and Scientists say there is a connection between these shots and 5G.
I think the cdc let the cat out of the bag when they had a campaign about zombies. In the Bible it says people in the end of time during the apocalypse have “one mind” when the beast who was killed with a mortal wound is resurrected. The Bible also states in the book of Daniel that the last kingdom is part iron and part clay. It doesn’t cleave together and that kingdom will be destroyed. I think nano could be the iron and clay of course is humanity. Only God himself can put an end to this nonsense.
Or even when it does. Mysterious, untimely deaths of friends and family members, cancers out of nowhere, unusual problems with no apparent causes, all stuff that shouldn’t be happening in the healthy population I know, but all involved and almost everyone else I talk to about it are rigidly agreed: “Absolutely nothing to see here, folks!”
Maybe we need to import our drinking water from Saskatchewan, something in it that’s awakening people?
I live in small town Saskatchewan near Saskatoon, and almost everyone I know took this evil concoction!!! No smarter here than anywhere else!!! No one I know who took the jab has ever expressed regrets. Everyone just going on as before. I’ve known a few people that have died or been affected, but the numbers aren’t high enough to cause obvious alarm - yet!!! I have no idea what the future will be, but I’m sure we aren’t done with the consequences of the jab yet!!! God help us all!!’ 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
The Penny has dropped for many. I think those who pushed the jabs on loved ones are trying hard to remain in a state of denial so they won’t have to feel partially responsible or admit they were completely duped. Then there is the damage to people’s brains to consider as per Dr. Nehls’ book. It is my theory, anyhow. I’m doing a lot of funerals these days and am witnessing cognitive dissonance as well as some personality shifts and chronic illnesses in those whom I know took the jabs.
Yes. Several close friends have admitted that they regret taking it. It's something.
But they STILL
-- get vaccines! And think previous vaccines were okay. They think this was an anomaly. "Polio" etc. They don't know the real story.
-- and trust "medicine" and put themselves in the hands of doctors who advocated the kill shots and insisted on absurd protocols which maximized mortality.
They think the problem was THIS vaccine and this TEMPORARY problem with a corrupt government.
When the problem truly is systemic and has been since the beginning.
I hear you on that. I gave my roommate a bunch of literature on the harms and false science behind the vaccination program at the onset of the scamdemic. I used to determine the overhead rate for federally sponsored research thus am aware of the amount of flat-out lying involved. I was in and out of BSL labs, suited up like an astronaut, not wearing a silly cloth mask, I assure you. She read none of the literature, only two people read what I had provided where I now work and I had made a point to speak to nearly everyone there and doled books out like candy. And now folks are developing embolisms, early-onset dementia, strokes, “heart issues” or are generally ill. My roommate’s elderly parents were both dead within 6 months of the jabs, family members drop dead suddenly and people are really sick of me announcing statistics. If I were a completely shitty person, I could simply say, “I told you so”, but there is no satisfaction in that since this is a level of destruction I have a hard time wrapping my mind around, to be honest. It is just sad and warped.
I'm glad I see people like you online. I know "we're" out there. It helps. Particularly when very dear friends who've known me since college and have heard me out a zillion times, still tell me they're following their doctors right off the cliff with whatever disease they have.
I'm like: what makes you think he will heal you, when he was just going along with injecting babies (who had no risk) with gene-altering sterility drugs?
but I save my breath now, mostly.
Thanks for sharing your experience... very interesting.
I too hold back. When people die suddenly, I don't ask "was he jabbed?" to avoid rubbing it in.
Minnesota is completely on-board with the vaxmadness. People get sick all the time, blame it on long covid and talking about this is forbidden. Look at Nextdoor and all anti vax talk is censored immediately. My entire family is boosted up and ready for the next one. Some of us thankfully heard the “still, small voice “ and said NO.
The 'normal' flu shots are now mRNA, afaik, with many more in the pipeline. The ensuing carnage will allow even the most trusting to connect the dots - though likely too late.
This is the unseen threat looming over our entire civilization. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi says this mRNA platform represents total doom for civilization...Does it really? I don't know myself....but Dr. Mike Yeadon...30 veteran employee in top level pharma says the mRNA platform (whatever that technical term means) was deliberately designed to kill, injure and disable. He has a complete explanation of his assessment of the covid "vaccine" here https://drmikeyeadon.substack.com/p/statement-by-mike-yeadon?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web
This is not hard to read and puts everything in the light of science: these criminals want us dead and gone....or at least unable to defend ourselves, according to his very cognizant analysis.
There is a lunatic doctor in our small town who pushed the "death vax". One day in a local grocery store she loss her mind because the clerk was wearing her mask beneath her nose. It was horrible. She posted disgusting remarks on her Facebook page about that young clerk and against people who wouldn't get vaxxed. A good friend and neighbor was a patient. He got all 5 shots and died of "turbo cancer" last month. How many others has she killed or permanently damaged due to her insane position of insisting all her patients get vaxxed? I will never forgive her.
Yes...it is difficult to be forgiving. One thing to keep in mind....Most people reading and posting here have a bit more going in the attic--if you know what I mean--
Fact is, many people are just dim. They may be good people but they probably can barely read. Most "doctors" I know are woefully under educated and have not read a book in years. They are simply good at memorizing what will be "on the test" and regurgitating this back.
They are also excellent at being "compliant"...if Lord Fauci or Queen Walensky or the CDC tell them to jump....they keep on jumping until some other "authority" figure tells them to stop.
are rare and should be fully valued. Most German doctors fully supported the Nazi regime before WWII...and happily did the horrific "experiments" with Dr. Mengele.
Yes, "compliant" throughout 20+ years of education is the only way one can even gain entry into med school. "Professional class" could also be called "Compliant Reliable class". My husband is a "professional", he is the most compliant person he knows, and thanks me almost every day for insisting he NOT receive that death compact they were offering as a "vaccine".
Yep, most people reading /posting have a bit more going on that is for sure. We are the "undoctrinated" instead of the "indoctrinated". My friend whom I mentioned was well-educated yet he got indoctrinated. He wouldn't hear anything negative about her. I tried for months to get him to get in touch with Dr. McCullough or FLCCC protocol doctors. He ignored me because he was sure she was doing the right thing. Just before he died he told me he should have paid more attention to the cancer.
My half-sister also got the first Pfizer shot and two weeks later was in the ICU on a vent where she died two months later on that vent. Like my other friend, her husband wouldn't even look at the information I was trying to give him. Instead he relied on the hospitals "death protocol".
Sadly many knowledgable people believe the real "Tsunami of Death" has barely begun and that our whole society will be decimated....I don't have an opinion on this....But I know Dr. McCullough feels if you haven't keeled over or gotten cancer yet....you may probably escape undamaged. I hope that is true.....On the other hand if it is indeed "graphene hydroxide" in the blood...I don't know if it is possible to get rid of that....does anyone know?
Right after "Give us this day, our daily bread" comes the contract. Yes it is difficult. That, I think, is why forgiveness is predicated upon forgiving. Addendum which arrived about 2:30 this a.m.: regarding that predication. I think that holding on to a grudge, refusing to forgive (yes, even though the one sinning-against-me hasn't asked for forgiveness), takes up space in my soul. A space which God wants to fill with His forgiveness. But I have not left room for that precious gift. Until I jettison the bad to make room for the good.
Do I forgive them...even if they haven't asked to be forgiven and do not believe they have done anything wrong? Do I forgive them as they are in the very act of murdering children? Do I forgive them if they murder MY CHILD?
No one that didn’t get the Covid shots are connecting the dots. 4% of the population are psychopaths born without empathy or a conscience. 6% of the population are narcissists born without empathy. You have 10% of the population are lunatics that react to the reality in their head and not the real world. We’re going to have to question every source of information as the lunatics are running the asylum!
Your global statement that "No one that didn’t get the Covid shots are connecting the dots." It is more likely that those who got the shots are not connecting the dots.
I went into my small home town (in 2022) pharmacy while visiting parents and saw elderly waiting to get shots. They looked so innocent and vulnerable. Pharmacist is a good friend of family. I wanted to scream at him to stop killing people. I should have! He almost died from a brain bleed after one of many boosters. The elderly were slaughtered. I can’t believe my parents are still alive after all their boosters. The anger over this will always be with me.
I refused the vax, my company threatened me, I advised them to let me know when my last day was. I was close to retirement anyway and could have retired then but waited to make them force me. Turns out they backed down.
My neighbor died from a highly aggressive cancer after taking the vax, he had previously been in remission. A co-worker and his wife (nurse) developed blood clots, their daughter had menstrual issues, a friend is in the hospital with heart failure, unlikely to live past the end of this year. My local obits often have people who died suddenly, many less than 55 years old.
I know a few people who have taken it and have no side effects. I consider them to be either lucky or to be a walking medical disaster waiting to happen. Supposedly there were three batches of the vax. Safe, Saline, Poison. Luck of the draw perhaps as to which vax a person got but frankly, who can ever trust the medical profession or vaccines ever again? Not me.
My husband now has Guillaine Barre syndrome ....and now can hardly walk across the room. My "medical professional" relations swear the "vaccine" did not do this....though neurological damage is often listed now as one of the "common" damages from these "vaccines" or if you prefer "gene therapy"
Don’t you just love all these so called professionals (pharmacists, doctors, nurses, etc…) that will FINALLY speak out NOW that they’re worried about the consequences of keeping their mouths shut during the mass murders? “I knew but didn’t say anything too loud because I didn’t want to lose my job”. Isn’t that still complicit? Imagine what would have happened if all these people had stood together and said NO!!! YOU CANNOT DO THIS TO HUMAN BEINGS! I believe many others would have been encouraged to also STAND and this whole thing could have been stopped or at least stymied! These pathetic simps looking for praise or sympathy for keeping their mouth shut disgust me. They’re just as bad in my opinion.🤮☠️
Those in the medical field who knew and still went along are the scum of the earth and deserve to die a long and painful death along with the planners and order givers.
Yes, I am still working on forgiving.😔 Just when I think I’m ok I read another article about what else is coming down the line not only the jabbed but the unjabbed (from shedding). This starts the whole ‘spinelessness of people and how easily they bowed to GREED and FEAR!’
SHAKE IT OFF PEOPLE OF THE WORLD! Use your anger as fuel to stand against the WHO, WEF, NWO agenda!!!! May 27th is the deadline when Biden will attempt to sign our rights away to the WHO in a pandemic!!! If you thought c19 was horrible just wait to see what they have lined up if the WHO is in charge of the planet!!!!PLEASE USE YOUR VOICE NOW!! Call and email and visit your representatives and senators, Biden and Trump! Hold them ACCOUNTABLE!! NO to WHO!!! 🎉🎉🎉
The “other side“ don’t hesitate to kill….look what just happened in Slovakia their president refused to sign the WHO treaty. He’s refused to participate in so much of this evil and they just shot him yesterday.
Just remember folks!!! Please do not lump us all together. I am a pharmacist working in a large chain retail pharmacy and I NEVER GAVE ONE SINGLE COVID SHOT TO ANYONE. I was even begged multiple times but I refused. If anyone asked my opinion about them they got the truth from me which was I wasn't going to get one and neither should they. If they wanted more info (why) I gave them more. I tried to talk family and friends out of getting them with limited success and none of my saves have ever said they regretted not getting the shot!! Plenty said they did regret getting one but a lot fewer than I would think. Most walk around thinking "I turned out okay" and not knowing if there could be something seriously wrong. I have seen a lot of damage. Just told an elderly patient last week who had a list of complaints (I gave some med change suggestions) and her last but most concerning was her hair was just falling out of her head like crazy which has never happened before. I asked if she had gotten all her covid shots and she said she did. I said Ms (name), please don't get any more of those things. They did not do the work they are supposed to do making sure it won't hurt people and they honestly have no idea what will happen to people. You are not the only person who has had this reaction from these shots. She very politely thanked me for telling her the truth and said she sure would follow my advice. Now, I talk to her at least once or twice a month and she knows me from my working there so long so she trusts me. She said she wishes she had asked me about them first and I told her I would always tell her the truth. And that is how I practice pharmacy, always have and always will.
I did not in any way imply ALL nurses, doctors, pharmacists, CEOs, etc. & etc.
You are a hero in my book.
You did not and I humbly apologize if you thought I was implying so. I just like to keep it real as I know there are not as many awake pharmacists out there as there should be. There are a lot of nurses and doctors who have come out against from the beginning but pharmacists have been pretty quiet. I've seen them on substack and a couple other places but that's about it. I don't hide my opinions at work, but I don't advertise where I work either because I fear being fired for my educated opinion. I'd fight them tooth and nail, but here I am ANON on substack. But anyone who knows me knows I think they are shit and wouldn't give one to my worst enemy. Including all my "superiors" at work. Lol.
I get nervous because I recognize that we, as pharmacists, have really let people down and participated in this crime willingly. I just want to make clear that there are some of us out here, doing the right thing.
Well, you ARE part of the solution. Thank you for being so.
2nd deserves a medal
You comment is the medal I prefer, and people like you Doc is what drives me.
I heard the Moderna patient leaflet was completely blank. I could not afford Geodon out of pocket at the time and my insurance coverage ran out or something along those lines as it was in 2014 and my doctor prescribed me Perphenazine as alternative. I noticed what felt like muscle spasms but it was not visible. I asked the prescribing doctor if it could be stress and he said maybe, because I was under a great deal. Eventually it became visible uncontrollable movements. My PCP said it looks like I have Tardive Dyskinesia which is usually permanent and I better get in tough with my Psychiatrist right away. The drug was stopped and switched to Seroquel. I tried Ingrezza with no results and later Austedo where I would swear it was telling me to hang myself. I reported that to the doctor and he said to stop it as it can do that. Now Deep Brain Stimulation is only option and I feel like a freak enough and am not going to have electrodes put in the brain and have battery put in my body. I saw video of adverse events these shots were causing and saw lady with similar condition and said no way. My PCP said I should get the Pneumonia vaccine and I said I already did that and he said it was a 2 step vaccine and I said I am done with all of it and he said he didn't really blame me since people were coercerd into taking the Covid vaccines in which he got Pfizer as he said the Catholic Church said that one was okay because it didn't contain aborted fetus cells from decades past but then it turns out that they really did and maybe they all do. AstraZeneca has been pulled off the shelves over blood clots and other conditions and I am surprised they haven't scrapped all of them together. Now we have the ideas of Disease X and Avian Bird Flu floating out there and one of them will likely surface around election/selection time. I hear Trump made FDA skip safety protocols and he want the US to be first to have 5G and now some say the shots are connected with all of this.
If you dig you'll find more horror stories than enough, and likely all of them true. In the four years of the Fraudemic I encountered not ONE credible case of "Covid-19" and no-one where I worked ever called in sick with it. But since the release of "The Lethal Injections"? I've kept track of stuff going on around me, 6 deaths so far, counting my exlandlady's cat, the poor creature had to be put down due to an inoperable blood clot in an artery -- and 33 permanent, debilitating injuries.
When will the bastards responsible for this, the greatest crime in human history, be held to account? Probably never... 🙄
Hoping accountability comes fast. I am subscribed to quite a few Substack's including Robert Malone who had a hand in creating the mRNA vaccine. It was hoped it would be a cure for cancer's but the results did not pan out, maybe the complete opposite happened and they loved the results and decided to release it as the largest experiment on the people. Greg Reese put out interesting perspective on what appears to be the intentional invasion at the border. I hope this would not be true but many sources said single men of military age were crossing. This short video explains his perspective backed with facts. None of these people were required to get vaccinated and some say cases of Ebola, Tuberculosis are now surfacing: https://rumble.com/v4v1z8w-un-troops-being-brought-in-as-migrant-refugees.html
Rumour hath it there's whole divisions of The Chinese Liberation Army on the west coast of North America just awaiting their orders... But you have to go to people like Alex Jones, Mike Adams, Greg Hunter, David Icke, or F. William Engdahl amongst others to find this information. https://www.globalresearch.ca/ is a good website to use, and start using the Russian search engine https://yandex.com; Western search engines are growing increasingly compromised.
Oh... and don't hold your breath waiting for "accountability"; the justice system is as corrupt as all the others. It's looking to me more and more likely the only justice these creatures will ever get will be at the end of a noose courtesy of lynch mobs.
Indeed all of those in the "health Industry" that spoke out were under the most pressure not to do so. All that did speak out should be thanked and honoured for their dedication for truth.
Some spoke up just enough to NOT lose their job, but what if you had gone all in? What if all those that knew but stayed silent for money or comfort had STOOD FOR HUMANITY?? Isn’t that the oath that you take? Do no harm? Millions of innocent people have died and many more will in the future from this bioweapon. I’m literally nobody but I still think I should have done more somehow. This is the absolute saddest thing I have ever seen done to my People. 😭😱💔 All the stillborn and miscarriaged babies, myocarditis and died suddenlies of our children and young athletes, ongoing decimation of the immune system, neurological and many others. The building of networks inside the human body. Transhumanism. Changing our God given DNA. Just ‘play around’ as Gates puts it to see what kills us and what we can survive, if any can.
God help us! Pray for revival! Jesus Come Soon!🙏❤️🙌
I did no harm. I tried to talk people out of it TO INCLUDE patients asking me about it. Some took my advice, many did not. Should I have worn a shirt proclaiming my beliefs? Should I have shouted them down? Put my body in front of theirs? (And how would that make me different than those forcing the opposite?) My own mother didn't listen to my heartfelt plea's to avoid this product am I to believe that complete strangers would be any different? And yet it didn't stop me from TRYING. All I can do was counsel, advise, educate. And refuse to participate. I did those things and you can claim that I did harm all you want but it doesn't change the fact that I stood alone (at my location) trying to talk sense to many who had no eyes to see nor ears to hear. By being there, I was able to help some to make the RIGHT decision, and if another pharmacist had been there to tell them to DO IT, would that have helped? Condemn all you want, I did nothing against my moral judgement to "keep my job". And I never would. Because yes, I took an oath and I meant it.
If I’m judging you then I’m judging myself as well. If YOU did the best and most that you could then how can you be condemned? My ‘family’ took the jabs as well, if that helps you understand what I am trying to say. In the face of the carnage behind and to come, did I do enough? It haunts me. The people that need to hear this message know who they are.
Yes, Truth, it haunts me too. Especially my mom, who now has permanent damage to her vestibular inner ear and still experiences spells of intractable dizziness and the world not "feeling" the same. It makes me sad that she didn't trust me enough to believe that what I was telling her was truth and not some "conservative" conspiracy theory. But, here we are. Thank you for explaining.
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry your mother did not listen to you. Truly, I am so sorry that you went through that.
I too am a pharmacist.. i refused to give these jabs (not one) and refused to wear a muzzle… was told I had to or could not have a job!… I quit and never looked back! Overall I convinced dozens to jot get the jab or at least not any boosters. I am proud to be a ‘Pure Blood’!
You are a hero Alan.
Thank you!
We have strength when we stand together! Keep up your good work!👍
Me too. I sadly agreed to wear the face diaper but I did buy the good kind made of mesh that just looked like I was complying and mostly wore it around my neck. I work overnight and so am able to avoid giving any vaccines at all and half of my customers are drive thru (and the deaf ones were grateful I didn't have my face covered). When TSHTF I was for the first time really upset that I no longer owned my own pharmacy as I knew it would have been a safe place to work for a contrarian like myself. But USP 797-800 has made that all but impossible anymore and would have been the death of my little store so it's good I am where I am. Looking forward to retirement! Still got ten years to go for full retirement but only 5 til I can go part time. Glad to find another awake RPh (although you might be a PharmD--I am not---last of a dying breed)
I worked for a large chain.. (a great and terrible thing) for 42 years.. I fortunately was near retirement when I said “no I am not playing your game any longer!”.. since then I work hard to educate as many as possible to this unbelievable evil.
Since i graduated from pharmacy school there has been a consolidation in all areas of health care. Pharmacies, clinics, hospital groups, etc. Big pharma in addition to PBM’s have highjacked the entire health care system. They control the purse strings in every organization. They ‘pay only if you play’.. since profit margins have been squeezed in all areas of care, it forces pharmacies to comply.
Watch the evening news.. count how many commercials are promoting some drug. Do you think for a minute that Big Media will report on these abuses?? They are complicit as well!
Everyone wake up!
Don’t watch the evening news. It’s hazardous to your health.
The wearing of the mask was a horrible thing imposed on the population as I'm severely hearing impaired and experienced at lip reading. Only a few would remove their masks at check-out, but many did not. I really dreaded facing this every time I went to the store. Thank you for being thoughtful to the deaf people during that awful time.
You would probably have an idea then how grateful they were to me. I was told on numerous occasions how thankful they were they could “hear” me bc I wasn’t wearing my mask. It made me sad that no one else had the courtesy or courage to let themselves be unmasked. I’d have never worn it had I had the option. It was the only thing I grudgingly did, and only when “forced”.
Yes I do, very grateful indeed. The sad thing is there are too many self-serving people out there that just don't give a damn. No compassion for others. That has to change, as we are meant to be service to others and to love others. Part of our learning lessons here on Earth. Thank you once again for your kind heart.
Thank you for trying to be part of the solution, not the problem.
For years, we have wondered about the "good Germans" who just followed orders. Now we know that many of our friends, co-workers and relatives will simply follow orders. Thank you for not being one of them.
The 'good Germans' were not wiping themselves out - they found scapegoats to do that to.
The 'good Morons' of today are doing it to themselves, and often their loved ones.
Both of your statements are true.
I just wanted to point out how stupid and intellectually lazy people today. The information about mRNA jabs was there; I found info in fall of 2020 about the potential side effects. No one else I know even looked. The trusted the authorities and did what they were told.
Of those that said "no," most did it either for gut reasons, for religious reasons or because they are contrarian. So... "you're not the boss of me" can be helpful at times.
So true. When the lockdowns happened, I knew this was another planned event with nefarious purposes, including possibly coming out with vaccines, which I was correct. Little did we know they were the gene editing kill shots as "they" knew many dumbed down brainwashed people would comply and take them telling them it would save them. Whatever the evil powers/govts tell you, do the opposite!
Well said.
My brother in law had stage 4 lung cancer. He fought it for 8 years. Within 9 months of 2 Covid Jabs, he had brain cancer. The reason I share this with you is that my pharmacist is exactly like YOU! He never gave one Covid Jab! It's a system wide medical breakdown where the Covid Jabs became "political." I've never witnessed "medicine" becoming political. Thanks again for your comments!
I have called various pharmacies myself and spoken to lots of pharmacist who agreed with me that it’s wrong their companies are STILL making these death darts available. They knew exactly what was going on so I was at least pleased to hear that but you refused to administer to anybody!! That’s great but there’s always somebody there that’s willing to do it Anyway I just wanted to say good on you for sticking by your principles. God bless you.
That is good to hear Fayanne! Maybe they are just to afraid to tell other pharmacists. I only had one other pharmacist I worked with that didn't get the "vax" and I pretty much talked her into avoiding it. She recognized that I was right---but still gave literally HUNDREDS of them to patients like a good little German. I myself once took a 30 minute ass chewing from a dad who's kid needed to get on an airplane in the morning and needed the covid shot. Told him he might just thank me some day for not giving his kid that shot. He has yet to do so.
I remember going to the hospital with my daughter-in-law who was ready to give birth and the woman checking VAX passports and masks on the way in refused to let me in and she was nasty and she was a volunteer an elderly woman and I told her “you should be ashamed of yourself you’re old enough to know better“ she replied “I’m just doing my job“ I further replied“I’m just doing my job just like the Nazis did in World War II. I’m just doing my job… Just get in the oven”
I ignored her and walked past her after that
I am haunted by the front desk mask Nazi who promoted herself during the "pandemic". After the mask mandate was dropped, she continued to wear hers.
She's long gone, no one knows where...
Good for you!
"Like a good little German" needs to be updated to "Like a good little American" or Canadian or Australian or Israeli, or, or, or.
If anything the last four years has taught us it's that Germans weren't uniquely, criminally, iconically obedient to evil. They were just like our "free" societies.
How did Nazi Germany atrocities happen? Look at what's happened and is happening around us. Some tried to speak up there and then, too. But were also similarly "cancelled" for doing it.
We no longer have ANY right to finger-wag and shame any "good little German." Our nation and people's are Just. Like. Them. Goering said the truth of the power of fear-based propaganda on any population.
Milton Mayer's "They Thought They Were Free" could as well be talking about the US and other western nations today.
Next comment excerpts and link
"To live in this process is absolutely not to be able to notice it-please try to believe me-unless one has a much greater degree of political awareness, acuity, than most of us had ever had occasion to develop."
Excerpted from:
"They Thought They Were Free"
The Germans 1933-45
by Milton Mayer, 1955
More with that excerpt:
"The dictatorship, and the whole process of its coming into being, was above all diverting. It provided an excuse not to think for people who did not want to think anyway. I do not speak of your 'little men,' your baker and so on; I speak of my colleagues and myself, learned men, mind you. Most of us did not want to think about fundamental things and never had. There was no need to. Nazism gave us some dreadful, fundamental things to think about-we were decent people-and kept us so busy with continuous changes and 'crises' and so fascinated, yes, fascinated, by the machinations of the 'national enemies,' without and within, that we had no time to think about these dreadful things that were growing, little by little, all around us. Unconsciously, I suppose, we were grateful. Who wants to think?
"To live in this process is absolutely not to be able to notice it-please try to believe me-unless one has a much greater degree of political awareness, acuity, than most of us had ever had occasion to develop. Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, 'regretted,' that, unless one were detached from the whole process from the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these 'little measures' that no 'patriotic German' could resent must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head.
"How is this to be avoided, among ordinary men, even highly educated ordinary men? Frankly, I do not know. I do not see, even now. Many, many times since it all happened I have pondered that pair of great maxims, Principiis obsta and Finem respice-'Resist the beginnings' and 'Consider the end.' But one must foresee the end in order to resist, or even see, the beginnings. One must foresee the end clearly and certainly and how is this to be done, by ordinary men or even by extraordinary men? Things might have. And everyone counts on that might."
More applicable excerpts:
""You see,” my colleague went on, “one doesn’t see exactly where or how to move. Believe me, this is true. Each act, each occasion, is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join with you in resisting somehow. You don’t want to act, or even talk, alone; you don’t want to ‘go out of your way to make trouble.’ Why not?—Well, you are not in the habit of doing it. And it is not just fear, fear of standing alone, that restrains you; it is also genuine uncertainty.
“Uncertainty is a very important factor, and, instead of decreasing as time goes on, it grows. Outside, in the streets, in the general community, ‘everyone’ is happy. One hears no protest, and certainly sees none. . . . you speak privately to your colleagues, some of whom certainly feel as you do; but what do they say? They say, ‘It’s not so bad’ or ‘You’re seeing things” or “You’re an alarmist.”
“And you are an alarmist. You are saying that this must lead to this, and you can’t prove it. These are the beginnings, yes; but how do you know for sure when you don’t know the end, and how do you know, or even surmise, the end? On the one hand, your enemies, the law, the regime, the Party, intimidate you. On the other, your colleagues pooh-pooh you as pessimistic or even neurotic. You are left with your close friends, who are, naturally, people who have always thought as you have”"
And more:
“It is clearer all the time that, if you are going to do anything, you must make an occasion to do it, and then you are obviously a troublemaker. So you wait, and you wait. But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next.
“And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jew swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God.”
“You have gone almost all the way yourself. Life is a continuing process, a flow, not a succession of acts and events at all. It has flowed to a new level, carrying you with it, without any effort on your part. On this new level you live, you have been living more comfortably every day, with new morals, new principles. You have accepted things you would not have accepted five years ago, a year ago, things that your father, even in Germany, could not have imagined. Suddenly it all comes down, all at once. You see what you are, what you have done, or, more accurately, what you haven’t done (for that was all that was required of most of us: that we do nothing). You remember those early meetings of your department in the university when, if one had stood, others would have stood, perhaps, but no one stood. A small matter, a matter of hiring this man or that, and you hired this one rather than that. You remember everything now, and your heart breaks. Too late. You are compromised beyond repair.”
“What then? You must then shoot yourself. A few did. Or ‘adjust’ your principles. Many tried, and some, I suppose, succeeded; not I, however. Or learn to live the rest of your life with your shame. This last is the nearest there is, under the circumstances, to heroism: shame. Many Germans became this poor kind of hero, many more, I think, than the world knows or cares to know”
I am starting question the official story about WWII. I don't think it is quite the way we were told. I am starting to believe that the bad guys won the war, and that we are in the same war now, with the same enemy.
The Bad War
The Myth of German Villainy
The Holocaust
What is the Truth?
I know, it's really difficult to reimagine that possibility. With all of the lies in our faces, the declarations that anti-democratic totalitarianism is 'democracy' and 'freedom' today that we need to protect from those championing actual freedom how can we not question?
And when that is so glaring that we decide to go back and learn more history to discover that our own leaders in the US and UK invested heavily in Hitler, Fascism, that 'master race' eugenics started here in the US, that US/UK leaders fawned over Mussolini's 'perfected' governing model of Fascism, AND the US/UK invested in the downfall of the Russian Tsar and Lenin/Stalin's Soviet Union, turned massive profits funding all of the world wars - including profit from deaths of American soldiers fighting in them - you realize just how rotten and crooked our nation has been on the global stage for so long.
Yes, we must question everything we thought we knew. Like thinking we were free. The terrible reality is we only had an illusion of freedom. Which is shattering in front of us and in our minds.
The breaking of illusion is very uncomfortable. Some may cling to it while others may be broken by it. The strong will go through many emotions, as the death of a loved one or break up does. Then come out on the other side sober and ready to face the world as it really is, not as we imagined it. And better able to make it the world WE want to live in. Truly free.
But were also similarly "cancelled" for doing it.
They were often 'cancelled' via guillotine, or other execution method, eg. The White Rose students.
They had much more reason to stay silent than we.
My local hero, pharmacist Geoffrey Reynolds, was fired and fined for signing a Covid jab card saying persons received it and wasted the material on the shot. I wish there were more of them who saved people’s lives.
Hey Irunthis, this guy has a similar take and he’s also a pharmacist. He talks about the policies and masks:
Yes I am a subscriber. Good guy!! Love his work. We are out there, but sadly we are few.
Good going Irunthis. Shine on! It was not an easy or popular stand to take, by offering a sane courageous alternative to the mainstream’s hysteria re the jab agenda.
Feels like everyone we have divided, and have chosen our own path at fork in the road .. I’m sad for the injured, but have to believe they will achieve, and learn the lessons of their own perspective, as we all will.
You're doing a super job. Keep up the good work!
Bravo, sir. Thanks for this timely reminder.
I would venture to state you are the exception . Good on you!
May our Heavenly Father YAHWEH bless you and yours for being honest and trying to inform the people. ❤️☺️
Do you believe lrunthis that this crap is in dental shots? I have had 2 cavities since covid plandemic began and received 4 dental shots by my fluoride loving dentist who claims my insurance is cheating him out the profit he should be making.
I’ve read some interesting substacks (and other literature) regarding the contamination of prescription drugs (namely injections but certainly not limited to those) with graphene and what appears to be nanotechnology. Humanity United Now by Dr Ana Mihalcea is one who has done extensive microscopic research into this problem. I recognize that it is apparent that the meds are contaminated. My advice is to avoid what you can and detox what you can’t. Obviously a type 1 diabetic can not avoid insulin if they wish to live very long. I myself have no desire to have dental work without numbing agents. But I don’t go to the dentist twice a year for a “free cleaning”. I have shit teeth and I go when I can’t take the pain anymore. I take care of them (no fluoride ) as best I can in between.
With this in mind, be aware that microplastics and chemical compounds are in our food supply, our environment and yes in our bodies. We can’t fix these problems we can only minimize our exposure by eating as clean as possible, avoiding processed foods, exercising, and educating ourselves to keep our brain active. Educate others, maybe if enough people stop buying the crap they will fix the problem. Or it will all collapse and it won’t exist anymore! Either way you’re better off if you know how to take care of yourself without chemicals and processed foods!
We can say we avoid any pharma injections all we want, but when you get a tooth ache, what cha gonna do? Who is brave enough to get a drill on their teeth without an injection? I wonder if it would be better to have a xanax pilll or something to somewhat knock ya out. And yeah do all you can to stay healthy of course. But eventually teeth sometimes do go bad. I think even people who eat a clean diet get dental issues after some time. We live in evil times. Even kids may need a cavity filled too sometimes, and the same issue will arise.
This news is heartening, however, in my little Midwest circle, it's simply not happening. Since this all began, we have had 2 people we know question the jab. That's all. Everyone else-- most over 55, some under 35-- who are jabbed just shrug and say "I'm fine. " If you mention something like an athlete dropping dead, they says it's always happening, they're just covering it now. Same with kids who have heart issues. Or they just shrug and say nothing.
I'm also afraid if a new "bird flu" shot comes out, they'll line up for it. A relative who is not vaxxed took Paxlovid, because her doctor recommended it. And... she got ill. People are not connecting the dots here, and are not skeptical of Big Pharma or their doctors.
Jeff Childers, 2 years ago (?) claimed the truth would out, at first drip by sloowww drip, then a trickle, then a flow, then a deluge. Patience indeed has been required, and I don't know at which step of the flow we stand, but it has started to happen for sure. I have wanted (but lacked the rudeness) to ask physician assistant and pharmacy-person, if they have carefully set aside the bonus bucks they had received for pushing the shots. Because when the lawsuits start flowing (more liquidity) they will need a really good litigating lawyer. And Atty. Childers, I am positive, will NOT be taking their cases.
I wrote this over 3 years ago, and that it was always part of the PSYOP-19 game plan as per EVENT 201.
I always joke God gave me looks not patience. 🤣 Since I'm in my 50's that's definitely a joke, so I was hoping once it 'fleeted' I'd get patience. Nope...🥴🤷♀️
Same here. The penny has not dropped for most people. Despite everything. If it didn't affect them personally, they don't get it.
I know someone who died from the vaxx. Their family blamed his drug usage, although he didn't have any drugs in his system at the time.
Fast forward a year, and his father became vaxx injured. Doctor admitted it. His mother (has a masters degree) said she would still take the booster if her doctor told her. The doctor did not.
Fast forward a year and a half later, and the father is dead from pancreatic cancer. We gave them all the alternative info, and they would not consider it until he was too weak for chemo. By then it was too late. He died about a week and a half later.
They keep trusting their doctors.
Oh wow. This is my "like". I just can't like that it's horrible. I've had the conversation about fenbendazole with multiple people this year. Most recent was a husband who's wife has a turbo cancer they couldn't find the primary for. Gave him this substack and Fenbendazole can Cure Cancer substack and FLCCC clinical trial info. Saw him two weeks later and he said his wife would hear none of it. He is desperate for her to live and she trusts only MD. It's so sad.
That was exactly the case with my 32-year-old nephew-in-law Four months ago
Well, I have had 3 people who have faced cancer in the six months. Two are dead. One in his 70s, one in his 60s, one in his 40s.
The middle had colon surgery, and they found some cancerous cells. They wanted to start chemo immediately. He was VERY hesitant. He started on the Tippins protocol. He had more tests. No cancer. They still wanted to do chemo. He kept on the protocol, and has had two more negative scans. No chemo.
He is the ONLY one who was willing to try something different. FYI, he is single. The other two simply listened to their wives, who listened to Dr. god.
Those men are dead.
encouraging story.
If a person was tricked or coerced into getting toxic Covid injections, and especially if they then actively encouraged or coerced their children, relatives and friends to get the shots, it is understandable that they would be in denial. The reality is too difficult to contemplate, especially the idea that Covid was a planned bioattack.
Most of the people I know willingly and happily did it. They are PROUD they did their bit for Society. If they have stopped taking the boosters, it's because their doctor told them to stop taking the boosters.
To me, it's beyond denial. It's brainwashing.
Once you have gotten your children "vaxxed" it is very hard to admit you may have KILLED them.
For Dracula to sink his fangs into one, they must let him in first...
If by "Dracula" you mean the Satan worshipping eugenicists, I agree.
But they'll know. If one's child dies after pushing them to take the poison they'll know, but be in denial. A denial that they can't hide behind every time they look in the mirror. To the point they'll never again be able to look at themselves, into their own eyes at their own soul to face the inescapable truth of what they did. Their soul knows they failed the most important test of their life. Denial is their survival mechanism. They'll survive. But they'll never live again unless and until they face the truth.
yup...they have to face it....I don't know how I would handle this if I were in this situation.
I think I would drop everything else and go on a rampage....demanding action, demanding renumeration, demanding that the death of this child not be ignored. I would be standing in front of various governmental and medical offices day and night with signs and accusations. I am horrified that any parent would let this pass without at least some kind of action if not actual retribution. If you cannot stand up for and protect your own child....then you are not even human.
My Doctor who is Catholic showed concern over these as they contained cell lines from aborted fetuses and said the church said Pfizer was fine because it did not have them, but then it was discovered through Project Veritas before James O'Keefe was ousted that they do contain these cells. He said he would never take another one even if it meant losing his job.
Your doctor is an indoctrinated fraud like most in western medicine. Trust God, not doctors. Never forget that mRNA Bioweapons were a Global I. Q. Test. Many failed. Many died. Many are ruined for life. Many lost jobs. Many killed themselves. Many are Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity. Many deserve public Execution.
It truly is a CULT.
It is!!!
Yep. They're brainwashed.
I would argue the coerced would not be in denial and more likely to be the ones making the threats.
Wish I saved the link but Klaus Schwab from the WEF said when people take these shots it changes people through nano technology. Once respected Doctors and Scientists say there is a connection between these shots and 5G.
I think the cdc let the cat out of the bag when they had a campaign about zombies. In the Bible it says people in the end of time during the apocalypse have “one mind” when the beast who was killed with a mortal wound is resurrected. The Bible also states in the book of Daniel that the last kingdom is part iron and part clay. It doesn’t cleave together and that kingdom will be destroyed. I think nano could be the iron and clay of course is humanity. Only God himself can put an end to this nonsense.
I am praying he does and for those who will ill on humanity if their hearts cannot be softened that they get what they wish on humanity.
Or even when it does. Mysterious, untimely deaths of friends and family members, cancers out of nowhere, unusual problems with no apparent causes, all stuff that shouldn’t be happening in the healthy population I know, but all involved and almost everyone else I talk to about it are rigidly agreed: “Absolutely nothing to see here, folks!”
Maybe we need to import our drinking water from Saskatchewan, something in it that’s awakening people?
I live in small town Saskatchewan near Saskatoon, and almost everyone I know took this evil concoction!!! No smarter here than anywhere else!!! No one I know who took the jab has ever expressed regrets. Everyone just going on as before. I’ve known a few people that have died or been affected, but the numbers aren’t high enough to cause obvious alarm - yet!!! I have no idea what the future will be, but I’m sure we aren’t done with the consequences of the jab yet!!! God help us all!!’ 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
what's that about saskatchewan? Have different info re sask...
The Penny has dropped for many. I think those who pushed the jabs on loved ones are trying hard to remain in a state of denial so they won’t have to feel partially responsible or admit they were completely duped. Then there is the damage to people’s brains to consider as per Dr. Nehls’ book. It is my theory, anyhow. I’m doing a lot of funerals these days and am witnessing cognitive dissonance as well as some personality shifts and chronic illnesses in those whom I know took the jabs.
Yes. Several close friends have admitted that they regret taking it. It's something.
But they STILL
-- get vaccines! And think previous vaccines were okay. They think this was an anomaly. "Polio" etc. They don't know the real story.
-- and trust "medicine" and put themselves in the hands of doctors who advocated the kill shots and insisted on absurd protocols which maximized mortality.
They think the problem was THIS vaccine and this TEMPORARY problem with a corrupt government.
When the problem truly is systemic and has been since the beginning.
But hey I'll take what I can get. Baby steps.
It's like: they know this vaccine was screwed up....
... but don't know how to draw conclusions from that. They can't posit the wide-scale corruption which does in fact exist.
I hear you on that. I gave my roommate a bunch of literature on the harms and false science behind the vaccination program at the onset of the scamdemic. I used to determine the overhead rate for federally sponsored research thus am aware of the amount of flat-out lying involved. I was in and out of BSL labs, suited up like an astronaut, not wearing a silly cloth mask, I assure you. She read none of the literature, only two people read what I had provided where I now work and I had made a point to speak to nearly everyone there and doled books out like candy. And now folks are developing embolisms, early-onset dementia, strokes, “heart issues” or are generally ill. My roommate’s elderly parents were both dead within 6 months of the jabs, family members drop dead suddenly and people are really sick of me announcing statistics. If I were a completely shitty person, I could simply say, “I told you so”, but there is no satisfaction in that since this is a level of destruction I have a hard time wrapping my mind around, to be honest. It is just sad and warped.
Elizabeth Schneider, you are my people.
I'm glad I see people like you online. I know "we're" out there. It helps. Particularly when very dear friends who've known me since college and have heard me out a zillion times, still tell me they're following their doctors right off the cliff with whatever disease they have.
I'm like: what makes you think he will heal you, when he was just going along with injecting babies (who had no risk) with gene-altering sterility drugs?
but I save my breath now, mostly.
Thanks for sharing your experience... very interesting.
I too hold back. When people die suddenly, I don't ask "was he jabbed?" to avoid rubbing it in.
Everyone: obviously I realize what a massive genocidal con the plandemic was. That was not my question.
My question was: this article says "a reader says." Do we have any proof of what the reader says, that they know people getting death threats?
Why do I ask? It might well be true (it would be understandable).
But it also could be a lie, spread to make anti-vaxxers look like "violent domestic extremists."
So it is beyond crucial to proceed with caution.
This is an information war.
Another game for Mr. Robert L. Peters' attorneys to play.
I really think most people have substotuted doctors and s ientism for the belief in god and life after death
100% correct.
Then add in "the state" as another potential god.
Minnesota is completely on-board with the vaxmadness. People get sick all the time, blame it on long covid and talking about this is forbidden. Look at Nextdoor and all anti vax talk is censored immediately. My entire family is boosted up and ready for the next one. Some of us thankfully heard the “still, small voice “ and said NO.
take this jab and shove it
The 'normal' flu shots are now mRNA, afaik, with many more in the pipeline. The ensuing carnage will allow even the most trusting to connect the dots - though likely too late.
Yes....horrifying mRNA is a deadly platform for vaccines.
Wow, it’s mind-boggling isn’t it?
This is the unseen threat looming over our entire civilization. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi says this mRNA platform represents total doom for civilization...Does it really? I don't know myself....but Dr. Mike Yeadon...30 veteran employee in top level pharma says the mRNA platform (whatever that technical term means) was deliberately designed to kill, injure and disable. He has a complete explanation of his assessment of the covid "vaccine" here https://drmikeyeadon.substack.com/p/statement-by-mike-yeadon?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web
This is not hard to read and puts everything in the light of science: these criminals want us dead and gone....or at least unable to defend ourselves, according to his very cognizant analysis.
Thank you, Kathleen. I’m getting sick and tired of the daily onslaught of “we are all going to die. We are doomed. It’s over” type emails
thank you for your post
There is a lunatic doctor in our small town who pushed the "death vax". One day in a local grocery store she loss her mind because the clerk was wearing her mask beneath her nose. It was horrible. She posted disgusting remarks on her Facebook page about that young clerk and against people who wouldn't get vaxxed. A good friend and neighbor was a patient. He got all 5 shots and died of "turbo cancer" last month. How many others has she killed or permanently damaged due to her insane position of insisting all her patients get vaxxed? I will never forgive her.
Yes...it is difficult to be forgiving. One thing to keep in mind....Most people reading and posting here have a bit more going in the attic--if you know what I mean--
Fact is, many people are just dim. They may be good people but they probably can barely read. Most "doctors" I know are woefully under educated and have not read a book in years. They are simply good at memorizing what will be "on the test" and regurgitating this back.
They are also excellent at being "compliant"...if Lord Fauci or Queen Walensky or the CDC tell them to jump....they keep on jumping until some other "authority" figure tells them to stop.
People like Dr.Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Mike Yeadon and those at https://doctors4covidethics.org
are rare and should be fully valued. Most German doctors fully supported the Nazi regime before WWII...and happily did the horrific "experiments" with Dr. Mengele.
Yes, "compliant" throughout 20+ years of education is the only way one can even gain entry into med school. "Professional class" could also be called "Compliant Reliable class". My husband is a "professional", he is the most compliant person he knows, and thanks me almost every day for insisting he NOT receive that death compact they were offering as a "vaccine".
Yep, most people reading /posting have a bit more going on that is for sure. We are the "undoctrinated" instead of the "indoctrinated". My friend whom I mentioned was well-educated yet he got indoctrinated. He wouldn't hear anything negative about her. I tried for months to get him to get in touch with Dr. McCullough or FLCCC protocol doctors. He ignored me because he was sure she was doing the right thing. Just before he died he told me he should have paid more attention to the cancer.
My half-sister also got the first Pfizer shot and two weeks later was in the ICU on a vent where she died two months later on that vent. Like my other friend, her husband wouldn't even look at the information I was trying to give him. Instead he relied on the hospitals "death protocol".
Sadly many knowledgable people believe the real "Tsunami of Death" has barely begun and that our whole society will be decimated....I don't have an opinion on this....But I know Dr. McCullough feels if you haven't keeled over or gotten cancer yet....you may probably escape undamaged. I hope that is true.....On the other hand if it is indeed "graphene hydroxide" in the blood...I don't know if it is possible to get rid of that....does anyone know?
Right after "Give us this day, our daily bread" comes the contract. Yes it is difficult. That, I think, is why forgiveness is predicated upon forgiving. Addendum which arrived about 2:30 this a.m.: regarding that predication. I think that holding on to a grudge, refusing to forgive (yes, even though the one sinning-against-me hasn't asked for forgiveness), takes up space in my soul. A space which God wants to fill with His forgiveness. But I have not left room for that precious gift. Until I jettison the bad to make room for the good.
Do I forgive them...even if they haven't asked to be forgiven and do not believe they have done anything wrong? Do I forgive them as they are in the very act of murdering children? Do I forgive them if they murder MY CHILD?
No one that didn’t get the Covid shots are connecting the dots. 4% of the population are psychopaths born without empathy or a conscience. 6% of the population are narcissists born without empathy. You have 10% of the population are lunatics that react to the reality in their head and not the real world. We’re going to have to question every source of information as the lunatics are running the asylum!
Your global statement that "No one that didn’t get the Covid shots are connecting the dots." It is more likely that those who got the shots are not connecting the dots.
Because they no longer can! 😲
I went into my small home town (in 2022) pharmacy while visiting parents and saw elderly waiting to get shots. They looked so innocent and vulnerable. Pharmacist is a good friend of family. I wanted to scream at him to stop killing people. I should have! He almost died from a brain bleed after one of many boosters. The elderly were slaughtered. I can’t believe my parents are still alive after all their boosters. The anger over this will always be with me.
EXTERMINATE all lunatic doctors who jumped on board the Nuremberg 2.0 train.
And she herself is unharmed? Wonder if she gave herself an exemption.
I have no idea her status. But I do know another person who lives in my comples who she jabbed had a stroke and is lucky to be alive.
I refused the vax, my company threatened me, I advised them to let me know when my last day was. I was close to retirement anyway and could have retired then but waited to make them force me. Turns out they backed down.
My neighbor died from a highly aggressive cancer after taking the vax, he had previously been in remission. A co-worker and his wife (nurse) developed blood clots, their daughter had menstrual issues, a friend is in the hospital with heart failure, unlikely to live past the end of this year. My local obits often have people who died suddenly, many less than 55 years old.
I know a few people who have taken it and have no side effects. I consider them to be either lucky or to be a walking medical disaster waiting to happen. Supposedly there were three batches of the vax. Safe, Saline, Poison. Luck of the draw perhaps as to which vax a person got but frankly, who can ever trust the medical profession or vaccines ever again? Not me.
My husband now has Guillaine Barre syndrome ....and now can hardly walk across the room. My "medical professional" relations swear the "vaccine" did not do this....though neurological damage is often listed now as one of the "common" damages from these "vaccines" or if you prefer "gene therapy"
Oh, but they're working on 'restoring our trust'. Fool me once.....
they are?! 🤣
My synagogue in the U.S. pushed the vax.
No vax. No attendance.
I left .
Apparently, all non profits were incentivized to push it.
Don’t you just love all these so called professionals (pharmacists, doctors, nurses, etc…) that will FINALLY speak out NOW that they’re worried about the consequences of keeping their mouths shut during the mass murders? “I knew but didn’t say anything too loud because I didn’t want to lose my job”. Isn’t that still complicit? Imagine what would have happened if all these people had stood together and said NO!!! YOU CANNOT DO THIS TO HUMAN BEINGS! I believe many others would have been encouraged to also STAND and this whole thing could have been stopped or at least stymied! These pathetic simps looking for praise or sympathy for keeping their mouth shut disgust me. They’re just as bad in my opinion.🤮☠️
Those in the medical field who knew and still went along are the scum of the earth and deserve to die a long and painful death along with the planners and order givers.
Sorry, but not sorry.
Yes, I am still working on forgiving.😔 Just when I think I’m ok I read another article about what else is coming down the line not only the jabbed but the unjabbed (from shedding). This starts the whole ‘spinelessness of people and how easily they bowed to GREED and FEAR!’
SHAKE IT OFF PEOPLE OF THE WORLD! Use your anger as fuel to stand against the WHO, WEF, NWO agenda!!!! May 27th is the deadline when Biden will attempt to sign our rights away to the WHO in a pandemic!!! If you thought c19 was horrible just wait to see what they have lined up if the WHO is in charge of the planet!!!!PLEASE USE YOUR VOICE NOW!! Call and email and visit your representatives and senators, Biden and Trump! Hold them ACCOUNTABLE!! NO to WHO!!! 🎉🎉🎉
Bounties? I feel like hunting…
The “other side“ don’t hesitate to kill….look what just happened in Slovakia their president refused to sign the WHO treaty. He’s refused to participate in so much of this evil and they just shot him yesterday.