I just found out that every baby in the US is now undergoing a blood sample test at birth, so we are getting there quickly. Do Americans even know this is happening to their newborns? Do new parents know that their babies are injected with vitamin K and antibiotics at birth? I know a woman who just had a baby and she had it at home to avoid all that !

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Yep has been happening for at least 16 years when I gave birth to my eldest, also vitamin k into the eyes and a hep b shot in first two days of life ... I had to insist to skip that stupid shot but of course the pedi jabbed them at the 6 week visit. Parents have been stripped of medical autonomy over their children. I am steaming mad. I went along w the jab schedule for my first four (jab after jab after jab) and mostly my fifth but I’ve put the brakes on now. NO MORE.

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You have not been stripped of anything, just refuse everything under religious exemption and go to another doctor if they get stupid.

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Absolutely parental rights have been eroded in the area of pediatric medicine! The fact that a parent must pursue an “exemption” of any kind to avoid injections and tests is proof

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They also require the first Hep B vaccine which is totally unnecessary. They also are threatening to report parents that reject these shots and blood tests to CPS.

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And those that abuse children go free. The government arrests people who skip a doctor's visit with their child, but pedophiles go free....

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Yep many states are putting newborns in a DNA database. Commiefornia has been doing it for years.

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I have also read that some of the government Covid testing sites were selling the material from the swabs to China so they can harvest DNA from it.

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If a social credit BS totalitarian state occurs in the USSA I will be the first to quit my job and tell the scum bag banksters they can have my condo. I will not play there game! FOAD Klaus slob Mother WEFers!

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The old women with sticks are being used to artificially set old against young. This is also being done in our culture (sacrifice to save granny). So many people buy into this age stuff, even though it's the people who create and run the pandemic/vax project, who have appointed the grannies to carry sticks and harass young people. Back in the day, Mao's Red Guards were young people. That was equally arbitrary.

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Yikes! That drives it home. It’s exactly what they want here. How do you stop it? In history wars are won by the technologically superior side. We’re in a war. An information war. And the despots control the superior technology. Not optimistic.

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....and he has the love and admiration of Justin Blackface Trudeau....... lest we forget..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVusYrv2jIU

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Now I need to pray for a real virus. If this is the fate of humanity...because of how we are and will always be... then the experiment is over..and our species a greivious failure.

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Holy crap!!!!

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There was this interesting comment below the video that, though dark and undesirable to think about, still merits a moment’s consideration:

“Dieter Andrew

6 days ago

It's not just the babies that are being conditioned to taking the tests. And if/when there is a nefarious plan ennacted, how many will take the test, not knowing until it's too late, that the tests weren't tests at all, but the means to provide infection/death? We're also conditioned to believe an instrument is sterilized if we see it being removed from a sealed package...”

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However you look at it, White people are not Chinese people; its not racism. they think with the other side of the brain

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"Young Leaders" are Getting us Killed (despite skinny jeans and wokeness)


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Oh look, a nazi is spamming this thread with links to a nazi site.

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his comment was removed and he is banned.

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A long time ago, I read a book on meditation by someone in FG, it seemed harmless, and I wondered why any government would be against meditation. It's hard to know anything if you only know it from media, though, because all official sources lie.

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