CONFIRM RFK JR TODAY: "Ultimately, the only thing that will save our country and our children is if we choose to love our kids more than we hate each other.”
Today marks an important moment in American history with the confirmation of Robert Kennedy Jr. to the position of secretary of Health and Human Services.
As head of HHS, RFK Jr. can have profound impacts on not just matters of health, but, also, by bringing various bioterrorist eugenicists like Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, their various Intelligence Industrial Complex coconspirators and BigPharma partners-in-crime to justice.
But there is fantastically strong opposition to RFJ Jr.’s nomination, with every single detractor being a BigPharma bought and paid for asset.
Let us start with RFK Jr.’s very own cousin, who wrote a letter to senators claiming that he was a “predator;” to wit:
Except that Caroline Kennedy has extreme conflicts of interest, and was quite literally put to the task of character assassinating and discrediting her cousin by her BigPharma sponsors:
A little more granularity on exactly why this person is for all intents and purposes nothing more than a venal and mendacious shill:
U.S Senator Ed Markey is another such BigPharma and Intelligence Industrial Complex asset who is now opposing RFK Jr.’s nomination, recently claiming, “Robert Kennedy Jr. is an unqualified, unserious, and dangerous nominee for US Secretary of Health and Human Services.”
But back in 2008 Ed Markey personally invited RFK Jr. to testify to Congress on the harmful effects of mercury:
It is clear from this testimony that RFK Jr. is anything but, “unqualified, unserious, and dangerous,” and is clearly a bonafide expert in his field; the only way someone like Ed Markey could say anything negative about RFK Jr. right before the confirmation hearing is precisely because he was ordered to.
When it comes to the most prolific serial killer in the history of the world…
…no one has more receipts pertaining to the broad range of crimes against humanity as committed by the not so good doctor than RFK Jr.:
I don't look into Fauci's head…nor into Bill Gates head…I lay out what they did…and the story speaks for itself. It’s a story of people involved in really terrible, terrible, immoral, homicidal and criminal behavior…
-RFK Jr.
So what are all of these swamp monsters so afraid of?
First of all, the chances of mass arrests of the likes of Dr. Fauci and all of his associates would increase quite literally overnight.
Secondly, the following three vital actions that RFK Jr. will more than likely institute if confirmed would change the entire landscape of BigPharma, their entire deadly vaccine schedule, and fundamentally improve and protect the health of all Americans instantly:
Get rid of all BigPharma commercials (btw when you say, ‘ask your doctor about..’ you relinquish your consent rights)
Get rid of the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act
Get rid of the Bayh–Dole Act
Yours truly had an exchange last night with a true hero in the Medical Freedom Movement in Dr. Paul Alexander, who just travelled to Washington, D.C. to throw his support behind RKF Jr.; and while no candidate is perfect, RFK Jr. at this point in time represents our only chance to bring the entire Medical Industrial Complex to heel:
For those that have the time, this is an excellent podcast from last year that will shed a lot of light on where RFK Jr.’s stands on a variety of political and health positions:
Let us hope against hope that Robert Kennedy Jr. becomes the next secretary of Health and Human Services, because our lives and our children’s lives depend on it.
And just to drive home the point of how important RFK Jr.’s stance is on health and all things MAHA:
Note that he will end his suppression of lifesaving drugs like Ivermectin, while warning the bioterrorist criminals to prepare for mass indictments by preserving their records.
So in honor of RFK Jr.’s position on lifesaving drugs, please take full advantage of this FLASH SALE by using code code IVM20 to receive an additional 20% OFF on not just the Nobel Prize winning miracle compound Ivermectin, but also on the miraculous Fenbendazole, Doxycycline, the full spectrum organic CBD oil containing 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG, the powerful immune support nutraceutical and spike support formula VIR-X, and the healthy sugar alternative FLAV-X!
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Sale ends Thursday, January 30th (midnight eastern time), 2025.
Please contact the company directly with any product questions:
Do NOT comply.
Knowing the fact that Caroline is invested in these drug companies should be a top consideration then. It was also trending on "X" that Bill Gates is behind a mass petition of fake Doctors who are urging those who would confirm RFK to vote no. You would think the fact that her family has experienced many losses of life would make her open her mind up to the powers that should not be but it's always profits over people.
We need to break the cycle… sell us poisoned foods and then prescriptions to alleviate the symptoms… what a cash cow !!!
All at the expense of our overall health. RFK MUST BE CONFIRMED !!!