Jul 2, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Watched that PBD discussion earlier today. Very telling.

FWIW I’m a banker (22 years in, regulatory expert) and I’m concerned about the Great Reset. Been talking about it for a while at conferences and such.

You know who is not aware of it or talking about it? Bankers.

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Make sure you take cash out of the ATM on a weekly basis.

I suspect there will be a bank "holiday" and withdrawals will be limited or stopped.

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Jul 2, 2023·edited Jul 2, 2023

Here. Here.

As the Commenter said at the top of the page, "Make sure you take out of the ATM on a weekly basis and have enough cash, jewelry, precious metal or something of value to barter on hand...As well as enough food and clean, fresh water or chemicals to clean water as well as pots to boil it in.

Forewarned is forearmed; and in a strange way...It's about time. The country has been going down the tubes since at least 63 and it needs A GOOD CLEANING!!!

"Drain the Swamp in 2024".

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What to do, what to do. I have peacefuly protested until I was blue in the face, and what good has it done,nothing. Where are all the people that what good and peaceful changes, now. Nowhere to be seen except on pod cast, the internet and TV. People come in droves to a Trump Rally. Well, why aren't they out in the street protesting peacefuly. Yes , we have the few that protest various organizations, like the Pro life movement and others. But, our lives are at stake here and we must stand together and protest, or we are lost. Col. Douglas Macgregor is absolutly right. I don't think we'll ever see a 2024 election unless we get off our butts and protest. Oh,and by the way, I have already taken my money out of the bank.

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"Non-violent non-compliance"

"Non-violent non-compliance"

"Non-violent non-compliance"

It has never worked with schoolyard bullies. What makes you think that it would work with these globalist elites hell bent on their agendas?

Global depopulation is how they reduce the number of people who could defy them. Disarming civilians is how they prevent people from fighting back.

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Colonel (ret)Douglas Macgregor’s warnings are realistic; all Hell could break, politically and banking pre-election. I’m going to drop into detail on Ukraine.


The good Col. predicts “Ukraine is going to lose catastrophically” It’s in process. Ukraine’s troops of the US/NATO long hyped counter-offensive were “stunned” by what they encountered all along the multiple in-depth Russian defensive lines of entire front. Don’t be fooled by our media hyping a few “villages”being taken. Stats from intercepts of Ukraine’s own reporting of losses from 04 June to 30 June: Over 13 thousand troops killed or wounded, 246 tanks,, 595 armored vehicles, 443 armored combat vehicles, 279 artillery and mortars, 2 anti-aircraft missile systems, 10 fighters, 4 helicopters, 264 UAVs, 424 cars. Zelensky has only 8-9 days for significant counter-offensive results prior to NATO meeting 11 July, or shit could well hit fan.

For the record, those who insist that Putin is a “dictator”or suggest Putin be assassinated, e.g., Senator Lindsey Graham, "The only way this ends is for somebody in Russia to take this guy [Putin] out. You would be doing your country — and the world — a great service." Here’s some cold water on that thinking: Putin’s trust rating end of June: 78.6%. Approval rating 74.8%. He remains extremely popular with the people who actually live in Russia.

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After talking citizens who left France I think you are right. It is all on purpose. The immigration and then the violence.

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Talked to my bank, small bank in Central Wisconsin last week...asking about “ FedNow”.. manager stated didn’t know if they’d “ join”.... I asked if the CUSTOMER gets a choice... he stated CUSTOMER could choose to use, or not... Customer Service on Credit Union in Nevada seemed totally clueless ! I gave them www.solari.com / Catherine Austin Fitts to go listen to.....

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Been hearing dire predictions for years. Nothing is going to happen. People will keep voting and sending their kids to school. Nothing has changed. Sound and fury signifying nothing.

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Martin Armstrong also predicts serious problems with a 2024 election. Blatant election fraud for the 2020 election.

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I’m a banker. I agree with you and Macgregor. That 2 bankers, so far.

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Thanks 2nd. The General is right on point. Unfortunately.

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"push back hard with total nonviolent noncompliance?

Whatever they attempt to foist upon us next, do not get demoralized, do not get depressed, do not despair."

I agree.

Hard to do but any other way is harder. Oh, and while we are at it, laugh at them. That helps us and really gets to them.

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This is a fantastic read about how they fought back in the Hong Kong protests, all the tactics they used, how they protected themselves from the violence used against them. Essential reading for the escalating war against the people. Protesting peacefully against state sponsored violence means they win.


“This article aims to provide immediate food for thought about what the mob i.e. the 99% needs to consider right now about how it continues to behave in light of what has been and continues to be done to them.

Some of the 99% understand aspects of how serious the situation has become, and others have been directly subjected to state brutality in various forms. The majority are docile and distracted, as they are meant to be. Awake citizens have, at some point over the last 3 years, resorted to forms of protest. In some places, like France and Holland, these protests are ongoing. However, none of these protests have adopted the simple and necessary evolution of form and tactics that are appropriate for today’s environment.”

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Don’t think Russia is bad at all it’s the Ukraine war yes that is the false narrative major distraction and it’s all planned sorry to say don’t get sucked in Ukraine war is bullshit. U.S. taxes pay for everything .... government pump in the propaganda and billions and billions of dollars laundering money through Ukraine with that poser president

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Col. MacGregor is such a wise soul. No matter what he’s discussing or how distressing the topic, his abilities comfort me. People are still admirable because it is what many still want to and try to be.

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