The Crime of the Century rolling right along with the full endorsement of the Governments of the G20... the largest Kill Box in the history of Mankind...

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Depopulation. Crimes against humanity.

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With TOTAL IMPUNITY for the MURDERING manufacturers! Mick.

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Oct 22, 2023
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They're not just killing Children are they?

What about all the elderly done away with by Midazolam & Morphine whilst their families were barred from visiting them to see what was being done to them - all orchestrated by that non-eniity Matt Hancock, caught groping that woman in his office, caught sending all those 'When are we going to release the next variant to scare everyone' WhatsApp messages & all because he wants to be famous - what a joke, famous for what??? Well he got infamy instead - be careful what you wish for.

And on Friday last, Andrew Bridgen tries to get a Covid enquiry going in Parliament but almost every other MP makes sure they are elsewhere whilst the disgusting pedo promoting & enabling BBC run banners throughout his speech denying everything he's saying, when there must be 1000's of reputable reports & studies out warning how deadly these fake vaxxes are let alone all the DARPA Biowarefare documents brought out into the light by Sasha Latypova & Sir Frances Boyle, who drew up the Biowarefare legislation repeatedly warning these non-vaccines are Bio Warfare Weapons

Why are the hell are putting up with this ???

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Hi 2SGitW,

When the media and corrupt medical profession (Big Pharma) refer to 'unvaccinated', the manipulative statisticians remove 'ALL RECENT INJECTIONS' from their calculations and only count those jabbed within the previous 21 days? This is their usual misleading and faulty Policy to reduce, still further, the reality of the Death by Covid injection lethality?

If ALL the COVID INJECTED BABIES were included the VAX related DEATHS, the number of DEATHS would be even more staggering! It's Mass-MURDER by those supposed to care for humanity.

If the vax makers removed their shield against legal action and any/all litigation for VAX RELATED INJURIES or DEATHS, we might start to accept some of their distorted statistics which are dishonest!

LIABILITY must be a condition of sale for all Big Pharms medicine makers. It's just common sense!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Why do you think the younger age group is more susceptable? Somehow related to a more plastic state creating selective vulnerability to the shots? Stem cell related?

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They're all susceptible to Genetic Modification! Mick.

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I think they are less susceptible, but normally almost none die; so the ratio of after jab dying to before is large.

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Suppose young deaths go from 1 (unvaccinated) to 10 (post Vax), and elderly go from 100 to 120.

young increase is 9;

elderly increase is 20.

But young increase is 10x;

elderly increase is 1.2x.

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The Depopulation Inoculation®️.

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And yet when the MP had his speech in parliament about excessive deaths hardly anyone was there. You should share this data with him. Sorry I can’t remember his name right now but you surely know who it is being the 2nd smartest person

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Andrew Bridgen (aka : Hero) 💪

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Secondary to the dumbing down of Americans through the Public Education...

...they have also instilled victimhood and advocacy

These people believe that they have a right to endanger children, even to death, so that they not be offended (injured)...

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Any projections as the the steady incline of deaths? I’m wondering when/if a certain threshold is reached which can not be denied, and makes people finally wake up. So of course, I’m wondering when the stats say we’ll be at that, “Where have all the people gone?” spot. I feel

sick and sad asking, but my curiosity gets the better of me.

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Why can't I share this? I hit the share button and nothing happens.

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