Mar 19Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World


Rockefeller’s wet dream.

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In my opinion most governments are trying to implement this before their next election so we the people are totally screwed and they will remain in power as a dictatorship rather than a democracy

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Assuming we had a democracy. I thinkNOT.

Going back to JFK.

Just saying.

Long time in the making.

But here are thinking democracy is the answer.

Remove head from sand or ass, then take a deep breath. Feeling dizzy?


Later gator

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Agreed. I’m in Canada and I believe Trudeau will be “leading” us for a long, long time.

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Sounds right to me.

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Move to states that say they'll attempt to resist this...holocaust. That's what it is, as death is their long-game. I cross-posted this with the same message. I'm getting the fuck out of California, if it's the last thing I do...(possibly literally).

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I understand Emily! I’m in Commifornia too. But, it’s getting “bad” other places besides CA…now.

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You may imagine that my clicking 'like' does not in any way indicate favor. But I do so appreciate your work on behalf of your readers.

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Out of curiosity; do you think the author is incorrect in his interpretations?

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I only hope not. But I wish to be observing with eyes wide open.

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All five eyes countries are on the same trajectory.

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A reminder to everyone who cherishes freedom- the only way to avert this Orwellian nightmare is to build a new economy- something that is decentralized and based on human values. We live in a world that provides for all but when we are blinded by ignorance, fear, arrogance and apathy, we fail to see that there is a much better way. It’s all waiting for us to seek and discover that wealth which our creativity will reveal.

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Mar 19·edited Mar 19

Excellent article as usual. Very informative. It’s amazing how blatant and brazen are the attacks on people by the Marxist wannabe rulers of the world. They’re just not hiding anymore. Of course, at some point along the road on which they have to lead us down, their actions would have to go from covert to over, and we have reached that point. Of course they tailor their propaganda to make it sound good - they use words “fairness“; “democracy“, “inclusion“ and ever ubiquitous “equality“ with the goal of sugarcoating the bitter medicine they want us to swallow . As the author points out, as many of us as possible must simply push back against these actions and activities. In the end, there are too many of us, and they will fail, but it is essential that a critical mass (a majority is not needed) must simply and clearly and continuously say “NO, we will not comply”.

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What’s so terrible about the MAID option?

80% of a person’s medical expenses occur in the last 2 years of life when the ghouls hook you up and milk you for all your worth. Who wants that? Also as a Buddhist I believe that your state of mind at death determines your rebirth. If I can go peacefully in a state of love and grace, more’s the better. Finally, my body my choice. Why are people against it?

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I agree that everybody should have to choice to leave with dignity.

BUT: You seriously don't see how this can be horrifically abused en masse? (There are plenty of stories about that it has been already abused.) Have you not been paying attention in the last 4 years? Do you really think it is a good idea to make a state mandated medical board directly decide who lives and dies?

I was born in Eastern Europe. Not that long ago, here it was literally categorized a psychiatric disorder to question "the greatness of the socialist state", millions of dissident people (or sometimes just inconvenient people like estranged, divorced wife's of party functionaries) were incarcerated in psychatirc wards, chemically lobotomized or killed.

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Because you’re not accepting your soul’s karma. Maybe suffering is part of your karma.

Prepare for your death every single day, as you become more aware of your spiritual side (if you are aware of it), and your own mortality.

I think it’s a form of suicide…it is your choice, though.

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I do like the idea of nonviolent noncompliance, but it won’t work, especially when your noncompliance will be answered with intimidation and violence by the government and its proxies. Unfortunately, with our elections totally rigged, and in-place judicial corruption, the only way this ends is by violently deposing the existing bureaucracy and replacing it with a new representative government.

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Mar 19·edited Mar 19


BREAKING! Japanese Researchers Warn About Risks Associated With Blood Transfusions From COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated Individuals



Concerns regarding Transfusions of Blood Products Derived from Genetic Vaccine Recipients and Proposals for Specific Measures


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Today’s Deep Thought in a Nutshell: How about we all consider that the Bolshevik’s took over our government in the early 1900’s, brought over the Nazi’s after WW2 in Project Paperclip and now they have used the CIA/5Eyes to get millions of people to take their poison? Let me add in, the Medical Industrial Complex. Because most of the Covid patients died in the hospital and not at home.

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How about: your Substack subscriptions show that you are an enemy of the state...

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substack the honeypot, but here we are

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Okay. I get what the plan is. Now let’s hear how we derail it. Lots of yada, yada on what’s in store. Let’s hear some solutions. Do not comply is pretty vague.

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Trudeau is Klaus Schwab's favorite lap dog as he brags about his participation in their Young Global Leaders group. Klaus said they penetrate the cabinets and that over 50% were WEF. Trudeau loves China's style of governance and is implementing everything the WEF advocates for. Sure the US is not far behind Canada who also charged carbon taxes.

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Re: WEF'er Trudeau. "Klaus said they penetrate the cabinets and that over 50% were WEF."

As is Ivanka Trump; 2014/2015. A Proud WEF'er. Inside the WH for 4 long years.

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I didn't know this. George Carlin was right as he said: It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it. So she is likely not a conservative at all. Donald Trump himself has voted Democrat & Republican flip flopping from both parties. He was as the WEF speaking and was boasting about achievements the U.S. has made and said something where he was rejecting globalism and that he said something like respect our sovereignty like we do yours and some pointed out that the speech he made was the beginning of the end of his Presidency as he looked like a threat to their plans. Soros said Trump was a phenomenon that would go away and it did.

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Great article as always. May suggest a much needed change in point of view: what you are talking about is the Corporation called Canada Inc. Canada Inc is not the Country called Canada, and neither is Canada Inc, even CANADA INC; the ‘State’ or even the Nation of living men and women Canadians. Canada Inc is in and of the Zintetnstional Jurisdiction of the Sea. “It” operates under a private law legal system of the Sea: Sea Law in Admiralty and as have it: Commercial Colour of Law. It is forbidden to use Commercial Colour of Law against living men and women.

Legislation is for Persons/PERSONS and not ever for living people, men and women; mankind. Only for Corporations, ever one of them Formed “Dead at Law” as State of State Foreign Agents in a State of State Foreign Realm to mankind and to the Land and soil Realm of living man.

Corporations; their Kind, have no law and no jurisdiction on the Land and soil and in the Realm of man, Nature and Spirit under Natures God.

The Realm of the Sea is the domain of the Great Deceiver aka, The Father of All Lies, aka Satan.

There is not one Corporation on the Earth that has any Natural Right to be on the Earth… mankind has that Natural Right and holds all superior law and the General Jurisdiction.

The Charters/CHARTERS of all Privateer Vessels are issued under and from the Global International Jurisdiction of the Air i.e by The Pope who is the ultimate responsible person for all of the Corporations on the Earth.

The Charters/CHARTERS require that all business done must be lawful (not legal) lawful always. All corporations like The Pope himself must obey Ecclesiastical Law. Any unlawful Act done, for instance harming even one hair on the head of Gods Living Children requires that the offending Corporation be Involuntarily Liquidated, all Assets seized to compensate the victims, and that all “Officers” of the offending Privateer Vessel be arrested for trial. You should be inundating the Pope and the Vatican Chancery Court with your demands for these Corporation to be immediately involuntarily liquidate for their lawlessness and for the Death and Harm that they have promulgated upon mankind not least of course for their pollution of the blood of mankind, the unlawful trespass and medical battery. Tell his eminence that you will not tolerate this Evil on the Earth and hold Him absolutely responsible because he is absolutely responsible for these evil Corporations and for allowing evil “Officers” to get away with Harming and Damaging and causing the Death of millions of mankind. Remind him of the Law of Kinds, remind him that he also is bound by Ecclesiastical Law and that if he will not obey it… demand that he get out of the way of mankind.

Another point: much is being said of the legal indemnity given to the pharmaceutical companies. Mankind is not bound by private law legal “Things”. Mankind has their own Law and it is superior to the Private Law Commercial Legal System. Further it is a fact that one cannot give what one does not possess. The Corporations pretending to be Countries and Nations merely by using the same Name/NAME have no indemnity afforded to their Kind by mankind, and of course; if they do anything unlawful against mankind under their Charters then they too fall under Ecclesiastical Law and Admiralty law if their unlawful acts take place at sea and also under the Uniform Code of Military Justice if their Kind do any unlawful Acts on the Land. Their Kind should all be fearing the knock of the Military on their doors. We have had enough of their evil and indeed of their Kind telling mankind what we can and cannot do on our Earth. We are the dominion holders, we are the priority/preferential creditors and we are the living beneficiaries. The Privateers and their Vessels, induvidual and/or stakeholder organisations can just go sit in the corner and play with themselves and we man will remove their Charters and their Assets and where and when necessary the lives of the “Officers” who have attempted to destroy our kind; mankind with their Poisonous Pollutants.

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Reminds me of grey state


Better to be prepared and not need it than not be prepared and need it; supplies and ammo

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