As much as I'd love this to happen, I really can't. The corruption runs too deep. Complete system change is required for any kind of justice - that means entire governmental systems, judicial systems and law enforcement.

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023

There is always a catalyst. Any social change requires a "critical number of people" instigating the change.

Just because something requires a lot of effort does NOT mean its impossible. Millions of innocent people have died all around the World. Crimes against Humanity committed. Malfeasance legalised. Enough is enough!

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it would take the destruction of the USA in war to dismantle and punish the actors in our government. Much as it took the complete destruction of Germany in WWII to be able to pursue the Nuremberg trials.

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or a few strategically dropped missles by Putin. He has said, if provoked, he would eliminate "decision makers"

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he is moving another ship with hypersonic missiles to the Atlantic coast

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You can't WHAT

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I think they are saying they want it to happen, but being a realist, it is highly doubtful.

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You can't love to see this happen... or who can't believe it will happen.

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Absolutely agree!

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Exactly! Correct. 😑

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ABSOLUTELY! Has to be done to try to learn the truth about these heinous crimes. No one is above the Law.

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I hope they get more shots than "normal people". I mean they are important people, we need to keep them ultra safe.

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Have you ever succeeded in anything against ALL odds?

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Anyone who lost a loved one, or who was sent home without treatment after getting a COVID-19 infection will become incensed to learn that the usage of ivermectin was deliberately suppressed by the Federal bureaucracies, despite being very effective. Various people will point fingers to avoid getting in trouble and more and more the truth will come out. This needs to be done for the justice of it.

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Yep! Our own government wants us dead.

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I suspect that nothing short of dismantling the Federal state this week will work. Republican knaves permitted Communists to have a coup. Everyone save them is a useless eater. There is no justice in this land only naked criminal corruption.

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Truth! 😑

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it hasn't belonged to The People in over 160 years. The attorneys in gubernmunt have been chipping away with a vendetta e er since botching their revised constitutions that destroyed the spirit of the pre-1825 13th amendment.

Esquires were barred from serving in America's government. Now look at them go!!! Weee.. rolling out the death shots, etc.... destroying true American government with federal subcontractors running amok in the wake of the so-called civil war which left the true states unassembled and the true confederacy in a deliberate shambles. I know countless greatest crimes are coming to light... finally.

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In my opinion it never did. Federalism was intended to create Empire. The Articles of Confederation were not. Once the Anti-Federalist camp lost the battle for freedom it merely was a given the States would lose power. And thus nullify government close to the People. And the Civil War cemented the Empire.

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In my opinion it never did. Federalism was intended to create Empire. The Articles of Confederation were not. Once the Anti-Federalist camp lost the battle for freedom it merely was a given the States would lose power. And thus nullify government close to the People. And the Civil War cemented the Empire.

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Almost bullet-proof, but not quite. What about nixing HCQ and Ivermectin which they KNEW were cures? That could have saved millions. Nope, still unspeakable crimes against humanity.

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How about that wonderful FDA, who mocked ivermectin early on but then tried to backtrack but no not really? "Uh, we did not say you should not take it, BUT we did not say you should either..... but uh horsepaste! But see that was not guidance, so you can take it if you want, but don't blame us for anything, so you should probably not take it, maybe."

WTF kind of agency is this? This is like a bad comedy sketch, but this agency is actually responsible for regulating FOOD and DRUG safety for our country. This is clown world.

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Precisely what they want you to think. We know better, and pay no attention to them, the solution.

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Ready for a surprise? It's legal for Big Pharma to bribe the FDA.

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The bribery and corruption is rather clear, but the agency doesn't even try to sound professional, consistent, or logical. We are at the stage where their abuses are right out in the open, daring people to do something about it. And so far, they have nothing to worry about.

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They don't have to anylonger. So why keep up the charade?

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DO NOT do anything! Then they can have another J6 where they arrest you, but this time televise it countless times. And especially around election time.

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They must hang for this atrocity! 🤨

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I fully agree, and when enough, say 80% of WE THE PEOPLE have reached their precipice whatever it is for them, we can start organizing and fighting back. I'll detail how, baby steps at first little civil disobedience things, then bigger until full blown riots. Never worry about the military shooting at civilians, part of the oath we took says no. That would make the army domestic enemies. That the WH sent the 'Chernobyl train' tells me Brandon's handlers who #operation sheepdog has put out of business along with the rest of DC are petrified.

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Feb 15, 2023·edited Feb 15, 2023

You got to realize though that they have been doing that kind of thing for a very, very long time. This is nothing new. The Rockerfellers and Carnegie would not allow cancer cures to come to light. There have been quite a few doctors/nurses come forward in the last century with better cures than the standard, cut, nuke and poison the person to "try" to save a cancer patient. Guess what happened when the cures came out? Our own government would shut it down.

These people said they had evidence of curing cancer with lots of patient data to back it up. They were then taken to court a lot of times for CURING CANCER. WTH?

Some of the cures/names associated with these cures , documentary Forbidden Cures (though I am not in the medical field, so I don't know much, just my own research): Canadian nurse Rene Caisse with her herbal Essiac mixture, Stnislaw Brzynski regarding peptides/antineoplastons, and Harry M. Hoxsey cure that. The government authorities shut down 17 Hoxsey clinics in one day. It is said Fishbein (authority) admitted in court Hoxsey did cure cancer, Max Gerson cancer treatment which the FDA didn't really like either, then vitamin B-17 Laetrile, was said to cure cancer, William Lane with shark cartilege, mistle toe (viscum album), and Dr. Simoncini said he cured his own cancer with sodium bicarbonate. None of this has been welcomed with open arms by the FDA.. None of this deserved in depth studies by our government to see if it would help save the lives of cancer patients. Big Pharma would lose if these cures became standard treatment.

I believe Dr. Akbar Khan is currently fighting for the right to market his cancer cure. Dichloroacetate or DCA . He also believes there is a much safer way to administer chemo so it isn't so toxic called SEF Chemo but of course that isn't allowed. https://rumble.com/v28nqx2-doctors-license-revoked-for-providing-alternative-cancer-treatment.html

I am 56 years old. I remember in grade school getting these red tablets for "the health of our teeth" as it was cool to have our teeth turn red with fluoride poisoning. Fluoride is toxic. Doesn't help the teeth at all. That deception is still going on today. Look up Edward Bernays and Fluoride in the water. Bernays wrote "The Fluoride Deception": as selling fluoride was child's play. Fluoride is still in our toothpaste. Still in our water. Fluoride is okayed by our FDA.

Please look up the Smith Moderization Act. It was repealed in 2013 by Obama. This act allowed our government to use propaganda on other countries legally. When Obama appealed it, it then allowed propaganda to be used on our own American people.

With that being said I had a friend growing up who had a little brother with hemophilia. He received tainted blood and eventually developed AIDS. He passed away at the age of 21. This reminded me of what is going on now. They used AZT drug to treat his AIDs. Of course AZT was a toxic mess to give to a sick person and the Gay Community knew it as they too were affected by the AIDs epidemic. Fauci's new Remdesivir was the 80's AZT drug. People begged for a less toxic treatment but that wasn't allowed.

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I won’t actually believe justice will happen until I see these people and many others executed. If we incarcerate them they will be freed. So far we have been letting them get away with mass murder and the time has come to end this. Unfortunately, so many of us live in ignorance that I don’t have faith that justice will prevail.

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I sadly have to agree with you, justice will never happen as the corruption and rot are too deep. Western nations' judicial systems have been captured and the pseudo-legal protective legislation that's in place protects them from any liability or accountability.

The only chance we have is if the willfully ignorant masses "wake up" but unfortunately I don't see that happening, as they have been unquestioningly obedient for 3 years now. They will continue to be unquestioningly obedient as it's easier to believe the fake MSM narrative than believe their government wants to harm them and destroy everything they hold dear.

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I am confident in saying we get it and they don’t. I was exposed to another example of willful ignorance this morning by my sister-in-law. Admitting they are wrong is impossible for many people and having their beliefs destroyed is just too much to bear.

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They'll wake up when there is no food or energy

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Don’t count on it!

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But then it will be too late.

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Agreed. That's exactly the point. Can't wake these fools up any other way 😕😑

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They’ll never get it. What would happen, I wonder, if they all of a sudden all woke up and realized they’d been given a kill shot!!?? How would we handle that? They’d go ballistic!

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I bet a lot with blood on their hands would just kill themselves.

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Well said! Truth. 🐑 won't do a fucking thing. 😑

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It cannot happen soon enough to the MFers. My college student is about to get the jab for the first time bc she starts clinical rotations in May. To check Brandon’s checkbox for healthcare workers. My heart breaks for the carnage these criminals have wrought on the world.

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If at all possible have your daughter talk to other seasoned health care workers about their jobs and if they like what they do for a living. My niece is a respiratory therapist who did get jabbed . She was pregnant at the time and did miscarry. Later she developed shingles across her face into her right eye. Her eye doc said this was a common side effect and is seeing other people who have shingles as well. She had to go on temporary disability for a period of time till she was over the outbreak. No job or profession is worth risking life, fertility and health especially in a field that is so corrupt.

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This is a heartbreaking story about your neice. SO sad for her and for all the jabbed and ‘about to be’ jabbed health workers and other young women who keep being lined up. This horror upon us all continues it seems.

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Just say No.

Nothing is worth taking these chances with a "russian roulette" bioweapon kill shot. Nothing.

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I'm a medical student who has avoided it. 30 weeks of clinical rotations under my belt. There are online rotations that she could do to buy time, or some countries allow away rotations without. Many countries in Europe don't seem to be enforcing anymore.

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Nice work! Way to make that happen for yourself! 💯

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Thank you, I appreciate that!

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Please explore Peggy Hall Healthy American for options. https://www.thehealthyamerican.org/ and her bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/bWZSESyGIP2E/ .

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No place else Ashe can attend?!

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Hi and I agree with you. It keeps me up at night. She’s in a radiography program and fought hard for one of two dozen seats they accept yearly. I wish she wasn’t in the medical field and she will probably go thru with jab if they don’t accept her exemption. We are formulating a plan should the jab happen which is vitamin C infusion, various supplements and hopefully EDTA chelation therapy.

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It isn’t worth the risk to her future health. Work on a religious exemption or just delay her education until the mandates are dropped. We still don’t know if vitamin C and other treatments really help. Her fertility is on the line. I remember how much I wanted to finish college on time as she most likely does. But she will fully regret her decision and will always wonder what health surprise is around the corner. God will work out the details of her future if you all choose to take a pause. Also, many have said that natural immunity is best. I assume your daughter has already had Covid. The jab will downgrade her natural immunity. Please encourage her to delay her education. I don’t want anyone else damaged by the jabs!

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Has anybody heard about the criminal trials with Dr. Reiner Feullmich et al going on in Europe?(I believe Germany.)

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They weren't trials for real. Just done to wake people up. Legally, the internation Court of the Hague will not move or entertain any requests for a Grand Jury.

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😮I’m speechless! 😡😢

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clinical rotations always take place in hospital, and now SCOTUS has affirmed that they can have a requirement for facilities that take federal medicare and medicaid funds.

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True. Sorry. I momentarily forgot that.

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Doesn’t the Frontline Doctors have docs you can make a Zoom appt with and they’ll help direct you what to do? Check them out. Dr. Stella Emmanuel’s name is popping into my mind!

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No! Don't let her!

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Okay...which US Attorneys are bringing charges? Need names or this is bullshit.

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Thank you ever so much for this article.... Truth & Justice for America & the World! For this we pray🙏🏻🇺🇸🙏🏻

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Every one of you behind this better watch your back, have a professional food taster taste all your food before you eat it, wear body armor 24/7 etc. because you are attacking the Illuminati, Deep State Cabal, that has no problems dispensing Presidents and Heads of State across the globe; what makes you think you all are safe from their nefarious efforts to protect themselves???

I pray for your safety and have all the hope in the world you can drag these criminals into court and prosecute them, pierce the blanket civil liability protection of these monster pharmaceutical companies and topple the whole damn illegitimate Big Pharma racket!!! But, having lived on this blue marble for 57 years and watching them basically get away with mass murder and grand larceny, corporate and government graft and theft on a daily basis with nothing ever done to them; I will believe the prosecutions when I see it!!! Godspeed and a blanket of love, blessings and protection until then!!!

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World


it hasn't belonged to The People in over 160 years. The attorneys in gubernmunt have been chipping away with a vendetta ever since botching their revised constitutions that destroyed the spirit of the pre-1825 13th amendment.

Esquires were barred from serving in America's government. Now look at them go!!! Weee.. rolling out the death shots, etc.... destroying true American government with federal subcontractors running amok in the wake of the so-called civil war which left the true states unassembled and the true confederacy in a deliberate shambles. I know countless greatest crimes are coming to light... finally.

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Whew... Yeah baby, Pour it, rain down spooky legal hell on these monsters.

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And they still kept ventilators as a protocol. That was a suicide sentence.

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I posted following comment on July 06 2022, specifically identifying the relevant RICO US Code under which Fauci and others can and should be prosecuted, for in my non-ignorant view they meet the criteria. What the Hell has taken so long?


I forgive the Mothers who subject their small ones ignorantly out of fear, believing the lies of FDA, CDC, pharmas, paid off media, and influencers. Mothers who believe their small ones may die without the injections. And, these infants, totally innocent, helpless dependent upon their Mother for protection. For this non-scientific based, highly profitable, scam responsible for this horrific crime against Mothers and infants, if there is any real high level justice remaining in our nation will be prosecuted under:

18 U.S. Code Chapter 96 - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations - RICO

(1)“racketeering activity” ... any act or threat involving murder ... [pre-meditated requirement met by prior knowledge of deaths during tests AND following two years, e.g., VAED, VAERD, VAIDS, Encephalitis, Myocarditis, Pericarditis, All Cause Death explosion, etc. ] (B) section 1512 ... tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant [threats of loss of employment, professional certification, etc.] ... section 1513 ... retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant [loss of professional certifications, sources of income, profession, etc.]

(4)“enterprise” ... legal entity [Multiple: FDA, CDC, pharma corporations, etc. and MSM which received funding to push]

(5) “pattern of racketeering activity” ... at least two acts of racketeering activity ... last of which occurred within ten years ... [The count is in millions 2000 - 2022]

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What has taken so long?

Interference by lawyers, attorneys and legal departments running cross-blocks and obfuscating the real raw truth.

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

Once they have the following over the people, the rest of the story is this: corporations believe they can dispose of their "property" any way the deem necessary:

- state marriage licenses

- hospital birth registration

- assuming you must be a U.S. Citizen in America - just like everyone else

- replacement and erasure of American History

- the 1860's shutdown of the People's confederate state unincorporated assembly

- the rise of putting everything we've got under the UCC

- nothing is dejure anymore, as it is all now defacto

- the theft and conversion of all of our private identities... it was all converted to public statutory persons

- allowing ourselves to be characterized as "residents" which are THINGS identified... or more precisely, property owned.

- accepting our fate to owning nothing, get drugged and becoming happy that way.

- voting in private corporate elections and then being disingenuous towards the vote fraud we watched a lot over the years.

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

it was all converted to public statutory persons

- allowing ourselves to be characterized as "residents" which are THINGS identified... or more precisely, property owned.

- accepting our fate to owning nothing, getting drugged and becoming happy that way.

- voting in private corporate elections and then being disingenuous towards the vote fraud we watched a lot over the years.

Now look at us. Chattels and property and spoils and mountains of newly killed creditors who were owed good faith and service from our "so- called public servants".

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

Tricks and treats, monies and eats Needles and poisons and witch's brews.

Some endless halloween.

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If only the guy in the video hadn't spent his career working for and with globalist institiutions, and didn't have masonic symbols all over his web-site and Luciferian tattoos on his body.

If only all those things weren't the case then I might feel more optimistic.

Matthew 24:24

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Posturing, as the replacement may be more Draconian that the previous....

NWO/Control by "healthcare"

I realize your job it to inform others, am not criticizing or belittling you are excellent in opening eyes....

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