This is a great piece of information! Glad to see there’s actually a bill to stop geoengenerring. This article talked about geoengenerring last year (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-dangers-of-stratospheric-aerosol) so glad to see a bill in motion to stop it.

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We need to put a halt to this in all states. Share this information with your state legislators. Weather wars are not a unknown and they are affecting our health in many harmful ways.

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Every state should be doing this. I live in New England and am headed to NH today. The manipulation of our atmosphere and weather modification are real. We have to stop calling it conspiracy.

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Sorry but it is a conspiracy... a CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY perpetrated by our own government against We The Living People!!!

There is no peaceful solution.


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Every day I see contrails in TX. It’s right in front of our face.

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NM too, Jursy

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New Hampshire looking better and better…the only Eastern Seaboard state to publicly stand with Texas and now this! Now if we could do something about their cold weather, I’d think about moving there!




(There…I feel better now!)

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NH is essentially a red state like NY is, but the commies have infiltrated the major cities and they must be ejected, the issue is they are all sucking off the gov tit and are private sector abject failures so they will fight to the very bitter end to keep their useful idiot asses in gov positions of power.

Sickening really.

But NH is the place to be nonetheless.

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Unfortunately, this is true for all Red States! We ALL have radical leftists running the big cities! And now we have 20 MILLION illegals being bussed and flown to select cities/states in the dark of night just in time for Biden to issue an Executive Order giving them immunity (and/or the right to vote). Estimates of the number of Trump supporters have skyrocketed to between 95 to 125 million voters and climbing. The only way for the UniParty to substantially overcome those numbers isn’t going to be fake ballots!

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Jan 31, 2024
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From your lips to God’s ear!

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Interesting list of patents....tx.

141 20130015260 – January 17, 2013 – Concept and Model for Utilizing High-Frequency or Radar or Microwave Producing or Emitting Devices to Produce, Effect, Create or Induce Lightning or Lightspeed or Visible to Naked Eye Electromagnetic Pulse or Pulses, Acoustic or Ultrasonic Shockwaves or Booms in the Air, Space, Enclosed, or Upon any Object or Mass, to be Used Solely or as Part of a System, Platform or Device Including Weaponry and Weather Modification

Hawaii, forest fires, Acapulco maybe ????.

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Thank you for the awesome coupon codes! Purchasing a bunch of stuff today. 👍🥰

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So I'm not crazy! Many thanks (you cannot know how many) for this, 2nd. Already sent to R&D physicist husband.

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Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Human hubris literally has no bounds. More states need to understand and use the 10th Amendment this way.

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Hubris and MALICE

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Great work - it's way overtime for this to be fully confronted. An important dimension to the manifold strategy to end civilization waged by the Davos folk.

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I am convinced I witnessed this, this past Fall on a still, warm, crystal blue sky day. I noticed the trails but gave it no thought. 45minutes later, I felt a tingling/burning on the thin skin of the eyelids. The next day, same weather, when the burning started, I looked up and saw multiple trails dispersing across the sky at the same altitude while a plane at an altitude much much higher left a trail that quickly disappeared. I was on the mower and the burning got uncomfortable enough I went back to the house to flush my face. When I did that, the skin of my entire face felt that sensation till I was able to wash it enough. The trails widened across the sky and remained well over an hour.

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Do you know of any online petition in support of this bill, I am not in NH but would be delighted to sign on.

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I watched a video recently that was in Saudi Arabia. It was a clear big blue sky. Wondering if they are not inundated with geoengineering as we are in the USA? NH is the first courageous state to take a stand and hopefully others will soon follow. Those that don't are obviously controlled or compromised. It's not a secret anymore that weather modification has been going on for years. The difference is convincing those that still believe our government is taking care of us, this is beneficial and that the act of "playing GOD" is distructive in a myriad of ways.

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Also this legislation dispels the notion that weather modification is a "conspiracy theory"

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Please see Dan Fournier's stack for extensive documents and patents etc, images and information on Geo engineering.

If you want to speak to him I can guarantee he will respond and be open to sharing his insights further.

This is just one:


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thank you for the link!

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You're very welcome!

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Thank you so much for creating awareness of this horrendous practice! Let’s stop it please! Our Florida skies are ripe with this garbage almost every day. The air smells different too, dank, musty and chemical.

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