All Options (& Variants) Are In Play For The Imminent Next "Pandemic" In PSYOP-22: BA.2.75 — new Covid variant detected in India a mystery, but could ‘have immune-escape property’
The Cult has been busily cultivating their upcoming PSYOP-22 fall into winter “pandemic” viral options quite broadly; they have seeded Marburg, MonkeyPox and the seemingly infinite C19 variant mutations like their latest in the BA.2.75 strain.
This Omicron sub-lineage may have increased ability to infect people who’ve been infected before, or are vaccinated, according to some scientists. However, there's no govt data on this.
This variant may have been lab made or mutated in DEATHVAXXED™. Either way, there are so many possibilities for plausible deniability as we are steered into the next global plague scenario.
BA.2.75 is a sub-lineage of the Omicron variant. Sub-lineages of Omicron have become the dominant variants circulating across the globe, with new mutations continuously evolving.
At least 23 samples of the BA.2.75 variant have been detected in India so far, in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Jammu & Kashmir, according to the data uploaded on Nextstrain, an open-source platform of genomic data.
What we can be certain of is that this variant did not come from Uttar Pradesh, a state in India that has been COVID-free since last year when they incorporated Ivermectin as their early treatment and prophylactic protocol.
But those areas of India that were conned into taking the BigPharma slow kill bioweapon injections could very well serve as breeding grounds for continuously “evolving” mutations.

Yes, keeping a close eye on the perennial mass formation fear program is worthwhile, especially for Gates-funded scientists like Tom Peacock operating out of the Imperial College London, home to fellow criminals and Gates errand boys like Professor Neil Ferguson and his egregiously fraudulent viral outbreak and mortality modeling.
Rest assured, Professor Neil Ferguson has already generated fresh PSYOP-22 models with colleagues like Tom Peacock ready to tweet the doom charts at a moment’s notice.
More variants, more whitewashing.
Why is this variant expected to infect vaccinated people?
The BA.2.75 variant includes new mutations in the spike protein, in addition to the mutations that are already present in the Omicron variant, explained the Indian genomic scientist quoted earlier. Spike proteins are the protrusions seen on the outer surface of the novel coronavirus.
Of particular concern, said the scientist, are the mutations ‘G446S’ and ‘R493Q’, both of which are associated with significant changes in the protein structure of the spike protein, with the potential to give the variant the ability to evade several antibodies.
As a result, the variant is expected to infect people who have been vaccinated, or have been infected previously.
What is being described in the above quote is the natural progression of any virus or common cold, but here the spin is more of the same: to blame ANYTHING but the real culprit in the DEATHVAX™.
By fall they may just jump the numbers and fear-monger the BA.6.66 variant and just call it a day. By then the “vax” passport app will be updated to v6.66, and everyone will need their 6th booster to function “normally” in certain smartish cities and nations.
But have no fear, because you never owned that home that has the 30 year ‘death pledge’ mortgage on it and is being taxed in perpetuity (i.e. you own nothing) and PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION-22 ensures you can barely afford to eat or drive (happy now?).
It will all get worse soon. Far, far worse. And then it will get better.
Full article.
Do NOT comply.
I think about now, more people than not are extremely pissed off with these Fcks. A long overdue reckoning is coming.
Are you sure it will get better? Optimism is hard to come by these days.