Jul 30, 2023·edited Jul 30, 2023

What Luc Montagnier said. But worthy of saying again and again and again, write it in the sky, got some chemtrail in my eye. My government and my military and my city all want me dead.

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The industrial cancer complex is having a field day, as most who get cancer, believe chemo & radiation will help them, instead of destroying what’s left of their immune system, which is what they do.

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This IS terrifying, indeed. No wonder they’re pushing AI…if all of this leads where it seems to be going, there will be very few of us left! They will have forever changed the (very limited) surviving human species. As they are bound and determined to get this into every human, through our food, our livestock, through plants, through insects, through wildlife, through our water, etc, are we doomed as a species? How will the elite survive? They cannot stay locked away from the world forever, even if they wanted to, since they’re contaminating the entire environment with this poison. Either this entire experiment has gotten way out of their control, or they’re planning on jumping on one of Elon’s rockets and abandoning earth entirely! (Sure have been talking about aliens a lot lately! Just sayin’!)

Honestly, I’m so over sensitized with all the devastating news, nothing even feels alarming anymore. Shell shock setting in. I find myself scanning the night sky, looking for that incoming comet!

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It never made sense to me to inject something that had the spike protein in it when they knew that the spike protein was causing a lot of the problems for people who got infected. Hello? How did that make sense?

And why are people still being mandated to get vaccinated when they know that it doesn’t block infection or transmission? And why for gawd’s sake is congress refusing to allow military members who refused to get jabbed to come back as well as for not letting pilots go back to work when congress wasn’t mandated to get jabbed? Well except that they know exactly why the jabs are being mandated, but since they sold their souls to big pharma they don’t give a damn what happens to we the people as long as they are safe and rich.

And yet with people knowing this they will willingly vote those people back into office. Will Americans ever wake the fck up?

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According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, they have been using African Green Monkey kidney cells in vaccines for years, most importantly in the polio vaccines given to people since, I believe, the 1950s. This is not new. You don't need a fictional "virus" for foreign genetic material to cause a problem. It acts as a protein toxin causing inflammation and triggering a body-wide immune response.

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Tony Pantalleresco, a Canadian herbalist, has been warning about the nanotech and other elements in the jabs from day 1. It was from him, that I first learned about shedding, 2 plus years ago. (He's a bit wacky, but he's on the money about so much.) One thing he recommends is wearing a portable air ionizer/purifier. So the immediate air around you latches onto foreign objects and drops them to the ground before you inhale them. Others have revealed that these jabs are 'bio-medical countermeasures' first ordered by the Department of Defense from Pfizer and Moderna. The military labels all weapon systems that it orders,' countermeasures'. Heaven help us all ! But... we've got to help ourselves first. Seems like Global Economic Collapse is right around the corner... so Central Bank Digital Currencies can be forced upon us. Prepare. What will you do if this happens ?

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They cultured the attenuated Salk Live Polio vaccine in green monkey kidneys and all who were injected carried the virus! Nothing new! The medicine man just ignores the risk to humans in his pursuit for the almighty dollar that will soon be worthless!

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The “deliberate insertion of the SV40 promoter ... component ... most responsible for inducing cancer ... [by integrating] into the chromosomes ... ” is DELIBERATE DEATH BY DESIGN (DDD), a carefully scripted and implemented plan for Global murder of millions, for de-population, control, and profit. RICO, Where Art Thou?

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Are there dosing instructions for the two meds being promoted by 2SG? For both vaxed and unvaxed.

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Anybody know how Quercetin stands up to the horse paste?

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Turbo cancer is here to stay - you can't even see it coming. I live in a small town and there were 5 deaths this week - ages 40 to 85. I am sure some only had re-emergence of cancer which was in remission but it's obvious from the all deaths that this is the new norm.

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Only the beginning if we don’t stop this march to hell!

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What a shockingly revealing post. I'd like to know why all the US government officials and politicians who knowingly lied to millions of people (constituents) aren't being questioned about all those lies they told us during the Plandemic? I list all their lies in this Stack:


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Other. Information I’ve come across while I’m roaming is that university of Newcastle has been creating sea shell venom for use in pharmaceuticals - that info came from an expert interview between Mike Adams and a Dr Bryan Artis on Brighteon . The other is frightening info on Dr Ana Maria Mihlacea saying she’s found MRNA nanoparticles in Lantus insulin- she has two posts on the issue, and they are also inserted ng this stuff in dental anaesthetic- marketed as Septodent in Aus. Dr Tenpenny also has a disturbing post on the new RSV vaccine.

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Was this used in viral vector vaccines as well?

Thank you.

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