Can you point to where he said the climate skeptic should be put in jail? I am a far right conservative, and yet, I have followed Bobby Kennedy since 2012. Largely because of the great work he has done against evil corporations, for the environment... not to confused with “climate change”, and most certainly for his stance on vaccinations and children. I have never heard him say anything remotely close to this. Additionally, we can only parent our children so far. It is not for Bobby Kennedy to take responsibility for his sons actions or political decisions. Try another angle. By the way, as much as Kennedy is a hero to me in many ways, I will never vote for him. I will never vote for a Democrat. I will never befriend another Democrat. And to allow themselves, as individuals, or as a party to be hijacked by insanity is far too much for me. Just to let you know where I stand.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

The greatest crime against humanity is active and going forward. They are the injections which are not safe and effective and will harm and kill many more. The prelude to this is the myraid of vacccines given to our infants and children to the tune of 72 by the time they are around 15. Autism was not an issue prior to 1986 when vaccine manufactuerers were given permission to inject without liability. If RFK Jr can shut this down the injections and the vaccines, he has my vote. The issue is that the great amount of capital being poured into these mRNA injection means they need to stop this from happening. thus, disinformation and spinning RFK Jr views has already begun. Secondly, his Uncle wanted the CIA to be torn up into a thousand pieces and scattered to the winds. So, they fixed JFK and assassinated him. RFK Jr. is doing this at great risk. President Trump was upfront and wanted to drain the swamp. Instead, he found himself in quicksand and it is unrelenting. He made the mistake of broadcasting that he wanted RFK Jr to investigate the vaccine manufactuerers. It never happened because Pfizer donated $1 million dollars to the RNC and Alex Azar, a Big Pharma guy was appointed who now had the task of managing the Covid crisis which was preplanned. The deep state doesn't give a damn about you or I. Their agenda is control and profit. The odds are stacked against RFK Jr and the truth! Will we have President Trump speak the truth? So far I haven't seen it. Political platitudes is his game, which are acceptable, but doesn't talk about the issues that are driving this Republic into the ground. Will DeSantis step up? He is trying and already he is being attacked. I can't stand another two years of negative BS from left and the right that solves nothing! The truth seekers on the mRNA injections are being ignored by the politicians worldwide, and you have to ask your self why? The world is going to hell in a hand basket and humanity is in that basket.

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You took the words right out of my mouth. I could’ve written everything you said. CHD and Bobby Kennedy saved my son‘s three children from vaccination. They are four year old twins and a one year old, and as healthy as can be. As far as the clot shot goes, I knew from the very beginning what was going on. In fact, on a personal note, I have known Tony Fauci personally for over 20 years. That’s another story. I told everyone I knew not to take an experimental vaccine. I sent them every video, every article, every piece of information I could come across to convince them that this was a dangerous psyop. I’ve been called a conspiracy theorist and a nut job., and worse. I was a Trump supporter and couldn’t put a sticker on the back of my $70,000 BMW in McLean, Virginia because my car would’ve been torn up. You see it isn’t only “rednecks“ who voted for Trump. I was demonized and attacked for being a Trump supporter in 2016. I know this really isn’t about the left and the right. It’s about the evil UNI party. But, in the not too distant future, we are going to have to vote. And as much as I love Bobby Kennedy, I cannot vote for someone in a party that has been hijacked by insanity.

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He says the coke brothers should be in jail for saying climate change doesn't exist. So he is as Satanist as the rest of the politicians.

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Will anyone else step up and speak the truth. Trump stays silent on the humanitarian crisis caused by the preplanned Covid. I’m looking for the one who will save humanity! Fauci was following orders from who?

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There is telling the truth, and then there is getting elected. I can’t remember a politician who hasn’t had to play both sides, or walk a fine line, or obfuscate. That’s the dirty business of politics. As a voter I have to look at the bigger picture. Trump is doomed no matter what he does regarding The China Virus. He was very clear that Dr. Zelenko saved him with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, but then initiated the clot shot. I really think he bought what Fauci was selling. Most of the nation bought it, as well. As I mentioned earlier, I have known Tony Fauci personally for 20 years. I could never have imagined this. We caught on in 2019 when we realized they were running possible pandemic scenarios by script. Evil.

There are many different theories on the origin of “the orders.” The Cabal? The Kazarians? I’ve probably read nearly every theory out there. And, I honestly don’t know. Hopefully one day we will. Then we can hang the motherfuckers.

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I knew of Fauci in 1990 when his NIH gutted cancer research funding in favor of the AIDS fraud.

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Unfortunately, I did not. But I have known Tony personally since the late 1990s. Needless to say, my view of him has changed radically.

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Yes who? Even the name for the group that did all the planning hasn't surfaced yet. They must have given themselves a name. And the project of covid would have a name.

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Your first statement is the most important - the ongoing greatest crime ever against humanity. Trump's already completely screwed that up and only RFK is likely to deal with it. I've not heard a single word from Trump about vaccine injury - yet it's conservatively estimated to have killed 1.1 million Americans already. Who even knows about the rest of the world? We're in WW3 - 5th generation warfare using fear and bioweapons - and even if it does go kinetic by stupidly attacking Russia the nukes will never do as much damage as is already coming our way.

Everything else is secondary. Bottom line though is that there is no more government or institutions - it's all been hijacked by International Finance - and they will not stop. Trump showed that he cannot go to war even to defend the constitution. RFK won't either. That only leaves 400 million registered private guns and the question of whether America will go down without a single shot fired or not. It's seriously looking like outright surrender.

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What war was to defend the Constitution? I believe President Trump would go to war to protect the Constitution, in fact I believe that he already is. Look up Derek Johnson. the documents.info & if you have Telegram RattleTrap 1776.

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Who is the enemy? They hide behind cutouts! Do we go back to 50 Nation states that have to make all their own rules? Then we are vulnerable to take over from china? Russia? I wish I had a answer.

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The takeover from China has been going on for some time now. They won't need to fire a single shot. Just ask yourself, how many product in your home, your hospitals, office, commercial business, schools, power generation centres are dependent upon Chinese imports? Remember when the ports were shutdown due to Covid in China? Massive shortages here!. Remember? I hope people do. Because you cannot win a war without the economic capacity to wage it. Period.

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Our clowns in DC criticized Trump for supporting Kodak to get into the RX generic business. China and India provides 90% of the generics and their quality control stinks. They can shut us out or just add cancer causing agents to reduce the population. The OTC Zantac was contaminated and the manufactuer didn't do their job to test the batches for purity. Major lawsuit. Lost a friend to stomach cancer which may have been caused by the Zantac.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

I am really not understanding this I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT - I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR A REPUBLICAN mindset! Isn't it whosever BEST for this Country? For the record I don't VOTE nor ever have because I refuse to be part of and or support and enable the massive corruption malfeasance and subterfuge! We now live in a completely lawless society where NOTHING is sacrosanct!! When people roll out the old adage that I have no right to complain just the opposite holds true YOUR the ones that hired them not me!! The government you have today is the direct result of choosing the lesser of two evils for generations!

That said, I have only been following Bobby for the last few years and for the very first time in my life I beleive (THUS FAR) this man may be the only person to save this Country IF he is in fact a man of his word. I consider myself a good judge of character and thus far I have no reason to beleive he is not a man of enormous integrity and infinite intelligence! He never repeats himself and he is entirely unrehearsed (notice there were no teleprompters during his announcement unlike all the rest)! I also do not beleive he can be bought and or bossed because he already rejoices in fame and fortune (unlike DeSantis) just like Kucinich said (about Bobby)!

I could go on and on and on but again and THUS FAR I beleive he could be the anomaly this Country is so very desperate for - the fact that the media is doing everything humanly possible to slay and destroy him tells you he is clearly a threat to the establishment - and unlike Trump who is an imbecile even if he means good! He would never bite the hand that feeds him - as you saw how much his fabricated wealth grew since entering 1600! He has been robbing from Peter to pay Paul for decades!

Lastly Bobby stated he had no idea his son even went to Ukraine but is also no longer there! It is however sad Bobby is not well versed in this conflict!

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Correct. Enough of the political party mindset. They are all guilty of obfuscating and corruption.

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There is no such thing as "Republican" or "Democrat". The party labels have been meaningless for years. They serve only to anger and frustrate people as they search for their old allegiances. What we have today is the choice between the Constitution and Communism. All who want their freedom know which to choose.

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Sort of whoever is best for the country. If it's a demonrat NO! See what they did to the Ukraine? At least those illegal biolabs are gone..maybe. BTW, when it comes to voting I'm like you.

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You have said everything beautifully.! Thank you. I agree wholeheartedly. But I hold on to my Independent status, because both parties are awful. I switch to vote Republican in primaries. There ar3 a handful of great congressmen working for us. I haven’t seen or heard anyone stating they will be blocking Magoo’s giving America’s sovereignty to the hapless WHO! We’re finished when /if this happens. They are mostly worried about raising funds for the next election! Not voting against allowing men who think they are a woman from competing in women’s sports! Where were the dem women on that vote? Sorry. I’m sounding off!

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He's trying to take the democrats back it seems, but climate change, vaxxer, anti gun proponent hell naw.

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There was a time about 100 years ago when Democrats talked small government, responsible spending. Hard to believe but true.

FDR even ran on that and keeping the US out of wars. Heh.

Don't put your faith in the President. Put it in God.

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Yes there was, then they killed JFK and America slowly went to hell.

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Same way. I walk away from them every day.

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yeah, I would consider him (aside from this climate change stance if true) if he were an independent or republican. but a democrat? no way. he would have to pander to the far leftists globalist woke wing of the democrat party to get nominated and stay in power. democrats are a cancer on the country at this point

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It'll be good if he can get an outsider position into Democrat debates.

Don't put faith in any President, or DC. The way to work politically is at the state level.

See Tom Woods work on Nullification. See the Defend the Guard movement.

We can have success at the state level to regain some liberty. Not in DC. DC is a cooked goose.

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State, county, school board, etc. That’s where we need to be successful in winning elections.

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Finally, a rational voice! Vitriol is always suspect, like maybe a personal grudge or agenda

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Please look up the work that Bobby Kennedy has done protecting people from big Pharma and the drug Gardasil. Also the work he’s done against big corporations like Monsanto. Also reread my post and please make note of the fact that I am not confusing environmental issues with climate change. I believe in climate change, but only because it’s been happening for over a millennia. We also have environmental issues like filthy oceans.

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Climate change exists only in natural cycles. Mostly affected by sun activity, not human activity.

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Look up Dane Wiggington on YouTube. Climate change is actually geo engineering, being done intentionally.

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Yes climate change is cyclical and happens. No big deal. What the dems are being Chicken Little about is manmade climate change and they made that. Don't worry about the oceans, marine life didn't start dying until this regime with all the Cockamamie ideas. Same as there is no bird flu Iknow my ducks are fine.

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I am no Malthusian. In fact, I tend to side with Elon musk and his concern about under populating. But, yes, people, factories, maybe even chemtrails, if you believe in that, all contribute to environmental damage. There are inorganic toxins everywhere. You should do a deep dive into what’s happening in our ocean. It is heartbreaking. Hey, and don’t call me names anymore. 😆

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We are against pollution and against evil corporations, such as Big Pharma and the food industry, which are poisoning us. Pollution should be avoided as much as possible. Climate change is natural and is not a problem unless they do weather modification or spray particles to deflect sun rays.

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I absolutely agree. Please see my response above.

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Reverting to highly offensive name calling? That’s despicable.

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The clip is cut off so it doesn’t say that he is speaking specifically about putting climate change deniers in jail. Can you please show me the full clip?

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Kennedy said in this video, in the middle of the clip : "global warming doesn't exist". Somebody is lying here. Is it Gonzalez Lira??? Unbelievable. Lira seemed to me like decent guy, on the right side of history. But Bob's son? Who cares.

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Yes. I follow Bobby Kennedy pretty closely and I’ve never heard him make those kind of comments about climate change. And as much as I wish I could control my own sons, my younger son got the clot shot. I was very sad about that but we can’t control our adult children. Can we?

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He never made those comments. Someone is out to malign him. Who could that be? Who would lose the most if the mRNA jabs were outlawed, and the perpetrators jailed, or worse?

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You can just educate them from an early age so they grow up to be God fearing and respecting young adults. Following real Science basic principals or if sadly they did not study Science at higher levels hopefully the learned "Common Sense " to the degrees of the African continent and the Haitian Island country. Least mortality rates of any continent of country.

ie. why are they paying us $ 100 or buying us a beer or a crispy crème donut ( bribe ) to take an expérimental human injection. Are they bribing the Doctors?

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Gonzalez Lira is a grifter, even if he says stuff we agree with. there's a few youtube videos out there that describe his history of grifting. what he says needs to be viewed skeptically

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To me it's more like a demonrat who cares.

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he said in this video the coke brothers should be in jail for daying climate change doesn't exist. is english not your first language?

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What YEAR was this video?.. I saw this video today as well and it is a MUCH younger RFK Jr. Look at his hair and his t-shirt is for his Waterkeeper.org group he created over 20 years ago. He speaks about this in his New Hampshire speech https://robertfkennedyjr.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-new-hampshire-institute-politics-speech Simply put, the attacks on his 'character' are coming FAST and FURIOUSLY. He can handle it!

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Kennedy said in this video, in the middle of the clip : "global warming doesn't exist". Somebody is lying here. Is it you, Gonzalez Lira???

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Which video, and what is the timestamp exactly?

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You are wrong.

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No, you are. At least in the video above he is talking about corrupt politicians inc. Koch Bros. being put in jail.

That Twitter post is a hit job, which only the deeply stupid would fall for.

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Hey. Kennedy explicitly said here: "I am saying, global warming doesn't exist.." How am I wrong?

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It’s a shame. I liked what he said about Fauci.

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global warming doesn't exist, if you want specs write https://blaisevanne.substack.com/ Swedish for whisper.

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he said in this video the coke brothers should be in jail for saying climate change doesn't exist. is english not your first language?

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You may be right Tyrone. Thanks for that. I listened for a few times of this clip. I didn't know that coke brothers are Koch brothers ( I checked this on the WEB after yu mentioned that). Instead of " I am saying" he might have said " they are saying (Koch brothers}. So it changes sense at 180 degree. I have always had difficulties in understanding his speeches... Dr Shiva who holds 4 Phd's from MIT continuously says that Bob Kennedy belongs to the corrupted system. I wish it would be otherwise.

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Edit: Twitter link added in image.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

RFK Jr. digs deep into vaxxx science, but just takes "climate", CO2, and global warming "models" as gospel ON FAITH! Vast mistake to support him. Climate bought and paid for "fake science" is the justification for depopulation!

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And he still believes in the socialist top-down 'public health' model of the managerial state.

He probably really believes socialism (technocratic, managerial, central bureaucracy) can be fixed.

I don't think so.

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It is unfair to link what a family member believes and does to another individual. Cheap shot by Gonzalo. I guess by reposting cheap shots, this reflects on you by the same logic . Something to think about.

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RFK Jr. is not your salvation.

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As a Cristian anarchist, I bow to no person. But there are some who will move the ball further down the down the field in the right direction than others.

Right now the priority is to stop the live, ongoing war on humankind - the bioweapon jabs have killed and injured millions, courtesy of Trump and Biden. Right now no one else is talking about ending that war, except Kennedy.

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Agree RFK is the candidate to talk-up at this point in time. The guy who is saying good things deserves attention.

Just don't expect much in the way of results.

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Pray tell...Who is without sin? Stopping the injection snowball to hell is priority one. Who will pledge to do that? No one? RFK Jr. sees the evil in it.

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When my eldest son said he wanted to join the army both his mother and me said we would disown him and he would no longer be a son of ours if he saw his role in life was to murder other people for a government. He decided not to join up. Has Kennedy denounced his son for becoming a terrorist? If he has then good for him but I haven't heard him say it.

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I want to raise my hand so you can denounce me too. My son join the Marine Corps. Sadly, he is no longer with us, but I have never been prouder. We need a strong military. We need to be able to defend ourselves. I do not believe in all the CIA wars that we’ve gotten in. But I’m proud of my son for his willingness to serve.

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If you find yourself in a war in someone ELSE's country, you might not be defending yourself.

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Hunter Biden is something to think about. As would be joining the Leftys, who would cheer your advocacy of abdication of parental responsibility.

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Did your mommy approve of your repost comment? 😉

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Did your mommy have any children that lived?

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I don't think Me realises we are two different people. The concept of two people having the same first name clearly eludes Me.

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He clearly has difficulty enough trying to track who he is.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I really wish those of you drooling & fawning over RFK Jr would Get A Grip

From Dr Jane Ruby: You better take a closer look at his positions on the rest of the issues because you might end up looking out from your tiny little window, in your 15 minute city, with your vaccine passport and wonder how the hell you got there.

Stop falling for every shiny object.

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See Why Not RFK JR on News With Views.

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I don't know about any of you but I'm nothing like my father.

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Neither was I when I was younger.

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Yes, I was even further removed from my dad when I was the age his son was when he went to Ukraine.

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That's the global stance on Putin, for sure.

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Kennedy gained traction due to his book on the scamdemic. I read it and found it to be insightful but Kennedy is still a deep blue slimy Democrat. He is probably the only Democrat who rails against big corporations. Big corporations are the cash cow who fiance every rotten issue on the left. Kennedy is also 100% on board with the climate fraud. Forget trannys, abortion, black lives matter, LGBTQ+, white supremacy and all of the other hustles, as they are only planned misdirection. The grand prize is the climate boondoggle, and the greatest threat to the basic rights of every man, woman and child who care about our country the way it was before all this BS. I don't know about you folks, but I'm not going to let a gaggle of leftist anal orifices tell me what to drive, what to eat, what to cook on, what gun I can own, or anything else I care to do. Bill Gates and every Democrat who want to restrict my rights in the name of climate change, can kiss my ass. The war has already begun, don't be late to the party!

No compliance, No cooperation No mercy

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RFJ Jr. has taken a principled stand on vaccines and COVID, but does he have any other perspectives that are outside of the traditional liberal consensus? It's hard to get enthusiastic for a figure that's in favor of the over-arching globohomo agenda except for his pet issue.

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One Presidential hopeful down, many to go. Then the Satan Nation of US of A will install the right one for you.

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There’s one President that I believe wasn’t installed… And that’s Trump. They never for one second thought he would win. That’s why they have gone after him incessantly. And they never let up.

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Climate skeptics should be put in jail? First put all heads of corporations that lie in jail. Sugar, pharma, oil, industry, tobacco and any other assholes that make life difficult. I forgot google and Facebook, the Bidens, the war machine, banksters, the IMF, the WHO. Elon Musk...

Then I will believe it. Until then, I will live my life the way I want.

All things being fucking equal.

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Hey smart guy. Listen to Kennedy interview with Scott Ritter.

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Yes I heard last week that his son is a terrorist in Ukraine fighting with the nazis and for all I know he is working the guns shelling civilians in the Donbass region of Russia.

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From People magazine:

Robert continues: "I'm very proud of this. Of my son. And I knew his views about the war were not aligned with mine. Although he's not naive at all about it. He knows Ukraine has problems and he understands ... that there's corruption. But he doesn't like Putin. He thinks he's a gangster and a bully and he doesn't like bullies."

"He'd been arguing vociferously for the U.S. intervention, and he didn't want to be one of these people supporting a war and sitting on the sidelines," Robert adds.

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Alex Jones just "sort of" plugged RFK Jr. This is a vast mistake. Yes, RFK Jr. REALLY SAID climate skeptics should be jailed though he was talking about Execs in the Oil Industry, not "common folks." He believes 100% in the global warming / climate change conspiracy, the very REAL justification for depopulation.

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