As much as I don't trust Albert Bourla (CEO of Pfizer) and the WEF it appears the video has been edited and in the original video Bourla states they want to make their products more affordable for 50% of the population and does not say he want to reduce the population by 50%:
Thank you @Canadian Patriot for letting us know. Methinks there are a lot of devious actors out there trying to deceive folks either to embarrass or conform to an agenda of some kind. Agreed that even if Bourla did not say he wanted to reduce the population his actions clearly confirm that. The vax has already been attributed to population decreases around the world...
Yes I agree with you my friend that these "actors" who modify these videos are trying to make us look bad for obviously nefarious reasons and we owe it to each other to call these videos out when they have false info.
I’m angry at lack of information . I’m in menopause and had bleeding around vaccinated family members I was helping after he fell after 2nd shot. The entire thing is such a crime.
My post menopausal sister got a full on period out of the blue after taking the Jab, and my young neighbor told me she is getting "menopausal" symptoms after she got the Jab- both are in denial about what could have caused it.
There were some months ago 27000 women who had contacted Pfizer about this, having abnormal or irregular bleedings, but Pfizer did not think that was enough to put it as a possible side effect of their jabs.
The denial is so strong! To me it’s so obvious. I have 2 friends who haven’t been able to hold their new grand babies. Moms insist on jabs& both had complications during delivery. Vaxxed of course. We’re praying for the babies. The grandmas are forbidden to discuss it.
Rosalind you are not the only one I've seen this comment from. I'm sorry you are going through that. I notice some oddities with myself, not in menopause yet but I get called conspiracy theorist for pointing this out!
Oh I know what you mean about conspiracy theories! Eye roll or blank stare. I take supplements similar to Zelenko protocol and took ivermectin every week for a year after. My mom told me I made it up for attention. She doesn’t understand my autoimmune issues or my gluten sensitivity. She’s so Stockholm syndrome and cognitive dissonance.
I thought the menstrual thing might have been overblown, because I was around my dad the day that he got Moderna (HCW in Dec 2020), and a week after. No effect on me. He was fine initially, then got sick. My mom was vaxxed, then boosted before she visited my home in April 2021. My period came 2 days early, I got very sick, and my period was erractic for at least a year. Skipped some months, two periods in other months. Totally wacky. Exosomes.
I have a laundry list of autoimmune issues. I get any cold so easily. Supplements & organic smoothies all throughout the lockdown.. Psoriasis all over, made a mask feel even more of a joke. My dr just stopped giving me weekly ivermectin. My tests showed some stress on my bladder. I asked for a follow up test to compare. I know half a dozen elderly people. They’d overcome cancer years ago and it’s back with a vent, the vaccinated ones.
Shedding is real. I don’t know how long the shedded spikes stay in us Purebloods, making us sick. Do we have more chance to catch this? I think, sorrowfully, we’ll all be affected by this one way or another. It’s not a good outlook for humanity!
I have to trust God. He knows I’m here to help my (blind ! brainwashed! )family, as much as possible. Doing everything in I can to keep immune system strong. At one point I was acting like a germaphobe & had to relax a little. I am blessed with an integrative medicine doctor the last few years. He let me take weekly ivermectin for 2 years. I actually trust him. And have hope again with my health. Insurance dictated doctors give autoimmune issues the run around and call me non compliant when I refuse their endless prescriptions.
Very good point! I never thought about the life insurance rates going up. Also I'm thinking our health insurance premiums will skyrocket too, once they have to pay out all those claims.
The data not only exposes the vaccines for the failure and dangers they are but also exposes the pure evil of ALL those producing and promoting them. Since the data is known and out there it’s obvious this is intentional and a huge number of people need to be held accountable. I have nothing but disdain for those parents injecting their children of any age.
I'm so sorry for you. Crime just doesn't quite get it. These are sabateurs, spies, traitors in time if Undeclared war, against CIVILIANS. A junior officer could determine facts in 15 minutes of many of these, pronounce sentences, and they would be summarily executed.
20 % of the population is allergic to PEGs or poly ethylene glycol a Rockefeller oil derivative that is in the shots. Big Pharma new this and ran with it anyway. Pegs cause anaphylaxis and organ failure in many people. This is a crime against humanity! Do not give up!
just before the craze I read an article where 150 shampoos were tested that contained PEG. 20 years ago I worked in lab for a short period and was told this product should long be replaced. But they always had used it.... from the 150 shampoos, half still contained the very poisonous, flammable and explosive prime materials that make up PEG. I avoid PEG shampoos.
Thank you....this is also worth reposting...FOI documents Released! Bonnie Henry's FORCED Email Dump Shows She Knew Bad Things Were Happening From The V's...
Correction on Lincoln's quote; " You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but you cannot fool all the people all of the time." Check it out Joe.
Marvelous report. Really clear with colored bar charts. Thank you. Excellent. Look forward to MSM covering this report. You doubt MSM will mention these kind of facts? Yeah, unfortunately. MSM was literally paid too much to not print the truth of this subject. In March 2021Health and Human Services spent $1 billion to spread around MSM and influencers to create public confidence in the experimental chemical concoction COVID-19 vaccines. Way to go, putting profit of vaccine pharma income ahead of health, and not printing such reports as this one.
While this doesn't look good, the rates need to be normalized, and breaking out age cohorts would be valuable. Specifically, each new roll out may be killing older people, because they get it first, but are also most frail and likely to die from any cause. That said, it could undermine the idea that everyone had to do this to save the old and infirm. This is why this roll out, as well as public health policy, should have been communicated in a risk stratified way. Basically we arrived at where the GBD would have had us anyway, but possibly harmed more people along the way.
I came here to say this as well. If 80% of covid cases are vaccinated and 20% unvaccinated, and 80% of population is vaccinated and 20% is unvaccinated, that doesnt show that vaccine causes anything. gotta divide the cases by the relevant population and multiply by a million, get the RATE per million; then we can do this analysis proper.
My wonderful drs for forty plus years are moved, 2retired and two died!😢 The naturopathic drs are a huge amount of money to walk thru the door and dont take insurance. I’ve interview six traditional ones in two yrs and am staying with one, but not happy. I am used to the best! Lucky you! Stay well!
Stuff like this tells me that hell is real. There has to be cosmic justice for treating your fellow man this badly...
Wow! It's so out in the open yet people are ignorant of this and anyone that talks about this is a "conspiracy theorist." Thanks for sharing this.
As much as I don't trust Albert Bourla (CEO of Pfizer) and the WEF it appears the video has been edited and in the original video Bourla states they want to make their products more affordable for 50% of the population and does not say he want to reduce the population by 50%:
Thank you @Canadian Patriot for letting us know. Methinks there are a lot of devious actors out there trying to deceive folks either to embarrass or conform to an agenda of some kind. Agreed that even if Bourla did not say he wanted to reduce the population his actions clearly confirm that. The vax has already been attributed to population decreases around the world...
Yes I agree with you my friend that these "actors" who modify these videos are trying to make us look bad for obviously nefarious reasons and we owe it to each other to call these videos out when they have false info.
It’s all about end results at all costs. This is why federal politics is a cesspool.
The vaxxed are gonna take a toll on purebloods every possible way.
They were lazy, cowardly, unthinking....
They gave up their freedoms, so we are gonna have to fight very hard for them.
My life insurance premiums will be going out to pay Their survivors.
I have no ides about shedding, but if true another way.
I’m angry at lack of information . I’m in menopause and had bleeding around vaccinated family members I was helping after he fell after 2nd shot. The entire thing is such a crime.
My post menopausal sister got a full on period out of the blue after taking the Jab, and my young neighbor told me she is getting "menopausal" symptoms after she got the Jab- both are in denial about what could have caused it.
There were some months ago 27000 women who had contacted Pfizer about this, having abnormal or irregular bleedings, but Pfizer did not think that was enough to put it as a possible side effect of their jabs.
The denial is so strong! To me it’s so obvious. I have 2 friends who haven’t been able to hold their new grand babies. Moms insist on jabs& both had complications during delivery. Vaxxed of course. We’re praying for the babies. The grandmas are forbidden to discuss it.
Absolutely heartbreaking that they can't hold them when the unvaccinated are the safer one's to be around. It's obvious to me too!
& neither mom questioned the complications during delivery. Blamed age & diabetes instead of jab.
Rosalind you are not the only one I've seen this comment from. I'm sorry you are going through that. I notice some oddities with myself, not in menopause yet but I get called conspiracy theorist for pointing this out!
Oh I know what you mean about conspiracy theories! Eye roll or blank stare. I take supplements similar to Zelenko protocol and took ivermectin every week for a year after. My mom told me I made it up for attention. She doesn’t understand my autoimmune issues or my gluten sensitivity. She’s so Stockholm syndrome and cognitive dissonance.
Your gluten sensitivity? >Wheat: 200 Clinically Confirmed Reasons Not To Eat It
I think glyphosates and all the junk doesn’t help either. I will read it. Appreciate your sharing.
Conspiracies happen ALL the time
I thought the menstrual thing might have been overblown, because I was around my dad the day that he got Moderna (HCW in Dec 2020), and a week after. No effect on me. He was fine initially, then got sick. My mom was vaxxed, then boosted before she visited my home in April 2021. My period came 2 days early, I got very sick, and my period was erractic for at least a year. Skipped some months, two periods in other months. Totally wacky. Exosomes.
I have a laundry list of autoimmune issues. I get any cold so easily. Supplements & organic smoothies all throughout the lockdown.. Psoriasis all over, made a mask feel even more of a joke. My dr just stopped giving me weekly ivermectin. My tests showed some stress on my bladder. I asked for a follow up test to compare. I know half a dozen elderly people. They’d overcome cancer years ago and it’s back with a vent, the vaccinated ones.
* vengeance.
Shedding is real. I don’t know how long the shedded spikes stay in us Purebloods, making us sick. Do we have more chance to catch this? I think, sorrowfully, we’ll all be affected by this one way or another. It’s not a good outlook for humanity!
I have to trust God. He knows I’m here to help my (blind ! brainwashed! )family, as much as possible. Doing everything in I can to keep immune system strong. At one point I was acting like a germaphobe & had to relax a little. I am blessed with an integrative medicine doctor the last few years. He let me take weekly ivermectin for 2 years. I actually trust him. And have hope again with my health. Insurance dictated doctors give autoimmune issues the run around and call me non compliant when I refuse their endless prescriptions.
Very good point! I never thought about the life insurance rates going up. Also I'm thinking our health insurance premiums will skyrocket too, once they have to pay out all those claims.
Or, your policy might be worth 35 cents on the dollar
Or zero!
Honestly, I don't see how they can possibly continue what was in effect, a Ponzi scheme.
Yeah, depends on when you "cash out" if u know what I mean
And always, the 'cost' of the insurance screws you good!
We might be on cusp of Great Age.... hang in there...
You deserve it
Too many deaths, who knows how many disabilities!
Your research is brilliant. You should compile all essays into a book. Blockbuster for sure.
The data not only exposes the vaccines for the failure and dangers they are but also exposes the pure evil of ALL those producing and promoting them. Since the data is known and out there it’s obvious this is intentional and a huge number of people need to be held accountable. I have nothing but disdain for those parents injecting their children of any age.
I agree, it's right up there with child abuse and even murder if they know of the risks that the bioweapon shot has.
Yet if you show the brainwashed this that are under mass psychosis, they will not see it. Common sense and critical thinkers will get it instantly!
I'm so sorry for you. Crime just doesn't quite get it. These are sabateurs, spies, traitors in time if Undeclared war, against CIVILIANS. A junior officer could determine facts in 15 minutes of many of these, pronounce sentences, and they would be summarily executed.
Outrages, Atrocities, crimes against humanity.
Stay out of hospitals you will live longer!
I never did trust a doctor or bankster!
Most of the vaccinated folks will be dead in less that 5 years. The Pure Bloods will inherit the earth. The End.
20 % of the population is allergic to PEGs or poly ethylene glycol a Rockefeller oil derivative that is in the shots. Big Pharma new this and ran with it anyway. Pegs cause anaphylaxis and organ failure in many people. This is a crime against humanity! Do not give up!
just before the craze I read an article where 150 shampoos were tested that contained PEG. 20 years ago I worked in lab for a short period and was told this product should long be replaced. But they always had used it.... from the 150 shampoos, half still contained the very poisonous, flammable and explosive prime materials that make up PEG. I avoid PEG shampoos.
Good to know thank you,
Natural grocers shampoo for me for now on.
Thank you....this is also worth reposting...FOI documents Released! Bonnie Henry's FORCED Email Dump Shows She Knew Bad Things Were Happening From The V's...
Someone should of Teresa Tam, too.......
Correction on Lincoln's quote; " You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but you cannot fool all the people all of the time." Check it out Joe.
Marvelous report. Really clear with colored bar charts. Thank you. Excellent. Look forward to MSM covering this report. You doubt MSM will mention these kind of facts? Yeah, unfortunately. MSM was literally paid too much to not print the truth of this subject. In March 2021Health and Human Services spent $1 billion to spread around MSM and influencers to create public confidence in the experimental chemical concoction COVID-19 vaccines. Way to go, putting profit of vaccine pharma income ahead of health, and not printing such reports as this one.
While this doesn't look good, the rates need to be normalized, and breaking out age cohorts would be valuable. Specifically, each new roll out may be killing older people, because they get it first, but are also most frail and likely to die from any cause. That said, it could undermine the idea that everyone had to do this to save the old and infirm. This is why this roll out, as well as public health policy, should have been communicated in a risk stratified way. Basically we arrived at where the GBD would have had us anyway, but possibly harmed more people along the way.
I came here to say this as well. If 80% of covid cases are vaccinated and 20% unvaccinated, and 80% of population is vaccinated and 20% is unvaccinated, that doesnt show that vaccine causes anything. gotta divide the cases by the relevant population and multiply by a million, get the RATE per million; then we can do this analysis proper.
My wonderful drs for forty plus years are moved, 2retired and two died!😢 The naturopathic drs are a huge amount of money to walk thru the door and dont take insurance. I’ve interview six traditional ones in two yrs and am staying with one, but not happy. I am used to the best! Lucky you! Stay well!
Regarding menstrual cramps
From Raising Arizona
Off topic but you’ve kept the athlete dying or almost dying figures. Here’s a new one: