Still waiting for anyone in power to demand an immediate stop to these shots and removal from the market. Investigations, outrage, and hearings are not going to save people as long as these shots remain on the market.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

dont hold your breath ... not easy to climb those stairs to the top ... these are the cream de la cream.

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Maybe, a big maybe the Republicans will do something. I'm not counting on them.

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I'm 100% not smart! however even me at 70years of age has managed to work out that a lot of the sleeves rolled up & syringes in sight or even in the bared arm were for pr.

Anyone thinking that those publicity photos & videos were injected with anything other than saline is beyond daft.

I base my conclusion on the fact that close to, or zero poiticotards have even been confirmed as being harmed or dropped dead from the injections. Same goes for all of the RsClowns attending the WEF, any & all of the other initialed outfits too. Zero harms, zero deaths.

As for vax certs. Anyone believing there aren't any fake certs, electronic or paper ones, isn't thinking right.

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Early on, Pfizer’s Bourla said he and his family weren’t taking them until all people had a chance to get them.

So noble of the subhuman!

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In both Canada and the US there have been political figures who could be jab injuries or death.

It is not clear who all got included in the exemptions via saline, or just fake, yet legitimate passports.

It certainly seems much of the media and entertainment world...while being paid to promote the shots...got the real McCoy.

When global genocide is the goal, certainly only so many people can be trusted with the finer details.

The rest are just useful idiots.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

And that is just how they kill their own. The peeps in the media/entertainment world who are still in ads promoting jabs for adults and children . . . well I just start yelling at the TV. Either they will do anything for money/fame/publicity or they are dumb as rocks.

Either way - they are dropping.

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You have seen many he/she died suddenly, heart myocarditis, or blood clots, haven't you? The saline spot on, both shots and certificates.

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It is quite the feeling to get to the realization of the profane steering us. Not just greedy, or selfish, but truly evil.

I recently finished the Abolition of Man by C.S Lewis and he speaks of the eugenecists in democrats. Described as a continual conquering of nature, where in when we reduce something to nature it loses qualitative value, just numbers and raw materials.

All the technological and chemical steps forward were another step closer to becoming nature, which we celebrate conquering at every turn.

Unfortunately the PR and vending machines continue to function. When we went to school we were conditioned so heavily that an entire relearning is needed just to look out the window.

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Anyone thinking it is far fetched is FAR REMOVED from REALITY - WHILE IN THE MEANTIME THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN is revealing it's TRUE COLOURS with each word it is spewing into the world. Watch out HUMAN MIND!

13Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Mt 7, 13 -14

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Too bad narcissistic Don Sr, is still shilling the poison. He has had many opportunities to say he was mistaken, but I think that time has past.

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Nope. He will be President again very soon, probably after a short stint as Speaker of the House. They're moving Biden out of the way so they can expose Kamala's ineligibility, thus invalidating Obama. Remember all the rules changes McCarthy had to accept before he could get the votes he needed? Well, he can be pulled at any time for any reason by the Trump Loyalists... and they will appoint Trump. It's chess. You just have to see all of the moves.

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It’s full steam ahead to produce nano drug injections to treat disease states! Billions and billions are being invested by over 100 drug manufacturers to create solutions to disease states with injections! Having no liability for creating ineffective drug injections that are not determined to be safe, allows them to move full speed ahead in their effort to create injections that are the false solution to treat diseases!

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Back in my day we only had two. You had a cold or you had the flu. That’s it. So you sucked on a lozenge or had soup and maybe took it easy for a day and then you got back to normal. What’s with all this needle stuff???? Oh yeah, pharma.

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Sanitation, healthy, nutritious food and antibiotics have been the primary components in the reduction of the severity and dangers of traditional diseases.

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Actually, antibiotics ushered in the era of the weak thyroid gland.

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Interesting. Antibiotics certainly have a place killing organisms that produce waste and toxins to poison and destroy blood and tissue once they infect. Like anything, optimal use is in targeted moderation.

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Think of how strong an immune system of someone who survived an amputation in the 18th century was.

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It is seen as the only way to keep growing the profitability of Big Pharma!

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

I hadn't considered this whole scenario as a great distraction. But since you've mentioned it... I agree. All the bad news about the vaccines is overshadowed by that Pfizer guy. And could it be that 'Project Veritas' is in on it ?

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Yes, it’s all theatre and the people “in the know” are having a big laugh over it. They know nothing will happen to any of them.

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Sooooo,, All Opposition is Controlled Opposition? They are FEEDING us our Knights in Shining Armor? Like the Contract with America? Like Trey Gowdy,, I've Gottem NOW!!??

Duude, that's Dark.. The glimmers of hope are actually FROM the very people dragging the World into the pit? That is a Stark reality..

And it could be true, but even If it is, that doesn't mean the People are defeated.

Don't be deceived.

The insurmountable is more vulnerable than they want us to believe.

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Where's dad, junior?

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Dad Jnr's busy looking at himself in the mirror attempting to sustain his inherent contradictions. Such as: 'Fauci is not to be trusted' v 'I was right, to this day, to trust Fauci'. He'll be busy for quite some time...

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He'll be President sooner than you think.

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Odd question.

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Anyone who is still getting fooled by the propaganda needs another booster.

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You are still not recognizing that behind all those 3 letter agencies there's only one power: Freemasonry. By the way, every single intelligence agency was founded by masons.

Conspiracy litmus test

How was it possible that mainstream media in different countries would cover news with the same scripted template, being the only difference the inclusion of local comments from the same pre-approved pool each time. How was it possible that all dissident scientific and medical voices were ignored and censored?

When there’s no money trail/profits, what could explain precise coordination in 100+ countries (government agencies, politicians, judges, corporations, media, military, police, secret services)?:

• Why did the freemason President of France and freemason Fauci fund gain-of-function in Wuhan, supposedly being China THE enemy?

• Unlike previous PLANdemics, it wasn't about selling billion$ of snake oil to governments, but about shoving it through your veins. This was most obvious with child and pregnancy haccination.

• Considering they control almost all listed corporations, they lost trillions with the lockdowns (they don’t care, they forge money).

The PLANdemic wasn’t about the rich getting richer but about a global power grab. Only freemasonry can explain infiltration and coordination of all positions of power, especially, where there was no money trail.

The more you study, the more smoke you can find from the smoking gun, not gun, cannons. Conspiracy-skeptics and cabal-deniers can't explain why those powers are spending billions in de-carbonisation, injected Bluetooth nano-routers, 5G, chemtrails, toxics, war-on-meat, gender ideology, paedophilia, robot-philia, human rights for the non-human persons (animals, AI robots), etc. Even if they admit the de-population progrom, they can’t explain the push for in-vitro fertilization, which contradicts depopulation.

If they just took time to read, they’d find it is proven beyond any doubt that the satanic digi-tatoship wants to murder 95% of mankind while there's no democracy when all parties are under freemasonic orders and pockets (n.b. democrats and RINOs).

Subscribe to find the TRUTH and the solutions:


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Yah, freemasonry is evil and widespread.

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But only one tool of the Bankers.

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All I am seeing is “Sidestepping and Band-standing”. The excrement is about to hit the oscillator...just my opinion. None of them are going to get out clean.

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Been saying ever since Trump announced that he’s going to have to address the failed and faulty “vaccine” product he was pushing under the Operation Warp Speed name. It will require the most carefully choreographed pivot on current political PR terms. Can he pull it off? Honestly don’t know if he understands what an epic failure this thing has been.

I have a fondness for the guy. He got us on the right track. But he needs to get straight on this. All people have egos, and powerful people have big egos (that’s why they’re powerful) so it’s going to take soul searching and skill to pivot to the next stage. The public is moving—slowly now but then quickly I predict. By end of 2023 we’ll be in a very different place.

This is going to be a big transition year. Strap in.

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Having Don Jr. as the front for the Pfizer undercover vid is a good move.

LOTS of layers and steps to this pivot. No mistakes allowed.

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Clown show. Anyone who paid attention knew it was a scam and didn't get jabbed. Who did what is irrelevant. No wrong will be righted. You got jabbed, that's on you. Moving on.

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This guy gets it. There were so many red flags that only morons got the jab.

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& the son in law had a huge financial gain with setting up Israel for the first jabs

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Maybe Palestine can have their land back?

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So Daddy will never say he was wrong.. that's why he will never be voted on by me.

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That's ok. There won't be many Dems left to vote Dem. Trump Wins!

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The thing that hangs them all is that they made themselves exempt from the "safe and effective" poison they were pushing on you and yours. THEY KNEW.

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I think there are some topics we have to rest or simmer. I don’t think we have all the details and certainly not the classified information Trump had as the president when preparing warp speed. There are reasons people make decisions, hard to judge without facts. We’ve become quick to throw people under the bus. That’s by design by the way.

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There was no way to stop the jabs. They were made beforehand. How else could you make so much to cover the world 6 or 7 times? They freaked out when Trump won because it was rigged for Hillary, but military blocked the rig of the voting machines. Obama left 3 SCOTUS picks for Hillary to make sure Vaccine Mandates would stick. Trump stole those picks and saved a lot of lives. The first term was about gathering evidence and setting traps for when the election was 'stolen' in 2020 -- he knew it would happen, traps set, exit, Biden installed as a dupe. They go on committing crimes, military has evidence of stolen election to bring him back at the right time and is also keeping Biden under control... he might actually believe he's President, but if you watch his inauguration, you'll see all the mistakes -- he was never inaugurated. Fake Marines, No 21 Gun Salute, Wrong Music played, sworn in earlier than the appointed time. Who will doubt the New World Order exists when he comes back? They've been completely exposed and Biden and the Democrats and RINOs get all of the blame.

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Also, Epstein and Maxwell would show up to private events with photographers who were working with them. They would photobomb famous people to compromise them. When you see the pictures, it's pretty obvious. Trump didn't hang out with Epstein, but he did have him kicked out of Mar-A-Lago. He also was the only person who helped one of Epstein's victims by giving her attorney information.

PROOF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWajz8X0d0k

He didn't go to the island and he used Epstein's plane once to go from New York to Florida... it's possible he didn't even know whose plane it was. But you KNOW this... and pretend you don't.

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Sure pal. You can just make up anything. Go ahead.

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I know I don't believe in CNBC, Commie.

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Not really. Trump has done nothing wrong. You need people to believe that an unsafe vaccine was released because Big Pharma was rushed. How does that make sense?

You need us to think Trump said, "I need you to rush something to market whether it's safe or not. Don't waste any time on testing and you will use a new technology that hasn't been judged safe before... in fact, make sure you coordinate with your competitors and tell them it's mRNA or nothing, ok? You will also share your patents with them -- no ifs, ands, or buts. For my part, I will make sure Sleepy Joe can't pull them off the market and I have assurances from the media, who loves me so much, that they will push the poison as much as possible. Now, here's the recipe I cooked up in the lab of the White House Batcave."

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