Jul 27, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Is this human meat free range and does it' contain vaccines?

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Just when I thought today’s reality arc couldn’t trend more depraved…

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Wear a mask to save your neighbor. Then eat them when it doesn’t work.

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Nasty stuff.

Ok guys before anyone gets any wild ideas, prion disease concerns here.

Kuru, which is a rare form of prion disease related to the better known CJD was historically found throughout the regions surrounding Papua New Guinea and is believed to be related to or transmitted through the practise of cannibalism.

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Just did a podcast/Zoom today with the National Health Federation's Scott Tips -- talking about the NEW FOOD CATEGORIES the globalists are creating. They were presented at the recent CODEX meeting. (Codex Alimentarius is the step child of the WHO and the United Nation's FAO, created to HARMonize ... sorry, harmonize... world food, pesticide, and food-related product standards).

The new food groups for human consumption include; Dog meat, Rat meat, Dolphin and Whale meat, and lots of insects -- such as crickets, ticks, lice, earwigs (I kid you not), and their creepy crawlies list goes on. At one point in his talk, Scott said, "At least they didn't create a category for human flesh." But, judging from what you have presented here, I suspect we will be seeing that category show up soon.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

We’re entering the final phase of psychologist John Calhoun’s Universe 25 experiment.

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1. Grotesque

2. Evil

3. Deranged


At this point, satan is having a field-day.

My God kicked their god to the curb.


The End.

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“... cannibalism is one of the key contributors to balancing out nature.” Ahhh, first time I’ve come across that keen piece of un-knowledge. Wonder where he got that doozy. I’ve yet to learn of any known civilization which ate each other, let alone to “balance” nature? Did I miss that? And suggesting “cannibalism is a potential tool to save us from climate change (CC)” is a bit perverse, and tying together a set of doozies. Oh yeah, CC’s the proposed catastrophic end of human kind due to cows, BBQ’s, growing food, nasty CO2, etc. That’s the CC religion of which every single devastating prediction has turned out to be false, serving only the purpose of scaring the nickers off the gullible. Perfect fit - myth of human caused climate change and eating your neighbors. Ugh. Real winner.

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Aborted human fetal tissue is 'modern' humanity's original cannibalism canary in the soylent green smoothie version 1.0. 🤮🤮🤮

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Eat the Rich.

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- Be Globalist/"Elite"/Nutcase

- Have a bunch of NPCs that fight to the death for your agenda, often exposing their allegiance online by calling everyone they disagree with a CHUD*

- Live underground, eating soylent green wishing you had listened to all the "conspiracy theorists" instead of literally becoming a CHUD yourself

- ????

- Profit? (no)

*Canibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller

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It’s no longer “Love they neighbour” but “Bar-b-Q thy neighbour”......resist this demonic behaviour and suggestion, find your spiritual resources and fight the urge to fall into their trap, destroy their sick narrative at every opportunity. The so called elites including royalty are psychologically ill and all need to be locked in a padded cell. Money and power has corrupted their souls and for them their is no hope. Everyone, connect to your heart, find your higher self and demonstrate how pure and clean your soul is and have none of this evil, satanic, pathetic nonsense.

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great read excepting the Muslim religious text referring to Satanic Allah. Thought you were intelligent, yet you quoted from the teachings of a false religious sect. Siiiiigh

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Crickets don't grow on trees, you know. What will we eat when we run out of them?

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This evil needs to be purged but who will do that? Almost everywhere you look there is perversion, degeneracy and corruption.

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Now, I need to do research on kuru. Thanks for the push 🙃

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