Aug 6, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Second to last para sums it up......"Anyone brainwashed and naive enough to subject themselves to these never-ending injections is headed straight for unmitigated catastrophe."

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These things are never effective.

When an unvaccinated goes in, takes the shot and drops dead 2 hours later, he's counted as an unvaccinated death.

A motorcycle accident death... They give him a PDF bullshit test, positive... Covid death in first months, to ramp fear up...

Etc etc etc.. I don't trust them one bit.

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No injection can be trusted.

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Kissinger quote chilling. Spring2020, gates videos, 1 on vax, 1 on depopulation... I didn't need a Nobel prize....

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

well, if it was depopulation big populated countries would be at the center. instead the least developed world has less than 20% vaxxed and they are not taking anymore vaccines.

dont think is about depopulating australia, canada and few european countries ... probably trudeau and others really feel clinical trials are not necessary and trump and operation warp speed team got a win with this new technology. in the US toddlers few months old are being vaxxed with trump mRNA technology and spike protein which is the worse toxin human has ever created. hopefully wont be any problems!

lets be optimistic! after all Malone who created mRNAs, got vaxxed himself with Moderna several times ... if it was smt wrong he would have never gotten it ... all will be okay, perhaps ...

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Main targets are: USA number 1.

Western Countries next.

If they get US A, they have NWO and can kill as they olease

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The mRNA roll out correlates to all the nations (the West) that in the Deagel projection that are to experience significant population declines.

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Agree. I just believe in Georgia Guidestones too.

500 m.

Much is guesswork... Fog of war

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

if they get US A ???

you cant be serious ... trumps and obamas ...

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I never said, or even thought, Obama et al are running it.

Who has guns, pissed off people ready and willing to die,?

Europe, Canada, Australia have pretty much fallen...

I do think , guess, they might get guns and join in fray???

But USA is really last bastion. Everyone knows this

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Your premise is only valid if general depop is wanted. If what is wanted is to preferentially kill off the population of Euro-based ancestry, then it's going exactly according to plan.

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Aug 6, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World


I do think depopulation is the underlying/overriding goal.

The USA and Europe are the first targets.

The scientists are thrilled the people were /are so compliant.

Third world? There are starvation consequences ahead, revolts

and wars ahead also.

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I think euro based is main target, USA #1

Not mutually exv

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Keep an eye on Ukraine, they are going to be the first to be built back better!

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okay will do!

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Exactly, this is what woke me up to their bullshit and lies!

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Aug 6, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

This is how they are twisting the narrative....from Reuters..."Monkeypox is not an autoimmune blistering disease (ABD) and therefore it would not have been referenced when Pfizer released its list of suspected adverse reactions to its COVID-19 vaccine"....More to the point is that ABD looks like Monkeypox.

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I've been taking my annual flu shots for years now.... and I'd have to say I've not had a lot of cases of the flu. Whether that was attributable to the flu vaccines is an open question.... but I never felt they would harm me. But after the crap these guys pulled with the Covid vaccines, I simply don't trust them anymore in the slightest. I've had my last flu shot, and will not be getting any Covid or Monkey Pox, or any other kind of vaccines or boosters. I'm done with them.

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This is exactly my sentiments! I never questioned any of the vaccines I got up until 2020- I got the flu shot almost every year as well. With what I have learned now about vaccines, I will never voluntarily get another vaccine!

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the first thing doctors should do is heal the sick. Jabs make the healthy sick. How is that their job? they cannot even heal you from a cold and barely anything helps for flu (I heard the flu med they have for some years is quickly losing its grip). If you have something more serious all they prescribe is antibiotics (to whom more and more people have bad reactions, or they don't work anymore) and cortizone (which I refuse to have on or in my body). So what is left? NOT going to the doctor and try everything else, from pine or elderberry syrup to echinacea to homeopathic, and if it is still not gone, then I go to the doctor !

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The FDA, CDC, Big Pharma, etc. shot themselves in the foot with readers of this and many other Substacks because we have seen through their lies and corruption and will never take any more of their products.

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I will never agree to take another shot or vaccine.

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Just a thought: these various bio labs are literally holding the world’s population hostage. God knows what they’ve created and stored away. The way Russia targeted Ukraine’s bio labs early on tells me something. Why not team up and take them all out? Everywhere.

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Why would the FDA want a new vaccine that's also targeted to the original (Wuhan) strain if that variant is long extinct?

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No matter what is produced. available, suggested, offered, claimed,

I am not taking any shot for anything. I did get a tetanus (hopefully clean)

shot as I live in an old farmhouse property and rusty items frost heave out.

I am on the lookout because dogs run free/and fast, within my heavy duty (bears)

chain link surrounding the house. BTW, many people living alone/older people

were traumatized by the covid restrictions. Family and friends helped out by

sharing their meals, or bringing cookies etc., and picking up shopping lists and

bringing food. Yet with the fear, and library and church events suspended?

People had no places to commune. I will never forgive those bastards for the

cruelties they imposed.

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lets hope they do it correctly. i suppose clinical trials were necessary in the past, but if dr. marks, dr fauci, dr gottlieb and so many other great accomplished individuals in charge of health care system like the good doctor at CDC etc think clinical trials are a thing of the past ... they got to know what they are doing.

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