"What is killing the millenials?"

If they are redditors larping as mercenaries in Ukraine for updoots, then it certainly isn't the injections.

Wait. Too soon?

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About right, but the redditors played themselves into less than a news cycle blip. Toughened up now, they're joining the people's armies of antifa and blm -- it's an easier "war" gig to hack.

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Indeed, wars are generally easier when no-one is shooting at you!

On a serious note, it is absolutely reprehensible that reddit has allowed that sub to remain up. Apart from the fact that fighting in foreign wars is illegal for many nationalities, sending people off to what amounts to a death sentence - for clout - based on propaganda and lies, is pretty depraved.

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I am all for free speech. reddit should leave everything up from all sides. let the free market of ideas make the individual determinations as to merits of subs, redditors, etc.

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I agree with you almost 100% generally, but allowing idiots to be influenced to die in a meat grinder because they are 100% convinced the Russians are losing and they can waltz in and be heroes, with no pushback? This is allowing a suicide machine, I think I would make an exception for that.

I mean, I climb very high mountains with a decent amount of objective danger. I 100% should be allowed to risk my life if I want to, as long as I know the risks involved. But if someone set up a reddit sub which told everyone they could jog up K2 naked because it was a piece of piss, I would kind of object to that as well, if gullible idiots believed it.

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March 17, 2022
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I definitely agree with what you are saying. If reddit wasn't such a disastrous echo-chamber, then people would push back and tell those people that they were idiots and to cease and desist immediately.

So in actual fact we all agree: because reddit IS such a disastrous echo-chamber, reddit ought to sort it out before people get themselves killed because they believed a bunch of disinformation. Which reddit will never do of course but if ever you needed a wake up call....

"I have not felt drawn to engage on reddit lately"

The only sub on reddit related to anything outside entertainment that isn't 100% GloboCap propaganda is https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/

The fact it is allowed to continue to exist is also highly questionable...

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There may be a coordinated troll PsyOp to play this off as suicide to keep the millennials asleep. JMO. Something to maybe to look for and push back on with real data.

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Already is, most recent was a 22 year old Stanford soccer player. They tried to pass that one off as suicide...

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