May 6, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

That was one of the reasons they demanded complete legal indemnity. One executive said they don't know what will happen in "4 years time". Especially with those who had more than two or mixed their jabs!

The implications are too horrendous to contemplate.

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The whole vaccine industry is a Racket

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"Peter McCullough thinks it might even be as high as 1 in 20 when you consider subclinical myocarditis"

I as was shocked when I read this before and I am shocked now!

"Buzzards gotta eat. Same as worms."

-Josie Wales

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May 5, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

And it's much higher than that. Evidence in my forthcoming book:

Neither Safe Nor Effective:

Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines

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Out in about 3 weeks

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It was an honor to meet you in Ohio, Steve. Thank you so much for what you do..

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RemovedMay 7, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World
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Over 3 years ago I was diagnosed with an "idiopathic" condition by my gastroenterologist. He put me on heavy dosage of drugs and told me to come back in a few months. I did, and I was getting worse! He put me on even more drugs and I came back again and it was worse. This went on for 2yrs, until I cured the condition 100% with an "experimental" supplement to his shock and indignation. And then the drug side effects commenced! I simply could not no matter the protocol wean off of the drug. Talk about the cure being worse than the disease. He too told me I would be on these drugs that did not cure my condition for the rest of my life. I only recently weaned off of the bad drug, and am on a relatively benign one at the minimum dose. I should be drug free in a few months...

My view of the medical profession is no more favorable than yous.

Thanks for your comment.

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RemovedMay 7, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World
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I am not religious, but illnesses are sometimes our greatest teachers. I was taught memento mori, and then some during my ordeal.

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