Trouble is, we can still hear and see her. So she really is using a face diaper again? I thought that glimpse of her in a mask was an old image. JC on a bike. 🤡 🌎
I thought the same as well. Plus, anyone with 6 boosters would be severely ill with so many health issues or already dead. So tired this is still going on now into 4th year. Such insanity.
Agree, not a chance. And if they front someone as a bone thrown to the masses, then it's either him having "gotten the works" since then, or a double that's serving as a sacrifice while acting the part of Fauci.
I have a gay friend who stood by my side while everyone else couldn't have cared less what happened to me during the Con-vid isolation bullsh!t. We talked several times a day and did very much to support each other. Loyal caring friends is NOT a "gay" issue. Plenty of straight liars and horrible people out there, sheesh.
From the many that took staged placebos, if even they weren't proxy people, to the employees of the CDC, NIH, etc., most of which did not take them, ... where to begin. Lies at every level.
Here's the thing, for the informed, the ENTIRE thing was a FF Psyop RIGHT OUT OF THE GATE. From Day 1 or even before then.
Nope. Malone in fact took 2 doses and became very ill with long Covid as a result. It's common knowledge that he's been very candid about his Covid shot-induced illness.
Are you saying that you do not believe that Fauci took any shots that were made by a company from CHINA and Germany that world leaders basically did a simulated plan for right before the "virus" happened? Huh....Next you will be saying Trump, a sitting U.S. President, also lied and didn't take any shots owned by a company based in CHINA and Germany after world leaders did a simulated plan right before the virus happened.
Fauci I'm sure is no master. Useful idiot is more like it. Of course he'd be made to believe he's in the upper echelon, but ask yourself: would you allow him into the your innercircle?
Oh, I agree with you, Fauci is not in the “inner circle”, I do believe, however, that there is a hierarchy , and that somebody like him is further up the ladder. Using an economics analogy he’s at the top end of the upper middle class!
Good advice, but why give good healing advice to this monster? Although, he likely wouldn't take that advice even if he read your substack. I had a very good friend who had a local Dr. Mengele who insisted he take all five boosters. I say had because he recently died of turbo cancer. He was a wonderful person and I thought a very smart man, but he thought she was doing what was best for him. I gave him advice on who to contact for treatment of his alleged "long covid" (, McCullough) and he wouldn't even look at it. In our final conversation just before he died he said he wished he had paid more attention to the cancer. I wish this dear man had paid more attention to my advice.
A lot of us here were ignored when we screamed no, don't take the shots. Then called names too sometimes. We did what we could. People have free will. The freedom to prosper or be stupid. Some people took the stupid way and there wasn't a thing more we could do.
So true! Although, the rampant endless lies and various ways people were pressured in many ways I can't blame them. Initially, when this all started early 2020 I have to admit that I was concerned. However, very early on found those speaking truth to power like doctors Buttar, Zelenko, Blalock, Rancourt, Merritt, etc. I was a rabid investigator. If only more had been.
Absolutely! No way him and the parasite class, including Congress didn't take any of these kill shots and he knew it. He was behind the AIDS crisis back in the 80's too. He's a mass murderer who needs to be charged for his heinous crimes against humanity.
Fauci said he only took 6 of his MRNA spike protein shots. I think there are nine or ten of these shots you can take. That's the problem. Fauci needs more MRNA spike protein shots and I certainly do hope he gets them and make it an extra strong dose as he seems like he needs it.
Curious how few cases of sudden death, clots, strokes, turbo cancers and myocarditis the government workers have experienced. I don't believe they took their own shots .
I don’t believe anything out of Fauci’s mouth. He is a puppet that spews the approved narrative, so vaccinated people will normalize their constant Covid diagnosis. Social news sources like NewsBreak are being filled with explanations of increased heart attacks & why blood clots are killing more people now. Diet, pollution, and stress doesn’t explain MILLIONS of excess deaths the last 3-4 years.
HIV med commercials have increased since the fake vax roll out. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Question everything.
I'm no doctor, but my personal recommendation is that fauxchi stick himself with multiple needles filled with mystery juice until every major vein collapses.
The body ejects toxins out it's garbage chute. You go playing around in it and you're bound to be exposed to toxins that body ejected for good reason. Rub the contents on abraded thin skin, and those same toxins will enter your body, which in turn it will attempt to eject back out through the skin, and pus filled boils, aka pox, will be expressed. Duh.
There is no way Fauci took that bioweapon injection
He is lying just like Malone
Quite possible, and his 3rd diagnosis is just a seeding for another scamdemic a la Harris now donning an MK Ultra mask again.
Trouble is, we can still hear and see her. So she really is using a face diaper again? I thought that glimpse of her in a mask was an old image. JC on a bike. 🤡 🌎
I thought the same as well. Plus, anyone with 6 boosters would be severely ill with so many health issues or already dead. So tired this is still going on now into 4th year. Such insanity.
Amazingly there are ppl with 6 and 7 "Covid" shots. Who the Hell REALLY knows just exactly what they are in fact getting shot with?
Right, we don't know. I read the inserts were BLANK!! Big red flag right there!!
Agree, not a chance. And if they front someone as a bone thrown to the masses, then it's either him having "gotten the works" since then, or a double that's serving as a sacrifice while acting the part of Fauci.
fraudci a lying homo
I have a gay friend who stood by my side while everyone else couldn't have cared less what happened to me during the Con-vid isolation bullsh!t. We talked several times a day and did very much to support each other. Loyal caring friends is NOT a "gay" issue. Plenty of straight liars and horrible people out there, sheesh.
They're ALL liars!
From the many that took staged placebos, if even they weren't proxy people, to the employees of the CDC, NIH, etc., most of which did not take them, ... where to begin. Lies at every level.
Here's the thing, for the informed, the ENTIRE thing was a FF Psyop RIGHT OUT OF THE GATE. From Day 1 or even before then.
Nope. Malone in fact took 2 doses and became very ill with long Covid as a result. It's common knowledge that he's been very candid about his Covid shot-induced illness.
I do not believe that Fauci took any jabs. Experimental injections were reserved just for “the masses”, Not the masters.
Are you saying that you do not believe that Fauci took any shots that were made by a company from CHINA and Germany that world leaders basically did a simulated plan for right before the "virus" happened? Huh....Next you will be saying Trump, a sitting U.S. President, also lied and didn't take any shots owned by a company based in CHINA and Germany after world leaders did a simulated plan right before the virus happened.
Fauci I'm sure is no master. Useful idiot is more like it. Of course he'd be made to believe he's in the upper echelon, but ask yourself: would you allow him into the your innercircle?
Oh, I agree with you, Fauci is not in the “inner circle”, I do believe, however, that there is a hierarchy , and that somebody like him is further up the ladder. Using an economics analogy he’s at the top end of the upper middle class!
Love the analogy.
🤣 you are quite naïve and gullible, kid!
😅 you are quite naïve and gullible, kid! Start paying attention.
You are profoundly ignorant and uninformed and all aspects of this topic. Please inform yourself better, then come back and post, kid.
Good advice, but why give good healing advice to this monster? Although, he likely wouldn't take that advice even if he read your substack. I had a very good friend who had a local Dr. Mengele who insisted he take all five boosters. I say had because he recently died of turbo cancer. He was a wonderful person and I thought a very smart man, but he thought she was doing what was best for him. I gave him advice on who to contact for treatment of his alleged "long covid" (, McCullough) and he wouldn't even look at it. In our final conversation just before he died he said he wished he had paid more attention to the cancer. I wish this dear man had paid more attention to my advice.
A lot of us here were ignored when we screamed no, don't take the shots. Then called names too sometimes. We did what we could. People have free will. The freedom to prosper or be stupid. Some people took the stupid way and there wasn't a thing more we could do.
So true! Although, the rampant endless lies and various ways people were pressured in many ways I can't blame them. Initially, when this all started early 2020 I have to admit that I was concerned. However, very early on found those speaking truth to power like doctors Buttar, Zelenko, Blalock, Rancourt, Merritt, etc. I was a rabid investigator. If only more had been.
Do you honestly think that motherfu*cker took any of those so called vaccines? He’s so full of it.
Absolutely! No way him and the parasite class, including Congress didn't take any of these kill shots and he knew it. He was behind the AIDS crisis back in the 80's too. He's a mass murderer who needs to be charged for his heinous crimes against humanity.
In the US, we're approaching a Presidential Election.
That means.... PANDEMIC SEASON is upon us!
Look for C0VIDpoxH1N1 with a side of HIV to served this season.
Fauci said he only took 6 of his MRNA spike protein shots. I think there are nine or ten of these shots you can take. That's the problem. Fauci needs more MRNA spike protein shots and I certainly do hope he gets them and make it an extra strong dose as he seems like he needs it.
Curious how few cases of sudden death, clots, strokes, turbo cancers and myocarditis the government workers have experienced. I don't believe they took their own shots .
Why would Fauci have taken a bio weapon?
Did he really the jibber jabber 6 times ???
Wouldn’t think so , one way of avoiding a congressional hearing ??
I don’t believe anything out of Fauci’s mouth. He is a puppet that spews the approved narrative, so vaccinated people will normalize their constant Covid diagnosis. Social news sources like NewsBreak are being filled with explanations of increased heart attacks & why blood clots are killing more people now. Diet, pollution, and stress doesn’t explain MILLIONS of excess deaths the last 3-4 years.
HIV med commercials have increased since the fake vax roll out. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Question everything.
The tests are not reliable.
I'm no doctor, but my personal recommendation is that fauxchi stick himself with multiple needles filled with mystery juice until every major vein collapses.
Or the veins fill with the white fibrous clots.
He did not take the shot. Really he is the who created this . I call bullshit big time.
Come on, YOU don't really believe that Fauci ever got Injected with his own elixirs, do you? Please say no.
All that's missing from the combo Monkey/AIDS/PSYOP triad is Double-Secret Probation.
Talmudic Global Government Pox funded by the Talmudic Central Banking Cabal is the root of all societal maladies.
The body ejects toxins out it's garbage chute. You go playing around in it and you're bound to be exposed to toxins that body ejected for good reason. Rub the contents on abraded thin skin, and those same toxins will enter your body, which in turn it will attempt to eject back out through the skin, and pus filled boils, aka pox, will be expressed. Duh.
Why? Oh why do people forget the person who said, “I got the vaccine done in 9 months” and “I pushed the FDA like they have never been pushed before, “I am the father of the vaccine” “Fauci said, ‘It would take 3-5yrs’”? Start at 8min mark through 12:20