ADE plus immune fixation plus immune tolerance = VAIDS.

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And the CovIDIOTS moan 'why do I feel so terrible all the time -- why am I always sick -- I did everything BBCCNN told me to to - I triple mask - I have all 6 shots -- I get my boosters on time -- why????'


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Wow!! Time will tell as we endure winter! The reports of illness I’m getting are definitely from the vaccinated. This data will get harder and harder to hide.

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I will continue to brag about my good health in front of the VAIDsies... I like to rub it in...

I play in a couple of hockey beer leagues -- I am easily 20 years old than everyone else... I can hold my own but as this progresses and the other players (I think I am the only unvaxxed one) degrade... I'll score at will ... they all know I am unvaxxed so will they attribute my point totals to that and connect the dots?

I am already seeing a drop off in the endurance of other players -- many of them are out of gas after 40 minutes. These are people 25-35 yrs old. This is not normal.

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Carbon footprint reduction . . The Great Reset . . you will own nothing & be happy because you won't be alive . . You are the carbon they seek to reduce! Do NOT comply . .

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The contents of the vials cannot be determined, because they are changed with every batch.


AIDS, however, is a particularly suspicious case:


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"Did you read that Smithers? my vaccines are working just as intended. Brilliant!" (Rubs hands together)

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Pretty sad state of affairs

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don't know which news outlet had it, but very early on, when they were talking about the vax pass, so they could track n trace, Elton John did an interview where he said something like 'everyone would need to know their HIV status, and the record could be on the pass'. Then they had a clip of Prince Harry saying something similar, *possibly* while having a blood draw for an HIV test. They have known all this for a long time, while it is taking "Health Freedom" researchers to tease apart all the included effects of the bioweapon.

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FDA guidelines for E.U. say “ willful misconduct” in the development, manufacture, testing, distribution,...

will negate tort liability for these pharmaceutical tyrants. And for anyone that helped them succeed. WILLFUL MISCONDUCT! Yes, that sums it up. And no,

Dr. Fauci, if you’re reading this, I don’t have anything better to do than save my family and fellow man from your “willful misconduct” that has murdered so many. Are you still having trouble sleeping? It’s no wonder. 😳

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And add in continual booster immune tolerance. Perfect bioweapon.


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I first watched this 18 months ago. I knew this was going to be the legacy of mRNA:


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hahaha .. so TRUE!

Add a V though

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Stupid. Get serious fool.

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OH I am sure it's only cause those peeps didn't go to their Doc when the Covid really hit.. SNARKILY I said.

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These are great articles! Thanks for keeping us updated. The cancers that result from the covid vaxxes are incubating and brewing now. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved two people (make that THREE) close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com

Breast, colon, prostate, glioma, lung, it doesn’t seem to matter, fenbendazole seems to eradicate them all. Case Reports in the queue are melanoma, ovarian, breast, myeloma, bladder are the next five.

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Long Covid has so many branches.

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HIV? Minor detail: There are no transmissible or disease causing viruses. HIV, SARS, etc, etc. Until someone finds one, in the real world, not in computer models, and proves transmission and cause of illness. Using real science, controlled experiments. Without resorting to claims of authority or epidemiology based theories.

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VIDEO: "Bibi" Netanyahu (now back in power after yesterday's election) Admits Israelis Were Guinea Pigs For Pfizer's COVID Vaccine. Disappointingly, He continues the narrative of LIES about the massive Israeli death toll, higher than almost any other country. Why? Who is he pimping for? https://banned.video/watch?id=63add7c5779ce20772947e65

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