Comment: It wouldn't do, would it, if the majority of recipients suffered an SAE or death? Right now, most recipients had little reaction to the shots and, doubtless, consider they all have the same payload. So most will line up for whatever comes next............Used to be called 'Russian Roulette'.
It matters not what crap Big Pharma put in vaccine vials - They're IMMUNE from all LIABILITY and all consequences when recipients die or have a shortened LIFE EXPECTANCY!
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots!
One of the Hungarian researchers involved in the above study, Prof. Dr. Péter Ferdinandy, asked Kariko in December 2022 in Hungary that "...we are curious to know how Spike protein is produced in myocardial cells...". Kariko gave him such a long, rambling, confused answer that everyone there was embarrassed. It's worth watching the video on YouTube, even if you don't understand it in Hungarian. Body language says it all. The questioner is Peter Ferdinandy.
As a Hungarian, I completely distance myself from Kariko. This "researcher" should not be awarded a Nobel Prize, but life imprisonment. In the socialist regime, there was a whistleblower in Hungary under the name Zsolt Lengyel (male name). She is a shitty, corrupt nobody.
So grateful for your reporting. I did not comply, but worried for my son and gf and family members that did. Resolved some of my concern, and confirmed my suspicions for those that lost their life with the state by state reporting. Truth, however brutal, is better than ignorance.
The next reports might find that fear and fighting and compliance and inability to see possibilities for change have been accentuated by some lots. Sure is a lot of that going around.
Big Pharma regards the human race as their lab rats!
The difference is that humans seem to be more expendable than rats!
No consequences for Big Pharma for either experimental fatality.
This attitude will continue or may get worse all the time Big Pharma's injections have no LIABILITY for injuries and DEATHS that follow the use of their poisonous crap! Big Pharma are assisting the ELITE New World Order reduce the world's population by INJECTIONS they pretend are 'VACCINES''.
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots.
The FDA don't care about human Health when - Big Pharma say jump the FDA says "How high"!
It's all about PROFITS and DEPOPULATION for the Elite's New World Order!
ZERO LIABILITY for Big Pharma is nonsense if they want people to take medicines and injections they are sheltered from responsibility when injuries and DEATHS occur from taking part in their 'untrialled EXPERIMENTS'.
"To reiterate: Every. Single. “Vaccinated.” Person. Has. Myocarditis."
That assumes that all the batches (aka lots) of these "vaccines" contain the myocarditis inducing ingredients. It is the case that only a small number of batches are responsible for the vast majority od SAEs and deaths. Indeed, a recent german study concluded that many batches may well be saline.
Comment: It wouldn't do, would it, if the majority of recipients suffered an SAE or death? Right now, most recipients had little reaction to the shots and, doubtless, consider they all have the same payload. So most will line up for whatever comes next............Used to be called 'Russian Roulette'.
It matters not what crap Big Pharma put in vaccine vials - They're IMMUNE from all LIABILITY and all consequences when recipients die or have a shortened LIFE EXPECTANCY!
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots!
We still inject our youth with the HPV goo, whats that tell ya.
One of the Hungarian researchers involved in the above study, Prof. Dr. Péter Ferdinandy, asked Kariko in December 2022 in Hungary that "...we are curious to know how Spike protein is produced in myocardial cells...". Kariko gave him such a long, rambling, confused answer that everyone there was embarrassed. It's worth watching the video on YouTube, even if you don't understand it in Hungarian. Body language says it all. The questioner is Peter Ferdinandy.
As a Hungarian, I completely distance myself from Kariko. This "researcher" should not be awarded a Nobel Prize, but life imprisonment. In the socialist regime, there was a whistleblower in Hungary under the name Zsolt Lengyel (male name). She is a shitty, corrupt nobody.
So grateful for your reporting. I did not comply, but worried for my son and gf and family members that did. Resolved some of my concern, and confirmed my suspicions for those that lost their life with the state by state reporting. Truth, however brutal, is better than ignorance.
The next reports might find that fear and fighting and compliance and inability to see possibilities for change have been accentuated by some lots. Sure is a lot of that going around.
Big Pharma regards the human race as their lab rats!
The difference is that humans seem to be more expendable than rats!
No consequences for Big Pharma for either experimental fatality.
This attitude will continue or may get worse all the time Big Pharma's injections have no LIABILITY for injuries and DEATHS that follow the use of their poisonous crap! Big Pharma are assisting the ELITE New World Order reduce the world's population by INJECTIONS they pretend are 'VACCINES''.
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots.
The FDA don't care about human Health when - Big Pharma say jump the FDA says "How high"!
It's all about PROFITS and DEPOPULATION for the Elite's New World Order!
ZERO LIABILITY for Big Pharma is nonsense if they want people to take medicines and injections they are sheltered from responsibility when injuries and DEATHS occur from taking part in their 'untrialled EXPERIMENTS'.
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!