90% + of all military members have unthinkingly taken the shots. They followed orders - an illegal EO mandating experimental potions. Consequences will be horrific.

Not sure how that is considered winning.

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I agree, they have succeeded in mostly wiping out our airforce pilots who are the power card in any war. It has been a highly successful culling, overall. Now for the weather and food wars.

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Yes and currency destruction, border / sovereignty decimation and refugee crises planned.

Too bad for the elites we’re going to shit can them and ruin their BS agenda.

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I have a question: Why isn`t Biden making the illegal aliens to be vaccinated? They can kill our military guys but not the aliens!

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Yes, ‘we are winning’ is an overstatement, once you read the details. A tiny bit of progress, but definitely too little, too late.

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They will be replaced by robots. Robots, autonomous weapon systems (AI) have no ethical standards, and no love for fellow human beings, or even life. And can be set on any militairy opponent but also any population (incl. the american). These can be controlled, directed even by one individual, theoretically. It's the ultimate "force multiplier".

I think this was the plan all along.

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My question is how close this tech is to being deployable.

My second question is how well shielded it is against high power electromagnetic systems (like directional/aimable EMP using something like a Tesla coil, giant capacitor and maybe a Yagi antenna).

My third question is how well secured these systems are against haxx0ring.

John Connor, we need you!

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It's a win to those who want us to lose.

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Cannot see this as winning.

There should never be a need for exemption when it comes to any type medical intervention.

Informed consent thus the human right

To say NO is the way forward.

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The trend is our friend.

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brights, a few people saying NO is what brought us this small victory...

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I know and it is positive and I have to admit it is a small but not insignificant winning even though my dislike for any exemption is there.

Lots of work to be done to encourage more people to say NO.

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Freaking finally!! To try to kill the people who fight for our country is one of the sickest evils of this whole scam.

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They 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 fight for our country. That should be blazingly obvious at this point.

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Damage done, eugenics phase 1 complete.

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The military needs to be downsized anyway. Just like the police. These institutions no longer protect us - they are there to enforce the edicts of this regime.



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"Once a standing army is established in any country, the people lose their liberty." - George Mason

The 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 Constitutional branch of the military is the Navy.

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Semper Fi! Good to see my favorite organization get back on track.

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Good, these bastards nee to be held accountable my dad fought in WW1, my brother in WW2, and my kid brother the gulf, Namibia, Cypress, Afghanistan and many other places until he died 2 yrs ago because of the poison ☠ vaccine that the military said you needed or get the hell out. I want these bastards held responsible for doing this to the ones that died because they had to take the poison ☠ vaccine which was never a vaccination or a proved vaccine these evil 😈 bastards need to pay for what they have done that includes shit face Biden and Turd douche of Canada!

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I do believe they have now turned everyone in the Marine Corps religious for the duration of their tours of duty. "#Winning" is right!

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They are “forgetting” to enforce, but we won’t forget what they’ve done. Do not comply. Do not forget.

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No one wants to be a Rainbow warrior Guinea pig? Who would of thought?

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Recruiting is usually up during economic difficulty, it’s the Vax 100%.

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To many of our military have taken the clot shots. I’m glad the Marines were forced to allow exemptions. This administration is actively weakening our military. New recruits want nothing to do with their woke insane policies! Trump woukd fix it. Hopefully the Republicans will when they win the


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Excellent. This is another opportunity to develop a parallel system of un-jabbed, white, heterosexual Christian, non-woke supermen. Fatness is heavily skewed to minority and especially minority women applicants, but our team has too much fatness too that will need to change. Most black women are overweight or obese (see data). The former core of the U.S. military, Southern heterosexual white Christian men will make a solid foundation for the new American Nation. There are great minority mostly Christian allies too who will be eager to affiliate with these great men. These guys are beginning to form informal associations that will accelerate as the forces get more woke and more genetically-modified. When a critical mass is established here and elsewhere, the nation can begin anew. The dilapidated forces will rot on the vine. I cannot wait to support these guys.

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Remember they fired the nurses for no shots but now people have no nurses lol the stupidity just never stops!

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Not sure about winning ... the vast majority of them are already injected and acting as mutation factories.

They likely dropped the mandates because it's mission accomplished - or too many are refusing more boosters which would collapse the military if they were stood down

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Well if we think about it. Dropping covid jab mandates is the least amount of good the monsters can do who mandated those jabs. Even on a good healthy day. We already had/have enough to be concerned about with possible food shortages, the attempted banning of gas-powered automobiles, the escalating cost of living, no heat or electricity, homelessness, digital currency (where certain people will be locked out), natural disasters, weather wars, plandemics and plagues, perpetual illegal immigration, crime, domestic wars, foreign wars, domestic enemies, foreign enemies, the climate change hoax, the WHO, CDC, the perpetual lying MSM, and on and on.

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