No longer shocked @ what our “government” is willing to do to the citizenry. All who take the oath to adhere to the constitution - from the President to the Congress, the heads of depts like FBI, CIA, DOJ, the brass @ DOD et al. - what is still shocking (to me, at least) is that the malevolence & corruption are so deep & entwined, with honor, integrity, empathy, morality completely gone.
A great way to start a dialog with loved ones before holidays is by inquiring, out of deep concern for your own health, which dirty batch they received. Come on, if they were willing to show a stranger this info for entry into a restaurant they really shouldn’t be too scared to tell you what was injected. “How bad” can it be? Look it up and if it’s a 50x case with boosters to boot then maybe gift them a round of pet meds, pray to St. Damien and hope to see them by Easter?
All I’m seeing is cancers, strokes and heart attacks.
94 year old grandmother is now in hospice with aggressive abdominal cancer. Let’s call this an outlier given her age but complete vaxxed and again boosted
Then a 23 year old plumbing apprentice has now developed seizures and hasn’t been able to drive/work since getting jabbed.
Is there any national work force reports showing absences from work?
I'm conscious that I am somewhat repetitive in my topics, but as you'll hopefully realise, there are some individuals who seem to be easily distracted about some very important priorities.
For example; around two years ago, we Brits informally created a local gathering in public parks, where like-minded individuals met to compare notes regarding our 'Covid' suspicions, beliefs and concerns. 'Meet in the Park' became an unofficial meeting place where we could discuss these topics. We discussed our beliefs regarding some of the skulduggery surrounding 'Covid', Fauci's 'Gain of Function' experiments, social distancing, restricted movements (Lock-downs), the incredibly quick invention of the (MANDATORY) 'Covid injections' (they pretended to be a 'VACCINE'. We also discussed the deliberate hiding of pre-existing safe & effective anti-viral medicines like IVERMECTIN and the unbelievably sinister and dubious collaboration demonstrated between Big Pharma and health agencies like FDA & CDC, etc, to LICENCE (by EUA) and market their dangerous injected poisons while enjoying absolutely no LIABILITY for vax induced injuries and VAX INDUCED DEATHS.
Then the Ukraine vs Russia war kicked off! At the following Sunday 'Meet in the Park' meeting occurred, I attended wearing one of my controversial tee-shirts ('Unvaxxed to live longer' for example). A guy came up to me and stated "You're a bit behind the times - we're all now more concerned about Ukraine this week".
I reminded him that his thought process was exactly what the WEF's 'New World Order' anticipated the majority of the population to think and behave. I reminded him that we can't just flit from one deadly universal destruction plan to the next 'topic'. The New World Order (The super-Elite) will have won yet another battle to distract us from their evil intentions - to enslave us all. Obviously, we agreed to differ, but I hope he took a moment to reflect on how quickly his 'butterfly brain' priorities were changed within just one week. I have to confess I thought he was an idiot.
We must continue to focus on these most important topics that impact every DEADLY Vax survivor on the planet.
The amount of deception and manipulation regard 'COVID' never ceases to amaze me. Every day there's seemingly some new level of evil uncovered. It was clearly a population control measure that'll last years. Infertility, various nagging health issues, turbo cancers. And it fills the coffers of Big Pharma as a by-product.
LATEST; Unbelievable! 1433 times increase in Cancer - coincidentally, since the introduction of the useless and highly dangerous 'cure' for COVID-19 in 2020? The deadly injection they pretend is a 'vaccine'.
Not a very serious situation for the FDA, CDC or NIH to raise any concern about, I suppose. It's exactly what the New World Order (The Elite) have been planning for decades = the ultimate population destruction (CULL) by injection that will render any survivors Slaves to the New World Order (The Elite).
I never got jabbed so.. I tried telling people don't get the jabs, don't put crap in your body that isn't known to be safe. Isn't it ironic how companies preach every flipping day to be safe. Yet have no problem demanding their workers take experimental jabs? Upside down world where we are conditioned to wear PPE at every turn yet blatantly ignore what goes into our own bodies.
I don't think it is just the jabs. My unjabbed Bible study group has had two turbo cancers out of 8 people. One is already deceased. I think Dr. Ana Milhacea has some compelling theories.
Did you see the CORRUPT WHO stats regarding the mysterious disappearance of FLU in 2020. Only to reappear again in 2021. Every case during 2020 magically became Covid! How stupid do they think we are?
"Not sure about other age groups." Can you elaborate on this as the increase would be most relevant in age groups where cancer would be a relatively rare occurence?
Without excluding (cherry picking) The Expose data is correct. If you start averaging and cherry picking, then you may come up with all kinds of various %ages.
The dysproportional use of Pfizer in some areas is an important observation as the sv40 promoter sequence is found in Pfizer shots but not Moderna. According to health Canada Pfizer omitted the presence of the sv40 promoter sequence when submitting the sequence data to them
THis is not surprising as there was absolutely no good reason to include this sequence in the first place.
Health Canada claims the sequence is inactive but this data helps either prove or disprove that by seeing if the increase in incidence of cancer in groups where it is a rare occurs with the pfizer shots but not moderna.
If anything they have understated the malfeasance (and that is saying alot!) albeit I have seen a few articles where they got things wrong generally they have been on the money. Their analysis of Canadian vaccine efficacy data early on was outstanding.
No longer shocked @ what our “government” is willing to do to the citizenry. All who take the oath to adhere to the constitution - from the President to the Congress, the heads of depts like FBI, CIA, DOJ, the brass @ DOD et al. - what is still shocking (to me, at least) is that the malevolence & corruption are so deep & entwined, with honor, integrity, empathy, morality completely gone.
A great way to start a dialog with loved ones before holidays is by inquiring, out of deep concern for your own health, which dirty batch they received. Come on, if they were willing to show a stranger this info for entry into a restaurant they really shouldn’t be too scared to tell you what was injected. “How bad” can it be? Look it up and if it’s a 50x case with boosters to boot then maybe gift them a round of pet meds, pray to St. Damien and hope to see them by Easter?
And these deadly jabs come with absolutely NO LIABILITY for the murdering manufacturers like Pfizer, J&J, Moderna, etc.
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!
Oh Lord help us God🙏
All I’m seeing is cancers, strokes and heart attacks.
94 year old grandmother is now in hospice with aggressive abdominal cancer. Let’s call this an outlier given her age but complete vaxxed and again boosted
Then a 23 year old plumbing apprentice has now developed seizures and hasn’t been able to drive/work since getting jabbed.
Is there any national work force reports showing absences from work?
Yes. Disability (out of work) are soaring.
Yes... DO enjoy! (it's in the bottom of the entertainment!)
Damn that’s brutal
Just a funny cowinkydink
I'm conscious that I am somewhat repetitive in my topics, but as you'll hopefully realise, there are some individuals who seem to be easily distracted about some very important priorities.
For example; around two years ago, we Brits informally created a local gathering in public parks, where like-minded individuals met to compare notes regarding our 'Covid' suspicions, beliefs and concerns. 'Meet in the Park' became an unofficial meeting place where we could discuss these topics. We discussed our beliefs regarding some of the skulduggery surrounding 'Covid', Fauci's 'Gain of Function' experiments, social distancing, restricted movements (Lock-downs), the incredibly quick invention of the (MANDATORY) 'Covid injections' (they pretended to be a 'VACCINE'. We also discussed the deliberate hiding of pre-existing safe & effective anti-viral medicines like IVERMECTIN and the unbelievably sinister and dubious collaboration demonstrated between Big Pharma and health agencies like FDA & CDC, etc, to LICENCE (by EUA) and market their dangerous injected poisons while enjoying absolutely no LIABILITY for vax induced injuries and VAX INDUCED DEATHS.
Then the Ukraine vs Russia war kicked off! At the following Sunday 'Meet in the Park' meeting occurred, I attended wearing one of my controversial tee-shirts ('Unvaxxed to live longer' for example). A guy came up to me and stated "You're a bit behind the times - we're all now more concerned about Ukraine this week".
I reminded him that his thought process was exactly what the WEF's 'New World Order' anticipated the majority of the population to think and behave. I reminded him that we can't just flit from one deadly universal destruction plan to the next 'topic'. The New World Order (The super-Elite) will have won yet another battle to distract us from their evil intentions - to enslave us all. Obviously, we agreed to differ, but I hope he took a moment to reflect on how quickly his 'butterfly brain' priorities were changed within just one week. I have to confess I thought he was an idiot.
We must continue to focus on these most important topics that impact every DEADLY Vax survivor on the planet.
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!
Living on a Planet with less modern moron slaves might give us a better chance to erase the SRF & Billionaries!
So LET THE CULL CONTINUE till at least 2030.
The amount of deception and manipulation regard 'COVID' never ceases to amaze me. Every day there's seemingly some new level of evil uncovered. It was clearly a population control measure that'll last years. Infertility, various nagging health issues, turbo cancers. And it fills the coffers of Big Pharma as a by-product.
Agreed! The NWO are now so complacent they think their work is complete and the world is Pfucked! Mick.
LATEST; Unbelievable! 1433 times increase in Cancer - coincidentally, since the introduction of the useless and highly dangerous 'cure' for COVID-19 in 2020? The deadly injection they pretend is a 'vaccine'.
Not a very serious situation for the FDA, CDC or NIH to raise any concern about, I suppose. It's exactly what the New World Order (The Elite) have been planning for decades = the ultimate population destruction (CULL) by injection that will render any survivors Slaves to the New World Order (The Elite).
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!
I never got jabbed so.. I tried telling people don't get the jabs, don't put crap in your body that isn't known to be safe. Isn't it ironic how companies preach every flipping day to be safe. Yet have no problem demanding their workers take experimental jabs? Upside down world where we are conditioned to wear PPE at every turn yet blatantly ignore what goes into our own bodies.
pleased to restack,
your post
unfortunately, vax injuries are old news today
… and few are keen to listen to anti-vax commentary anymore
suggest we search for stories with topspin - generate “mo” for lightsiders
turning dark to light - a key mandate for white
I don't think it is just the jabs. My unjabbed Bible study group has had two turbo cancers out of 8 people. One is already deceased. I think Dr. Ana Milhacea has some compelling theories.
Did you see the CORRUPT WHO stats regarding the mysterious disappearance of FLU in 2020. Only to reappear again in 2021. Every case during 2020 magically became Covid! How stupid do they think we are?
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!
They don't care what you know or not.
Would love to hear from people who were successfully treated from cancer from Dr. Young's recommendations!
PanacurC IS fenbendazole so you don't need to take both!
PetDazole is identical to Panacur and is far less expensive. Also, you are not transacting with the Deep State node known as Amazon.
"Not sure about other age groups." Can you elaborate on this as the increase would be most relevant in age groups where cancer would be a relatively rare occurence?
Without excluding (cherry picking) The Expose data is correct. If you start averaging and cherry picking, then you may come up with all kinds of various %ages.
When looking at all cases and ages, then yes age stratification is cherry picking.
Elderly has most prevalent cancer, so why do you focus on this group?
Very suspicious.
The signal is horrifying across the totality cases and ages.
If you don't like this interpretation/methodology, go pound sand somewhere else.
One more inane comment and you get ban hammer.
The dysproportional use of Pfizer in some areas is an important observation as the sv40 promoter sequence is found in Pfizer shots but not Moderna. According to health Canada Pfizer omitted the presence of the sv40 promoter sequence when submitting the sequence data to them
THis is not surprising as there was absolutely no good reason to include this sequence in the first place.
Health Canada claims the sequence is inactive but this data helps either prove or disprove that by seeing if the increase in incidence of cancer in groups where it is a rare occurs with the pfizer shots but not moderna.
Look forward to your analysis,
It will not in any way discredit The Expose data, which does not exclude any groups.
If anything they have understated the malfeasance (and that is saying alot!) albeit I have seen a few articles where they got things wrong generally they have been on the money. Their analysis of Canadian vaccine efficacy data early on was outstanding.
Sorry, you already did that below!