The Intelligence Industrial Complex is the 4th Branch of government that runs the entire illegitimate Federal government that is waging a full spectrum soft war against We the People out of the foreign nation of Washington, D.C.
I was coming on here to add this but what I remember is that it was a Rockefeller procurement of Covid 19 test kits. And this was 2015. It was on the CDC site itself untill it was conveniently scrubbed. The entire section. I forgot what the section was called.
An international, criminal taxpayer money transfer monster that also fosters equity. The inclusion of the "female-owned business" is an important factor. These people want to move all taxpayer money through black, female, gay, disabled, and other non-white, non-hetero groups. This was a great opportunity to combine equity, military expansion, and a cash bonanza for all of these favored entities. They take money from Joe Blow in Idaho and launder it through a fake minority business, and to their incest partner "scientists". They get to play on a fake country turf too, with little risk or reprisal. The monster hails from Washington but has extensions throughout international liberalism.
Then, when the backlash against equity begins, these 'minorities' will end up taking the blame for all the evil that was orchestrated by their puppet-masters - rich old white men - who as always aggregate more money and power to themselves.
I don't know who disgusts me more, the oligarchs at the top or the minions who do their bidding hoping to grab a piece of the pie while throwing their fellow humans under the bus. NONE of the atrocities throughout history could have been executed if the average human saw through the lies at the outset and just said no. But we'd rather turn a blind eye and advantage ourselves and our families than address and eliminate psychopathic predatory behaviour in our leaders before it metastasizes through a community. It's the major failing of human nature.
10% of the population are psychopathic control freaks, 15% are opportunistic amoral enablers, 30% are apathetic and couldn’t care less, 40% are cowards hiding under their beds leaving only 5% with the warrior spirit to fight the madness. That’s all we need, too.
A "Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine" is an accurate description of a genocide where the biological threat you wish to cull is ordinary human life.
It was my understanding Russia went into Ukraine to destroy said labs. They were also working on dna so that said plagues could hit only certain ethnic groups, talk about evil. Russia came out early about the labs they destroyed to the UN Security Council I believe. Did we hear any of this in our news? Of course not.
Yes, everything in this posting is true. The entire ‘COVID Pandemic”racketeering crime is another planned false event, just like all the other “false flag” events perpetrated in the USA, in Europe, and throughout the world for at least the last century, but really since the Fall of man in the Garden of Eden. The bible calls it the mystery of iniquity.
We all know the basics of what we need to know about “COVID’ and the “pandemic.”
If you need a truth filled overview of this PLANdemic from an honest scientist.
Here is one.
Dr Mike Yeadon – Fraud, Fear and How Herd Mentality Has Brought Us to the Edge
My personal number one concern in all of this is that some people were getting very ill and I wanted physicians, medical doctors to be free to practice medicine with each of their patients under each doctor’s full decision making with their patient so as to render the treatment that is the best possible for the individual patient. I knew that would have to be mainly aimed for in the early stages of symptoms so as to keep the patient out of the hospital. I knew the hospital “protocols” and the care of the patient had been taken over many years ago, so that the patient’s personal in-office doctor was completely out of the picture once the patient is admitted.
Studying this PLANdemic from the beginning was a learning experience. I saw how teamed up and collusive and controlled the entire medical and science system is captured from top to bottom and the doctor and the patient and the patient’s family are out of the picture as far as what happens to the ill patient even from the earliest symptoms and fraudulent “COVID” test results.
Pray and decide what you need to do that would be best to take and stick to and follow in this total world breakdown. I suggest you pray to the One God of all and acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your paths.
I do not see how all the evil that has been perpetrated on the ordinary people of all the countries can be corrected by man at this point. The sovereign will of God and our following that to the best of our ability is all we can do at this time. And having done all, we will stand.
Now to him who is able to do all things more abundantly than we desire or understand, according to the power that worketh in us.
I think Covid was a media event. Without the hysteria I think 2020 would be remembered as a bad flu year not out of the ordinary. Thousands of people who die every year from the flu were misdiagnosed as covid deaths. Hospitals were paid ridiculous amounts of $$ for the deception. Thousands were killed in NY with Remdesivir to add to the effect and coerce millions into taking the jabs that are only effective a killing and maiming. It is a global version of the fake AIDS epidemic "brought to you by Pfizer". AIDS was Dr. Fauci too, when half a million were killed with AZT. Big pharma collected half a trillion $$ researching a cure for this non-existent disease.
Yes, media hoax with 24/7 fear porn and a bogus PCR test.
Even Dr. Mike Yeadon has said there was no new virus and that this was a PCR false positive pseudopandemic. He said all they had to do to make covid go away, was to stop the PCR testing and covid would disappear by morning.
SUMMARY: One month after the 12 Nov 2019 US DoD contract for “COVID-19" research was given to a US lab in UKRAINE, the “mRNA coronavirus VACCINE candidates” were already transferred to University of North Carolina, and less than a month later this new mysterious illness appeared in China. Not until another month later was it named “Covid-19" - even tho it was called that over a year prior by US DoD. US was developing vaccines prior to the known existence of COVID-19.
“Project for the New American Century”, September 2020: : “ ... a blueprint for maintaining global US pre-eminence, ... advanced forms of biological warfare that can 'target' specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”
Our blaming China is a bit off the mark, as our finger prints are all over this subject.
Thank you for this post 2nd. Astonishing information as per usual. It had reached Australia by early January 2020 if not before. Our family fell ill prior to the authorities in Australia announcing the first official case of COV-19 on 25 January 2020. No doubt our highly condemnable ex-Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt was well aware the unleashed virus had entered the country. The puppet, Hunt, was Director of Strategy WEF 2000-2001. He would have been wet dreaming over his part in the depop plan. He was directly answerable to Klaus Schwab. Retiring in May 2022, Hunt has another less important viewing platform (Uni Professor) of the carnage he left behind.
Hey All - probably a long shot but I could use a referral for a male R&B singer in the mold of Chris Brown or R Kelly to help flesh out a songwriting demo I have in progress.
Scenario: Fauci, Daszak, Baric and Gates form a boy band and go on a worldwide apology tour. Their lead single is a "We Are The World" style power balled entitled "It Came From A Lab".
re: "If the US Government was funding Covid-19 research before Covid-19 was publicly known to exist then this suggests they either knew Covid-19 existed naturally, or they were involved in constructing this virus in a lab." OR, Covid-19 was a fiction used as an excuse for spending megabucks on something else (as well as locking-down the proles, covering up harm from 5G, pushing toxic jabs, etc.).
Haven't we known since July 2021 that "Moderna Had Specific COVID-19 mRNA Shot Ready in December 2019 BEFORE Pandemic Was Announced"?
Surely we all know by now that the entire pandemic was a fraud?
They had the relevant patents in 2015.
And a Richard Rothschild obtained a patent for a COVID-19 test also in 2015!
The filing date for that patent is 2020/05/17.
Yes, but the Priority Date is 13Oct15.
And Hotez started to apply for $ in 2012. recieved in 2016. SARS vaccine for biodefense. Project #: 4R01AI098775-05
I was coming on here to add this but what I remember is that it was a Rockefeller procurement of Covid 19 test kits. And this was 2015. It was on the CDC site itself untill it was conveniently scrubbed. The entire section. I forgot what the section was called.
An international, criminal taxpayer money transfer monster that also fosters equity. The inclusion of the "female-owned business" is an important factor. These people want to move all taxpayer money through black, female, gay, disabled, and other non-white, non-hetero groups. This was a great opportunity to combine equity, military expansion, and a cash bonanza for all of these favored entities. They take money from Joe Blow in Idaho and launder it through a fake minority business, and to their incest partner "scientists". They get to play on a fake country turf too, with little risk or reprisal. The monster hails from Washington but has extensions throughout international liberalism.
Then, when the backlash against equity begins, these 'minorities' will end up taking the blame for all the evil that was orchestrated by their puppet-masters - rich old white men - who as always aggregate more money and power to themselves.
I don't know who disgusts me more, the oligarchs at the top or the minions who do their bidding hoping to grab a piece of the pie while throwing their fellow humans under the bus. NONE of the atrocities throughout history could have been executed if the average human saw through the lies at the outset and just said no. But we'd rather turn a blind eye and advantage ourselves and our families than address and eliminate psychopathic predatory behaviour in our leaders before it metastasizes through a community. It's the major failing of human nature.
10% of the population are psychopathic control freaks, 15% are opportunistic amoral enablers, 30% are apathetic and couldn’t care less, 40% are cowards hiding under their beds leaving only 5% with the warrior spirit to fight the madness. That’s all we need, too.
Well put Friend.
Waking up hurts some.
I was truly unaware the extreme depravity of our fellow human beings in their comfy positions of power. Power over you and me.
However, knowledge is power. Thank you for your work here, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World!
Very astute! This comment. Yes.
A "Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine" is an accurate description of a genocide where the biological threat you wish to cull is ordinary human life.
It seems to be about the cash, a massive jobs program, expansion of the empire, and the "equity".
It was my understanding Russia went into Ukraine to destroy said labs. They were also working on dna so that said plagues could hit only certain ethnic groups, talk about evil. Russia came out early about the labs they destroyed to the UN Security Council I believe. Did we hear any of this in our news? Of course not.
Can't wait for the NYT to pick up on this! .....
oh....yeah.....that won't happen.....ever
Yes, everything in this posting is true. The entire ‘COVID Pandemic”racketeering crime is another planned false event, just like all the other “false flag” events perpetrated in the USA, in Europe, and throughout the world for at least the last century, but really since the Fall of man in the Garden of Eden. The bible calls it the mystery of iniquity.
We all know the basics of what we need to know about “COVID’ and the “pandemic.”
If you need a truth filled overview of this PLANdemic from an honest scientist.
Here is one.
Dr Mike Yeadon – Fraud, Fear and How Herd Mentality Has Brought Us to the Edge
by Peter McIlvenna | Aug 1, 2022 | Video
1:09:01 video runtime
My personal number one concern in all of this is that some people were getting very ill and I wanted physicians, medical doctors to be free to practice medicine with each of their patients under each doctor’s full decision making with their patient so as to render the treatment that is the best possible for the individual patient. I knew that would have to be mainly aimed for in the early stages of symptoms so as to keep the patient out of the hospital. I knew the hospital “protocols” and the care of the patient had been taken over many years ago, so that the patient’s personal in-office doctor was completely out of the picture once the patient is admitted.
Studying this PLANdemic from the beginning was a learning experience. I saw how teamed up and collusive and controlled the entire medical and science system is captured from top to bottom and the doctor and the patient and the patient’s family are out of the picture as far as what happens to the ill patient even from the earliest symptoms and fraudulent “COVID” test results.
Pray and decide what you need to do that would be best to take and stick to and follow in this total world breakdown. I suggest you pray to the One God of all and acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your paths.
I do not see how all the evil that has been perpetrated on the ordinary people of all the countries can be corrected by man at this point. The sovereign will of God and our following that to the best of our ability is all we can do at this time. And having done all, we will stand.
Now to him who is able to do all things more abundantly than we desire or understand, according to the power that worketh in us.
Ephesians 3:20
Yeah but Putin is Bad!!
I've seen a lot of smoking guns, but this one takes the cake. Are you the only person reporting this??
Amazing find!!
Dr David E Martin mentioned Ralph Baric a couple years ago and has been on his radar for almost two decades.
yeah well, whats new ... fraudci is fraudci does ....
I think Covid was a media event. Without the hysteria I think 2020 would be remembered as a bad flu year not out of the ordinary. Thousands of people who die every year from the flu were misdiagnosed as covid deaths. Hospitals were paid ridiculous amounts of $$ for the deception. Thousands were killed in NY with Remdesivir to add to the effect and coerce millions into taking the jabs that are only effective a killing and maiming. It is a global version of the fake AIDS epidemic "brought to you by Pfizer". AIDS was Dr. Fauci too, when half a million were killed with AZT. Big pharma collected half a trillion $$ researching a cure for this non-existent disease.
Yes, media hoax with 24/7 fear porn and a bogus PCR test.
Even Dr. Mike Yeadon has said there was no new virus and that this was a PCR false positive pseudopandemic. He said all they had to do to make covid go away, was to stop the PCR testing and covid would disappear by morning.
SUMMARY: One month after the 12 Nov 2019 US DoD contract for “COVID-19" research was given to a US lab in UKRAINE, the “mRNA coronavirus VACCINE candidates” were already transferred to University of North Carolina, and less than a month later this new mysterious illness appeared in China. Not until another month later was it named “Covid-19" - even tho it was called that over a year prior by US DoD. US was developing vaccines prior to the known existence of COVID-19.
“Project for the New American Century”, September 2020: : “ ... a blueprint for maintaining global US pre-eminence, ... advanced forms of biological warfare that can 'target' specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”
Our blaming China is a bit off the mark, as our finger prints are all over this subject.
Dinner at the Fauci's with special guests Nuland and Kagan.
You are really on to the truth! Awesome work. As the truth gets out, at least the immoral psychopath culture won’t be able to pretend.
Thank you for this post 2nd. Astonishing information as per usual. It had reached Australia by early January 2020 if not before. Our family fell ill prior to the authorities in Australia announcing the first official case of COV-19 on 25 January 2020. No doubt our highly condemnable ex-Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt was well aware the unleashed virus had entered the country. The puppet, Hunt, was Director of Strategy WEF 2000-2001. He would have been wet dreaming over his part in the depop plan. He was directly answerable to Klaus Schwab. Retiring in May 2022, Hunt has another less important viewing platform (Uni Professor) of the carnage he left behind.
Hey All - probably a long shot but I could use a referral for a male R&B singer in the mold of Chris Brown or R Kelly to help flesh out a songwriting demo I have in progress.
Scenario: Fauci, Daszak, Baric and Gates form a boy band and go on a worldwide apology tour. Their lead single is a "We Are The World" style power balled entitled "It Came From A Lab".
(I have a budget for this... in case that helps.)
re: "If the US Government was funding Covid-19 research before Covid-19 was publicly known to exist then this suggests they either knew Covid-19 existed naturally, or they were involved in constructing this virus in a lab." OR, Covid-19 was a fiction used as an excuse for spending megabucks on something else (as well as locking-down the proles, covering up harm from 5G, pushing toxic jabs, etc.).