There's gonna be 2 blood banks at some point.

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Why am I not surprised! Even in Montana there are few with brains and balls. I don’t share 2nd Smartest’s optimism regarding our ultimate outcome but I hope to be proven wrong.

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Sadly, this is too little too late. The jabbed have already contaminated the entire blood supply.

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Everybody should know about this new company. Support them if you can. Just saw one of the founders interviewed the other day. This may be the answer.

https://www.blessedbyhisblood.com/ Three min vid on home page.

They serve as a network of volunteer donors to provide trustworthy blood and blood products when our members find themselves in need.

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Those pharma-dollars buy a boatload of loyalty.

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If this was allowed to go through, would not that be an admission that Houston had a problem?

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Big surprise.

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