And you, 2nd smartest, are the best bad-ass son a mother could ever have.

Wish I had a son like you.

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Yes, you are a GREAT son!!! Bravo! I thank God my parents are peacefully with each other and did not have to suffer through this continuous evil world! Although I miss them dearly!!! I call my EX doctor, Dr. Kevorkian! He spent a half an hour of his office time trying to convince me to get the jab! We debated back and forth and to keep it short, I asked him to give me the insert! He then stated that “oh, well, you may find some stuff in there scary!” Yea, no f—-n kidding! So as I was walking out I said ”Doc, don’t forget the insert!” Then he asked the nurse to give me the insert. She hands me four pages printed off the printer, and I said, “No, I want the insert!” The doctor told her to do that and then she comes back with a little ziplock baggie with a syringe inside and no insert or label or paperwork and states “ Dr., when we pick the shots up this is how we get it with no paperwork!” And I’m supposed to put that shit in my body???? I thank God that He sent the Holy Spirit to me to show me this all was evil! 🙏 Keep up God’s work 2ndSG!

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I remember this when you first posted.

Thankful your mom has you as her advocate and you got her meds.

Tragic what the psyop has allowed people to undergo.

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Some doctor - nothing more than a pharma rep - talked my wife into taking statins a few months ago. It was horrific to watch her body deteriorate. She became an old lady within weeks, weak, and it's hard to explain, but the way her face looks changed. She finally stopped them and is mostly better now, but I wonder how many of the symptoms of "old age" are actually the medications they have those people taking.

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I was recommended for Statins. Instead I ate one full bulb, not just a clove, of Garlic daily for one month.

My Total Cholesterol dropped from 300 to 140 and all my ratios improved.

Apart from working as a natural antibiotic and blood thinner, it's also very nutritious, as well as a natural Viagra.

It's getting oddly hard to find, though. Only one grocery in town reliably has it in stock, and that is our Farm Market.

The chains are as often out of it as not, and some don't stock it at all.

This is new, maybe the last five years. It seems very strange to me, and inconvenient as the Farm Market is seven miles from my door.

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Garlic is incredibly easy to grow and takes very little space so can be grown almost anywhere (including pots and planters).

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Did you eat the garlic raw?! If so, would this work if eating roasted garlic?

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Yes, it has to be raw. Good question, I should have made it clear.

The constituent responsible for lowering and balancing Cholesterol is Allicin and it is destroyed by heat.

You can take a drink and then chew a clove and it helps a lot. It is hot 🔥 and intense but you feel so much better, it's worth a

little discomfort.

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My husband was prescribed statins a few years ago. Fortunately, I had seen a couple of videos on the dangers of statins so he only took them for a couple of months. He had aches and pains right away so he took a half dose to see if that helped. With just a little more research, we decided he really didn’t need to take them so he weaned off the statins. His cholesterol was barely above normal to begin with! And of course, over the years the numbers were revised down so more people “needed” them.

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Removed (Banned)Jul 24, 2023
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You raise a lot of valid points.

But an MD whose practice is devoted to turning people's lives around through Veganism, but is honest enough to state that it is an utter failure with about ten percent of the population who absolutely must-have meat for optimal health says the cholesterol thing isn't made up.

He detailed surgical interventions I'm which he pulled ropes of cholesterol from people's arteries.

Not normal meat eaters, morbidly obese ones.

So, it doesn't really entirely contradict you, as to normal eating.

But I got found every word he wrote very believable, and I admit he scored a bunch of credibility points just admitting Veganism is a killer for a definite part of the population, but also because this sort of thing is exactly his specialty,and he has a lot of experience.

I don't recall his name or the book title, unfortunately.


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My father declined as they prescribed him statins. He told me it made him weak. But he kept taking them not hearing me. He passed of heart failure most likely due to all the drugs they put him on.😢 Medical mafia.

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You and your mom are TRUE patriot warriors. An awesome legacy. Thanks for sharing your story. Unfortunately I have relatives who took the vaccine and pressured me to do the same. I am approaching 80 and didn’t take it and RARELY wore a useless mask.

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Excellent! Remind everyone that this EVERYTHING vax push is not over! Last week pharmacy tech offered me LATEST pneumonia jab. I glared & showed her the cross fingers vampire sign. She said- the company REQUIRES me to ask. Starve big Pharma.

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This is a great thing you did for your mother and maybe making a complaint of him to the medical board would stick a little knife in so he is warned not to harm anyone else. The bioweapon plandemic has exposed most of these doctors as shit medical people. Mine has one more chance and I will be taking evidence that it’s a bioweapon in case the idiot has chosen to bury his head in la la land.

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The thing that gets me is the people that are going in for surgery, or transplants, and they are denied treatment because they didn't get vaccinated.

When you think about it, it makes zero sense medically. Why would you vaccinate first, *which by definition puts a strain on someone's immune system* -- right before you're going to open them up an risk possible infection!? Possible infection is a risk with *any* surgery, it's not like this is a new concept. And the risk of bacterial infection is *far more dangerous* than SARS-Cov-2.

Hearing of instances like this prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the injections have *nothing* to do with the health of the patient. They can't because they are going against common sense medical practices by administering them to people about to go in for surgery.

Nobody was ever worried about getting a Flu vaccine -- right before surgery! I don't see how more people don't realize this.

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It's because they have a way to coerse a person into getting the jab - that's the only reason, NOT for health!

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Indeed. It's medical extortion.

We'll help you with this condition that has nothing to do with COVID -- if you consent to something that's 100% unrelated.

Straight fucked up is what it is.

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Thank you! For posting this. I have an elderly aunt that has had multiple jabs of Covid . Something clearly isn’t right and the government doesn’t give a damn. It’s a Joseph Mengele JAB.

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Please pass on our heartfelt congratulations to your mother on being a gloriously certifiable badass and also on producing such a wonderfully certifiable badass son. It's how all mother-son (and mother-daughter) relationships should be. 😊

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Good going. Everyone needs an advocate when dealing with the medical system. I don't get it why there is a fear of challenging a doctor's opinion. I guess its all the tv programs over the years that have really pickeled people's brains.

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I have been marked safe from injection of lipid nano particles

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023

My younger sister and I initially were both diagnosed with the same breast cancer in November 2012 though mine had progressed much further. When I was given my diagnosed and discussed treatment options, I explained that my older sister's cancer treatment in 2004 left her permanently disabled and I decided I did not want to take that risk.

After sharing my decision to forego conventional cancer treatment, my hotshot young oncologist was not only distant and unprofessional, rather than a lumpectomy which I specifically requested he indicated a mastectomy on the surgery forms. Imagine coming out of surgery with a mastectomy that I hadn't requested! The oncologist never looked me in the eye after I came out of surgery. He treated me with contempt, almost as if he hoped I would die just to prove him right.

My sister and I both had the tumours removed surgically but I chose to use alternative therapies. However, she was REQUIRED to do the chemo/radiation by her employer or she would be denied disability income. I only found this out years later. Needless to say, this is a despicable policy because it removes patient choice and bodily autonomy. I was blessed that I had the support of family and friends despite my unconventional medical decision. I was scared out of my mind, living alone and in a state of deep depression and anxiety, but I was not about to be bullied into destroying my body. I would rather have died of cancer than end up like my sister.

3 years later, in spring of 2015, several months apart, we were both diagnosed with breast cancer a second time. My tumour was a small lump in my lymph nodes under my arm which I had removed without any issues. Her cancer had progressed throughout her body. She died less than a year later. I am still in a state of rage and grief over losing her. The cancer industrial complex killed her.

Today, I'm healthy as a 64 year old woman and I feel great physically, notwithstanding typical symptoms of aging like mild arthritis. I am actively physically, socially, intellectually and have developed significant strength and resilience to deal with covid and the social impact of refusing the vaccine. Thankfully, my family is largely aware of the fraudulent covid narrative though I did lose some friends.

Since covid began, I'm left with a feeling of shock and disbelief in the transformation of doctors, nurses and other medical professionals into tyrannical bullies. Fortunately, my own GP affirmed my decision not to get the shot, and is the exception to what's happening here in Canada. Who knew that we would be living through such a global psy-op with mass murder happening right in front of our eyes and family, friends and neighbours propagandized into believing such lies that they would so brutally turn on each other. It has been quite an awakening!

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I learned in the last month doctors no longer take the Hippocratic Oath in an interview with Scott Schara. His Down syndrome daughter Grace was murdered in a hospital in 2021 in WI with Covid protocols and he has a court case that will be heard in Nov 2024 for wrongful death. They’ve rewritten it and it can be different for every school and often no longer prevents euthanasia. And in ObamaCare there was mention that the elderly and disabled cause a lot of hardship for families and should be considered when giving care. We’ve been going down a dark path for a long time.

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BOOM! Love Dr. Marble; and your mom is a badass. Thanks for sharing your ongoing saga with medical tyranny. Just another reason I hope to be like that woman who lived to be over 100 and when asked to what she owed her longevity, she answered, "I stay away from doctors and hospitals."

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Bravo!! I was a private nurse for a very wealthy individual. Even I had to fight the same nonsense over and over again. EVERYONE needs a medical advocate that is both strong willed and well informed or they will run all over your patient’s rights. I’m so happy for your mom she has you

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Long live “bad-ass” women!! This doctor is obviously intimidated by her non-compliance. What would happen if others realized that Dr.s are fallible? Yikes! This doctor is a narcissist, with money tied to these vials of poison. If this doesn’t show “ willful negligence”, what does? ( by not giving your mom the list of side effects, etc.) Unconscionable treatment by an M.D., especially a prestigious one. Keep up the good fight and share this with as many media sources as you can. Epoch News would run this story. Do not comply Mama! Love it! 💕

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I love your name. Far out - talk about behind enemy lines!

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