This Substack has previously shared the critically important and most prescient work of Rosa Koire; her profound warnings about the UN’s Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda are now more urgently timely than ever.
Having biblical knowledge is vita l but at the same time if people, by and large, do not stand for themselves (which might require force) it will be lights out for humanity without so much as a whimper.
When will the majority of people, here in the US, and in other nations, wake up to the fact that the UN has evil and nefarious goals that are spelled out in their Agendas. The UN is a global satanic organization bent on world control, and removing ALL freedoms and sovereignty.
They are using a FAKE and CONTRIVED "pandemic" to do this.
Here's the thing; Jan 1st 2024 will see the complete collapse of the dollar /euro. That is the date UAE and Saudi join BRICS along with Argentina and other nations; several others in the line; that is when the tipping point will be reached; there's just no way back or forward for the system as it stands with the FED etc trying to run the world on debt while gulping everything for themselves; their system is broke, in every sense; How they intend rolling out this beggars belief; but they're trying; nobody takes it any more wth at least 20 million dead and 1.2 billion injured from the covid shots; the power of the people filled with anger against this satanic shit show is way over dealing with further injustices; Ukraine is all but finished; and will be as soon as Putin goes into Kyiv. They've run out of time. 5g isn't in any phones. That's also fake; So what are the towers for? We don't need them for communication so they can be dismantled and we'll still be able to communicate no problem; so get them to hell DOWN before they destroy the children in the schools; which they really intend to do; and take them! Tis ramping up big time; get buckled UP! Putin has stopped diesel supplies; Nordstream , no gas. Things are NOT looking good for the people, but far worse for these demons. God bless you all......much love!
I realize the 5G isn’t for the phones, however just wondering how active they can be regarding the frequencies. Which can affect the health of especially the vaxed and in some cases the unvaxxed ie; shredding.
BRICS is commodity based, and given the main countries involved in it, Saudi, UAE, Russia, China , India, all with big reserves of gold and major assets; along with increasingly independent African countries all now aligned with Putin, and forging ahead with big projects and real progess, you look at EU, US, Australia, all communist and appearing to be based on death and destruction with the Cabal taking the assets; look at Maui! The biggest reserves of lithium known; and how Oprah bought so much of it before the onslaught. That is not progress; It wasn't with Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, nowhere they stuck their noses in went well; IMF is just a gang of criminal thugs; along with NATO, UN, FED, FBI, CIA - all paid for by the City of London mainly, Rome and Washington; with debt. its ending; Saudi is trading with Russia dn China in gold backed currency. UAE is also. They have the wealth. Africa is the wealthiest continent, and the largest, on the planet. Once the parasites are gone, like ivy, everything will flourish. It's unfortunate Europe, US and Australia , Canada are caught in the wrong place, with these criminals. But at least they're finishing; we're only beginning.x
I absolutely agree with everything you say here. It bloody infuriating to know how evil the West has been....I wish I was younger. I'd be heading South or East now. I am just afraid that the timing won't be as fast as we hope....they have a lot to discuss in terms of the details these countries....and I was impressed with how fast Russia got a payment system with China set up after Biden stupidly (not him but his handlers and masters) took their currency and reserves and kicked them out of SWIFT.
You couldnt have done a stupider thing for both US and the Swift system if you sat with your head in your hands and thought about it for two weeks! But I do not know ho w long it will take them to create the debt markets needed...or whether it will be convertible to commodities...but I know they are working on it.
Question, when do you think our countries here in the West will institute capital controls? January 2024? or later?
Remember it’s a set of conditions that are together more important than a “trigger event “. The US is presently being attacked from a dozen or more vectors simultaneously. Starting with weaponized migration from without and migration within our borders. It’s a war. A literal war. Population replacement. Population reduction from the DOD. And the cover for every other assault: climate change.
Yes. I started a spreadsheet yesterday with all the attacks...Border, Jabs, Fire, Monetary, Censorship, etc. Still haven't finished it though.
I am trying to find dates when things first started...border easy, jabs easy,,..fires I am going back to at least Paradise....I don't know why I am doing this, but we are being attacked on lots of levels and each level contributes to the WEF /UN/WHO stated goals....
Nice. Add fertilizer /food famine connection. Food plant destruction here in US. At least 14. US land acquisition by Chinese. Famine/war/pandemics always go together. Simultaneous wild fires in N America. 5G rollouts continue.
Surveillance state sensors and cameras. Raging Transgender assault in our schools. Etc.
Couldn't have done a stupider thing. Agreed, which tells me they want to deliberately destroy the West, just like they deliberately intended genocide with the so-called "vaccines." They are at war with us.
Russia's state-owned Sberbank launched a blockchain-based digital gold currency at the beginning of 2023. A BRICS+ working group is actively working on using this currency to replace the dollar for international trade settlement. One day, it might evolve into a BRICS+ single currency; but, first, they are planning to use it for trade settlement instead of the dollar.
Obviously, the approval of one clown at the UN is legally worthless...The UN is writing its own death warrant with this nonsense, and it should be thrown out of the US immediately....
“UN should be thrown out”. Hmmm. My mind just can’t see that huge building being used for anything else. It’s been there soooo long. Too much invested to just throw away now. Probably not real high on anybody’s to-do list.
It might be the perfect time to suggest a housing solution for all those illegals in that spacious building, based on Mayor Eric Adams comments this week.
This is terrible. Worst case scenario in play. We all lose our National sovereignty and personal freedom, and we are lorded over by the UN and WHO and sub agencies. We know how they operated during psyop 19 and it will only get worse. “Misinformation” is subjective, and as we have seen in psyop 19, the government claims anything that conflicts with their chosen narrative as misinformation.
Steve. Our national sovereignty will be eroded far faster than the WHO can manage it. Have you been keeping up with our non-existent US southern border? It’s war. It’s a national population substitution event. And you’d be happy to know we are paying heavy dollars for every body brought into our interior. See Catholic Services. See Lutheran Ministries “refugee resettlement”. They make a lot of money transporting these scum into our neighborhoods. Do you know who MS-13 is ? Do some research about who’s coming aboard our previous sovereign nation. If you are a red blooded American patriot it will make you puke in disgust. BTW the White House still insists “the border is closed”. And Biden said “domestic terrorism is the greatest threat to our nation”. Don’t ask Mayorkas about the issue. He’s MIA. And when he does speak he’s a bald faced liar. Surprise. Lol.
William. That’s an old drum that needs to quit being struck. Babylon is in the Arabian desert where it’s always been. It’s never been in Rome. The Image of the Beast stands in Babylon. Never in Rome. As an aside the RCC is nothing more than Gentile world religion and the power it presently exercises will be broken during the last half of the Great Tribulation. So Rome is a non-factor. There is not now nor ever has been salvation in Rome.
The Antichrist is an Assyrian. Same as the Assyrian Pharoah who tormented Israel back in Exodus. It’s all there in the scriptures. (We can forget the Apocrypha).
I am a practicing, traditional Roman Catholic (the kind this Pope does not like) and have to interject that people who faithfully practice their religion (in this case Catholicism) are not bad people. Would I argue that there is a bad element in Rome; no chance. I know there is. So it is wrong to indict us faithful Catholics any more than OI should indict Baptists , Presbyterians or whatever as being heretics. Not everyone's stance on end times are in agreement with one another.
Well. That’s a nice middle of the road don’t offend anybody stance. Typical “nice religious guy”.
There is no salvation in Rome. Never has been. Never will be. Never mentioned heresy. That is a historically Roman thing. Convert or die. On the Protestant mission field in predominantly Catholic countries the RCC priests are conniving, betraying double- faced duplicitous bastards. Read the History of the Papacy. If you can find a book which hasn’t been “cleaned” of details critical of Rome. Such a reading will reveal accounts of such debauchery and profligacy as to make a grown man puke in disgust. “The Priest, The Woman and the Confessional” and “50 Years in the Church of Rome” both by Charles Chinequay.
Know the history you practice. The entire priesthood is a fraud of the highest order. Don’t get me started on Transubstantiation. Total blasphemy. Critically examine your own house. A Catholic can know he is saved but he must ask the right questions, dump the entire Catechism and that dastardly and death dealing rosary and the Co-Redemptrix slight of hand.
Thanks for your thoughts. I am glad that your path works for you. I will continue with mine. You're entitled to your opinion. My faith, since I have been associated with the type of Catholicism that this Pope does not like; has bolstered me, immensely, in the past 15 years; as has the rosary of which Mr. Voelz speaks of with great disdain, but I respect that. I've heard all of these arguments many times over the years. I think of the God fearing people who have come before me and testified to their faith through their lives; Pio, Therese of Lisieux, Bernadette, Joan of Arc, Pius X. 'I'm certain that he and others will find fault with the likes of these people but that's alright. Even the FBI likes to infiltrate our churches because they (weaponized agency that they are) like to think we are conspiring against the likes of apostate Biden and his losers.
We have all been deceived. We must follow the word and only His spoken word. No matter what religion we think we are. We have to come together as the body of Christ. This is the only way to defeat the fallen one. He is trying to divide and conquer. Don’t let him!
Yes. And the RCC has absolutely nothing in common with Christianity. The RCC is Gentile world religion dressed up in Christian clothing. Catholics who do possess salvation by grace through faith and are fellow saints in the Lord are putting themselves at risk of losing their souls. The book of Hebrews is a treatise on the salvation of the soul. The “so great salvation”. “Paul’s Gospel”. “The Gospel of the Glory”.
The decisions at the Judgment Seat of Christ will determine the faithful overcomer and the unfaithful who have been overcome. Both saved but sifferent destinies.
William. The woman in every description, is Israel. She is the Harlot wife of Jahoveh. Israel is also Gods disobedient firstborn son. National Israel must be brought to the place of repentance. The last half of the Trib will accomplish that.
William. I have read RCC history and many other accounts over the years. Had many conversations. But I am not going to entertain any scripture pissing contests with anyone.
I believe you are referring to the committee of 300, also known as The Club of Rome. Very wealthy and powerful bankers and industrialists who allegedly steer the world in the direction they like.
They are non elected missleaders at the command of international non governance organisms, created for control and more nepharious goals, trying to convince us to comply with their intend to put us in a global jail. What the hell is going on with us ? We must stop to comply with every tyran-who-try-to-be. Focus in what we want to create for a world.
The US Constitution is the only way to Prevent a World Government, but it may require an agreement with Russia and all of the other objecting Countries.
Rewatched both Rosa videos and read the Huff Puff Piece. Has not aged well. Sadly the dumbing down and propagandised brainwashing over decades of citizens has created the inertia against resistance. Every government and institution is captured, Fabianised and weaponised against us all. Resist, do not comply. Blade Runners with angle grinders are disabling and destroying C40 London Mayor Khan's ULEZ cameras refusing to pay fines. We all need to go local to fight these evil plans - all rolled out locally, and all local institutions infiltrated. We do not have nullification in UK. Article 61 Magna Carta has been allegedly negated. Other ways must be deployed.
By default it will have to begin now; already the Swift system trying to butt in on the XRP blockchain system; it's not going to work because it's debt based. They have nothing to deal with. It will have to be asset based going forward and these elites ? have no idea what that means; to live and work ; not clue. they work with extortion, and slavery. They're without African commodities going forward so trying to get into South America and Hawaii, but everyone is onto them now; and not only that, with the knowledge the majority in the world will be working on a balanced, fair system; these elites know about the Jan 1st situation; but desperation means they're rats running around in circles; and Putin is creaming NATO. The new system for Europe will involve sovereign nations, and US , Canada, Australia be republics. Tis going to be strange; but it's the ONLY way forward; there will be no debt, anywhere. NONE> We've gotten used to extortion, taxes, debt and nothing else. I imagine prices will revert to those in the 60s; just commodity value systems. Everything will have a value; even chickens; probably tokenised, but fairly. And that is something everyone will have to try and get used to. The banking system, education system, legal system; all will be changed. there's no other option. None. But the world coming will be beyond anything we could imagiine; it's already happening in China, where the globlaists' CCP is dying or dead. They've just cancelled a 19 billion order for cars from Germany. Either we shape up or ship out! Be well xxxx Hold on.......and be strong. Best is yet to come. None of these new countries or states are in the business of extortion. Certainly not Russia Or China!
Are you aware of the 'Petdazole' product that adds efficacy to IVM, being available in non-animal (pets) packaging? I know they're probably EXACTLY THE SAME, but it somehow supports vaxxed cranks that love to add "only for animals" to their justification to deny IVM, HCQ, etc,?
Doing our own research can be scary!
Soon after the magically speedy injections (they call Vaccines) appeared on the market some of us proud Conspiracy Theorists stated the Cellular 5G technology might be a trigger to destroy even more humans than have been terminated by the DEADLY injections they call VACCINES! Under powerful magnification, we saw evidence of strange activity in VAXXED blood samples where a mobile phone being used in proximity of the magnified blood samples showed 'illumination' of unrealistic regular-shaped materials that continued to be 'active' for several minutes. So, even though we were being sceptical about this potential, it seems this could be part of the Master Plan to depopulate the planet!
So, it seems that Marburg might be one of the vax additives that was secreted into vaxxed humans along with Graphene Oxide being used as an activating agent. I feel there will be other deadly illnesses included within the deadly vax cocktails that have been injected with NO LIABILITY for the murderers who designed the plot!
And these DEADLY Covid injections (they pass off as VACCINES) are still distributed with NO LIABILITY!
I wish I was wrong but it seems that most of our bizarre suspicions may have been accurate!
Thanks for your thoughts. I'm glad you're happy with your path; as I am with mine. Your beliefs work for you as mine do for myself. Anyone who knows me also knows I have never denied wrongdoing on the part of individuals but that is not an indictment of the faithful nor the countless saintly figures which this Church has produced, in light of whatever evil has occurred. , You are free to feel as you choose.
Having biblical knowledge is vita l but at the same time if people, by and large, do not stand for themselves (which might require force) it will be lights out for humanity without so much as a whimper.
When will the majority of people, here in the US, and in other nations, wake up to the fact that the UN has evil and nefarious goals that are spelled out in their Agendas. The UN is a global satanic organization bent on world control, and removing ALL freedoms and sovereignty.
They are using a FAKE and CONTRIVED "pandemic" to do this.
The Georgetown guy supporting this is going on the list.
I know I am getting repititious and boring, but FUCK THEM and the HORSE THEY RODE IN ON.
Exactly human friend, FUCK THEM is the way regardless what will happen.
The Unified Narcissists have a prezident. How globalist can you get...
Depose the Dictators. Now. Or you will get what your sleeping brain deserves.
Here's the thing; Jan 1st 2024 will see the complete collapse of the dollar /euro. That is the date UAE and Saudi join BRICS along with Argentina and other nations; several others in the line; that is when the tipping point will be reached; there's just no way back or forward for the system as it stands with the FED etc trying to run the world on debt while gulping everything for themselves; their system is broke, in every sense; How they intend rolling out this beggars belief; but they're trying; nobody takes it any more wth at least 20 million dead and 1.2 billion injured from the covid shots; the power of the people filled with anger against this satanic shit show is way over dealing with further injustices; Ukraine is all but finished; and will be as soon as Putin goes into Kyiv. They've run out of time. 5g isn't in any phones. That's also fake; So what are the towers for? We don't need them for communication so they can be dismantled and we'll still be able to communicate no problem; so get them to hell DOWN before they destroy the children in the schools; which they really intend to do; and take them! Tis ramping up big time; get buckled UP! Putin has stopped diesel supplies; Nordstream , no gas. Things are NOT looking good for the people, but far worse for these demons. God bless you all......much love!
I realize the 5G isn’t for the phones, however just wondering how active they can be regarding the frequencies. Which can affect the health of especially the vaxed and in some cases the unvaxxed ie; shredding.
Ok. But all that won’t happen over a Super Bowl weekend. Hopefully.
I appreciate your take.
But Brics is gonna be digital, and probably not at first backed by gold some I am not
getting my hopes up too much.
But I hope you are right. Better now than later.
BRICS is commodity based, and given the main countries involved in it, Saudi, UAE, Russia, China , India, all with big reserves of gold and major assets; along with increasingly independent African countries all now aligned with Putin, and forging ahead with big projects and real progess, you look at EU, US, Australia, all communist and appearing to be based on death and destruction with the Cabal taking the assets; look at Maui! The biggest reserves of lithium known; and how Oprah bought so much of it before the onslaught. That is not progress; It wasn't with Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, nowhere they stuck their noses in went well; IMF is just a gang of criminal thugs; along with NATO, UN, FED, FBI, CIA - all paid for by the City of London mainly, Rome and Washington; with debt. its ending; Saudi is trading with Russia dn China in gold backed currency. UAE is also. They have the wealth. Africa is the wealthiest continent, and the largest, on the planet. Once the parasites are gone, like ivy, everything will flourish. It's unfortunate Europe, US and Australia , Canada are caught in the wrong place, with these criminals. But at least they're finishing; we're only beginning.x
I absolutely agree with everything you say here. It bloody infuriating to know how evil the West has been....I wish I was younger. I'd be heading South or East now. I am just afraid that the timing won't be as fast as we hope....they have a lot to discuss in terms of the details these countries....and I was impressed with how fast Russia got a payment system with China set up after Biden stupidly (not him but his handlers and masters) took their currency and reserves and kicked them out of SWIFT.
You couldnt have done a stupider thing for both US and the Swift system if you sat with your head in your hands and thought about it for two weeks! But I do not know ho w long it will take them to create the debt markets needed...or whether it will be convertible to commodities...but I know they are working on it.
Question, when do you think our countries here in the West will institute capital controls? January 2024? or later?
Timing is everything isn’t it ?
Remember it’s a set of conditions that are together more important than a “trigger event “. The US is presently being attacked from a dozen or more vectors simultaneously. Starting with weaponized migration from without and migration within our borders. It’s a war. A literal war. Population replacement. Population reduction from the DOD. And the cover for every other assault: climate change.
Yes. I started a spreadsheet yesterday with all the attacks...Border, Jabs, Fire, Monetary, Censorship, etc. Still haven't finished it though.
I am trying to find dates when things first started...border easy, jabs easy,,..fires I am going back to at least Paradise....I don't know why I am doing this, but we are being attacked on lots of levels and each level contributes to the WEF /UN/WHO stated goals....
Nice. Add fertilizer /food famine connection. Food plant destruction here in US. At least 14. US land acquisition by Chinese. Famine/war/pandemics always go together. Simultaneous wild fires in N America. 5G rollouts continue.
Surveillance state sensors and cameras. Raging Transgender assault in our schools. Etc.
Couldn't have done a stupider thing. Agreed, which tells me they want to deliberately destroy the West, just like they deliberately intended genocide with the so-called "vaccines." They are at war with us.
Yes. They are.
Russia's state-owned Sberbank launched a blockchain-based digital gold currency at the beginning of 2023. A BRICS+ working group is actively working on using this currency to replace the dollar for international trade settlement. One day, it might evolve into a BRICS+ single currency; but, first, they are planning to use it for trade settlement instead of the dollar.
Obviously, the approval of one clown at the UN is legally worthless...The UN is writing its own death warrant with this nonsense, and it should be thrown out of the US immediately....
“UN should be thrown out”. Hmmm. My mind just can’t see that huge building being used for anything else. It’s been there soooo long. Too much invested to just throw away now. Probably not real high on anybody’s to-do list.
It might be the perfect time to suggest a housing solution for all those illegals in that spacious building, based on Mayor Eric Adams comments this week.
Wow. Good idea. That would truly make the UN the center of the universe for DEI. Lol.
“1st Mohican”. Love your moniker. Great choice. Long live the resistance.
-- D O W N W I T H T H E UNITED NATIONS N O W ..... !!!!
This is terrible. Worst case scenario in play. We all lose our National sovereignty and personal freedom, and we are lorded over by the UN and WHO and sub agencies. We know how they operated during psyop 19 and it will only get worse. “Misinformation” is subjective, and as we have seen in psyop 19, the government claims anything that conflicts with their chosen narrative as misinformation.
Steve. Our national sovereignty will be eroded far faster than the WHO can manage it. Have you been keeping up with our non-existent US southern border? It’s war. It’s a national population substitution event. And you’d be happy to know we are paying heavy dollars for every body brought into our interior. See Catholic Services. See Lutheran Ministries “refugee resettlement”. They make a lot of money transporting these scum into our neighborhoods. Do you know who MS-13 is ? Do some research about who’s coming aboard our previous sovereign nation. If you are a red blooded American patriot it will make you puke in disgust. BTW the White House still insists “the border is closed”. And Biden said “domestic terrorism is the greatest threat to our nation”. Don’t ask Mayorkas about the issue. He’s MIA. And when he does speak he’s a bald faced liar. Surprise. Lol.
Yes, the Jesuits are part of it; but the Sabbateans are just as much to blame.
William. That’s an old drum that needs to quit being struck. Babylon is in the Arabian desert where it’s always been. It’s never been in Rome. The Image of the Beast stands in Babylon. Never in Rome. As an aside the RCC is nothing more than Gentile world religion and the power it presently exercises will be broken during the last half of the Great Tribulation. So Rome is a non-factor. There is not now nor ever has been salvation in Rome.
The Antichrist is an Assyrian. Same as the Assyrian Pharoah who tormented Israel back in Exodus. It’s all there in the scriptures. (We can forget the Apocrypha).
I am a practicing, traditional Roman Catholic (the kind this Pope does not like) and have to interject that people who faithfully practice their religion (in this case Catholicism) are not bad people. Would I argue that there is a bad element in Rome; no chance. I know there is. So it is wrong to indict us faithful Catholics any more than OI should indict Baptists , Presbyterians or whatever as being heretics. Not everyone's stance on end times are in agreement with one another.
Well. That’s a nice middle of the road don’t offend anybody stance. Typical “nice religious guy”.
There is no salvation in Rome. Never has been. Never will be. Never mentioned heresy. That is a historically Roman thing. Convert or die. On the Protestant mission field in predominantly Catholic countries the RCC priests are conniving, betraying double- faced duplicitous bastards. Read the History of the Papacy. If you can find a book which hasn’t been “cleaned” of details critical of Rome. Such a reading will reveal accounts of such debauchery and profligacy as to make a grown man puke in disgust. “The Priest, The Woman and the Confessional” and “50 Years in the Church of Rome” both by Charles Chinequay.
Know the history you practice. The entire priesthood is a fraud of the highest order. Don’t get me started on Transubstantiation. Total blasphemy. Critically examine your own house. A Catholic can know he is saved but he must ask the right questions, dump the entire Catechism and that dastardly and death dealing rosary and the Co-Redemptrix slight of hand.
Ask God to show you His truth.
Thanks for your thoughts. I am glad that your path works for you. I will continue with mine. You're entitled to your opinion. My faith, since I have been associated with the type of Catholicism that this Pope does not like; has bolstered me, immensely, in the past 15 years; as has the rosary of which Mr. Voelz speaks of with great disdain, but I respect that. I've heard all of these arguments many times over the years. I think of the God fearing people who have come before me and testified to their faith through their lives; Pio, Therese of Lisieux, Bernadette, Joan of Arc, Pius X. 'I'm certain that he and others will find fault with the likes of these people but that's alright. Even the FBI likes to infiltrate our churches because they (weaponized agency that they are) like to think we are conspiring against the likes of apostate Biden and his losers.
We have all been deceived. We must follow the word and only His spoken word. No matter what religion we think we are. We have to come together as the body of Christ. This is the only way to defeat the fallen one. He is trying to divide and conquer. Don’t let him!
Yes. And the RCC has absolutely nothing in common with Christianity. The RCC is Gentile world religion dressed up in Christian clothing. Catholics who do possess salvation by grace through faith and are fellow saints in the Lord are putting themselves at risk of losing their souls. The book of Hebrews is a treatise on the salvation of the soul. The “so great salvation”. “Paul’s Gospel”. “The Gospel of the Glory”.
The decisions at the Judgment Seat of Christ will determine the faithful overcomer and the unfaithful who have been overcome. Both saved but sifferent destinies.
William. The woman in every description, is Israel. She is the Harlot wife of Jahoveh. Israel is also Gods disobedient firstborn son. National Israel must be brought to the place of repentance. The last half of the Trib will accomplish that.
William. I have read RCC history and many other accounts over the years. Had many conversations. But I am not going to entertain any scripture pissing contests with anyone.
Thanks but no thanks. Not interested.
I believe you are referring to the committee of 300, also known as The Club of Rome. Very wealthy and powerful bankers and industrialists who allegedly steer the world in the direction they like.
They move forward with this bs i believe its time
For us all to not pay one dam credit card bill or tax
They are non elected missleaders at the command of international non governance organisms, created for control and more nepharious goals, trying to convince us to comply with their intend to put us in a global jail. What the hell is going on with us ? We must stop to comply with every tyran-who-try-to-be. Focus in what we want to create for a world.
The US Constitution is the only way to Prevent a World Government, but it may require an agreement with Russia and all of the other objecting Countries.
I will not comply with any of it.
Rewatched both Rosa videos and read the Huff Puff Piece. Has not aged well. Sadly the dumbing down and propagandised brainwashing over decades of citizens has created the inertia against resistance. Every government and institution is captured, Fabianised and weaponised against us all. Resist, do not comply. Blade Runners with angle grinders are disabling and destroying C40 London Mayor Khan's ULEZ cameras refusing to pay fines. We all need to go local to fight these evil plans - all rolled out locally, and all local institutions infiltrated. We do not have nullification in UK. Article 61 Magna Carta has been allegedly negated. Other ways must be deployed.
By default it will have to begin now; already the Swift system trying to butt in on the XRP blockchain system; it's not going to work because it's debt based. They have nothing to deal with. It will have to be asset based going forward and these elites ? have no idea what that means; to live and work ; not clue. they work with extortion, and slavery. They're without African commodities going forward so trying to get into South America and Hawaii, but everyone is onto them now; and not only that, with the knowledge the majority in the world will be working on a balanced, fair system; these elites know about the Jan 1st situation; but desperation means they're rats running around in circles; and Putin is creaming NATO. The new system for Europe will involve sovereign nations, and US , Canada, Australia be republics. Tis going to be strange; but it's the ONLY way forward; there will be no debt, anywhere. NONE> We've gotten used to extortion, taxes, debt and nothing else. I imagine prices will revert to those in the 60s; just commodity value systems. Everything will have a value; even chickens; probably tokenised, but fairly. And that is something everyone will have to try and get used to. The banking system, education system, legal system; all will be changed. there's no other option. None. But the world coming will be beyond anything we could imagiine; it's already happening in China, where the globlaists' CCP is dying or dead. They've just cancelled a 19 billion order for cars from Germany. Either we shape up or ship out! Be well xxxx Hold on.......and be strong. Best is yet to come. None of these new countries or states are in the business of extortion. Certainly not Russia Or China!
More great stuff Smartest Guy Mk2!
Are you aware of the 'Petdazole' product that adds efficacy to IVM, being available in non-animal (pets) packaging? I know they're probably EXACTLY THE SAME, but it somehow supports vaxxed cranks that love to add "only for animals" to their justification to deny IVM, HCQ, etc,?
Doing our own research can be scary!
Soon after the magically speedy injections (they call Vaccines) appeared on the market some of us proud Conspiracy Theorists stated the Cellular 5G technology might be a trigger to destroy even more humans than have been terminated by the DEADLY injections they call VACCINES! Under powerful magnification, we saw evidence of strange activity in VAXXED blood samples where a mobile phone being used in proximity of the magnified blood samples showed 'illumination' of unrealistic regular-shaped materials that continued to be 'active' for several minutes. So, even though we were being sceptical about this potential, it seems this could be part of the Master Plan to depopulate the planet!
So, it seems that Marburg might be one of the vax additives that was secreted into vaxxed humans along with Graphene Oxide being used as an activating agent. I feel there will be other deadly illnesses included within the deadly vax cocktails that have been injected with NO LIABILITY for the murderers who designed the plot!
And these DEADLY Covid injections (they pass off as VACCINES) are still distributed with NO LIABILITY!
I wish I was wrong but it seems that most of our bizarre suspicions may have been accurate!
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!
Thanks for your thoughts. I'm glad you're happy with your path; as I am with mine. Your beliefs work for you as mine do for myself. Anyone who knows me also knows I have never denied wrongdoing on the part of individuals but that is not an indictment of the faithful nor the countless saintly figures which this Church has produced, in light of whatever evil has occurred. , You are free to feel as you choose.
What is the UN? — Probably Not What You Think