Jan 25, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

My predictions to my wife a few months ago were:

-all convenience type things (gas stations, fast food, coffee) will go to drive thru or self serve as much as possible due to no staff.

-medium type restaurants that can survive no staff will mostly go to delivery only

-grocery/department stores will consolidate and go delivery only amazon style.

-expensive restaurants and shops where elites go will stay open but become unreachable except for the upper classes.

This consolidates the working class into a place where they are needed the most, to serve the "important people" who survive this

Just a random thought on where I think we're headed. The drive thru part is escalating everywhere I've been lately. Going places to buy things seems to be being phased out. If you don't go places you don't see people missing or staff shortages or empty shelves.

After 2 years and into a "recovery" it makes no sense that places can't find people to stock shelves or man a cash register. Either people are sitting at home on welfare or they don't exist because the extra unemployment benefits ended. The "great resignation" is code for people are missing. I see the official mortality numbers and wonder if they're being fudged down.

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

It is literally insane what is happening. These truckies are not going to get jabbed. It is amazing how those with apparently low IQs or in mundane jobs seem to know far more about what´s going on than most "elites". It has to be something about wanting to fit in and being then indoctrinated into some club.

Never underestimate the power of the dude who delivers your food!!!

see my blog for once or twice a week fun news stories

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To me, anyone working far outside the system has a pretty good IQ, and truck drivers are no different. Solitary lives lived observing the world.

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lol Rich

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They already are. See VARES, yellow card, etc.

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RemovedJan 25, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World
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Jan 25, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

CDC can’t be trusted, trust elsewhere. SCI, the largest publically traded funeral service company, reported 2x revenue in Q3 2021 vs Q3 2020.

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Fantastic comment! We need to review their q3 21 to see the breakdowns.

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The very same CDC that adjusted actual "covid only" deaths down to around 6% of their fudged numbers?

Edit: technically, a dept under the CDC is tasked with this, BUT we will need to see their YoY as function of actual death certs, not "projections".

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We already established as per major insurance co that all cause mortality is up 40% for the year. All signs are pointing to this. Wait for NCHS's YoY as function of actual death certs.

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Life Insurance companies are a far more trustworthy indicator. And they *do* see excess mortality. Starting Qs3&4 '21, 40% jump in working age 18-65 year olds. 4 simultaneous '200 year events' Plus big jumps in short, followed by long term disability.

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What makes you say that?

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RemovedJan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022
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Double jabbed will continue to be immunocompromised, and are at severe risk of mortality increase over 5 years from time of injections.

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

The mRNA vaxes are the gift that keeps on giving. The continual activation of the immune system by the spike proteins exhausts the system allowing previously controlled conditions from herpes to cancer to reemerge. Or something new appears that normally would be fought off by the immune system. Unfortunately, something like the common cold virus will ultimately kill the mRNA vaccinated.

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I would like this discussion continued! I have naive loved ones that won't listen to crazy me and keep lining up for kill shot

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

There is no genetic “off switch” for the mRNA LNPs.

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

We haven't even begun to really, really, see the effects of whatever these damn things people took are. My suspicion is ADE and autoimmune disorders and cancer are coming very soon.

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Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Know of two people with cancers in remission that are now back with a vengeance, both double vaxxed. The vax is guilty until proven innocent.

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p53 protein suppression is something i warned about over a year ago, not to mention other factors. terrible tragedy.

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Damn. I'm sorry.

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ADE is real.

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And it's an effect of jab poisons.

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