Yup. When it gets bad enough, they can just wag the nuclear dog, blame the deaths on fallout or whatever garbage they unleash next time, rinse and repeat.
2 weeks to flatten the radiation levels folks! Stay inside for your own good!
great article! net zero is the new flashy lipstick on the old communism's face... if cold kills more people than heat, maybe the elites are just very happy about it. For some cold means survival. For the elites cold is a chalet in the Alps.
"People are dropping like flies, yet government & media pretend everything's normal. It's not. Children & teenagers don't die in their sleep. At no time in history have several hundred athletes dropped dead in a single year. Healthy people with no history of disease don't just die. And never before have people had tough fibrous clots, made from some mysterious, yet-to-be-determined elastic substance, in their cardiovascular systems
And they just say "how tragic," or "he/she was way too young" while stepping over all of the people that have died "way too young." It's terminally perplexing.
This is going to go exponential as well as immune systems are now compromised.
As of this moment, it's up to 1,082 athletes who have dropped dead, confirmed as having been jabbed, 1568 cardiac arrests. But no worries, it's perfectly normal and explainable. It's the referees' whistles, damn it, stop with your conspiracy theories. https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/
Correct. The demoralization that Yuri Bezmenov spoke of is beyond complete. As he stated, it takes a couple of generations of people being propertly raised to break that. We are nowhere near even beginning the climb out.
I'll still stunned at how many of the so-called "awake" are mired down in politics as a solution and otherwise still believe so much of the ideological smokescreen. Anyone that watches TV I automatically dismiss as being ignorant to one extent or another.
It's mindboggling the lack of people questioning or otherwise simply curious..
Not really. There are far more efficient ways of finding that out. For example, who the real and truly core perps are. I'm not referring to Schwab, Gates, etc. Larry Romanoff wrote a great synopsis on it.
How did I know that this entire PSYOP19 thing was a scam from its onset? It's because I understand who's behind it, at the top of that seeing eye pyramid.
The shit on TV is specifically designed to keep people braindead and religiously blind in their faith. e.g., Rush Limbaugh was an enormous part of that mechanism, yet so many people haven't a clue. He was a Trilateralist. He was perfectly in favor of all of the *FTAs that sent out businesses packing.
I know you probably have convinced yourself that's true, but personally, I'm rather tired of hearing my friends who are half awake but really want to stay in the cozy, comfortable matrix at the same time, who use this excuse to keep watching TV and reading the NYT, WaPo, etc when they really just want to be reassured it's mostly okay and to keep up on right-think so they won't offend the "normies" in their lives.
Scrolling thru that it hit me that nothing's going to change until the pols fear what the masses will do to them more than they fear what the Cabal will.
Talk about a rock and a hard place. Not that there's any sympathy mind you. LOL
They will never admit that they were duped. Congressman Carsten lost his teen daughter to these shots. He hasnt and will not say a peep. Greg Wahls family is blaming a pride tshirt for his death. There is absolutely no threshold getting over that will convince these people to come to terms with this crime against humanity.
2SG, is “Do Not Comply” a fitting call to action for a far broader audience? A banner for like minded individuals to get behind in non-violent resistance to totalitarianism?
I appreciate that it is associated with you and your substack, it is synonymous with your ‘brand’, your ‘merch’. But it could be and do much more.
Substack readers, and writers, are a polygamous lot. There’s a lot of commonality, collaboration, cross posting and ideological alignment. I’m sure a common rallying call could easily become ubiquitous throughout the Substack community. It is at least a visible foundation from which to build some consensus and promote word of mouth debate in a siloed censorious world. It certainly couldn’t do any harm.
I have creative ideas, and resources, to assist in an initiative if there is interest. But I feel that it should come from a rank and file beginning, not an owner. We are all owners of our shared opinions.
"I will never agree. If I suddenly die, please know, I’m not suicidal, the brakes on my car work just fine, I don’t know anything about the Clintons, the FBI, CIA, or Pfizer"
(Notice I didn't use the word "vaccine" and threw in the Clintons to refer to "sudden death" - but relating to vaccines of course)
That normies have absolutely no clue about what I'm talking about demonstrates the power of a completely captured corporate media. Mention of the "mouse shot" was made and a friend who just got it was shocked, "tested on eight mice"?
If the death rates become too obvious the globalists will simply declare it to be down to a new virus or other invisible undetectable (without a special test that they control) cause and all the mongs will do whatever they man on the telly tells them to do.
If they were told the new virus gets in via your arse hole they would shove an old slipper up there to keep it out, if they were told they need to have vinegar injected into their nuts they would have their plums out in the twinkleof an eye.
"...perhaps those genetically modified humans that survive long enough shall finally appreciate what has been done to them." Hopefully they will, just as long as they don't resent we who did not fall for the rhetoric and blame us for not "forcing" them harder to listen when we tried to warn them...
"It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled." ... such a perfect statement for where we find the human species right now. It's no wonder that great civilizations came and went. And this current civilization thinks it is immortal.
Cyclically, this craziness (after a short lull) accelerates from 2024 into 2032, at which point it collapses and we have the opportunity to reform society and government according to Martin Armstrong who has studied historical cycles his entire life and made predictions with uncanny accuracy.
"Ironically, the last turning point of or Leftist Revolution Model was in 2009. It was at the WEF in 2019 that they release the Build Back Better slogan for all governments to use. The next one is actually in 2032 but it will start to accelerate from 2024. We can clearly see how polarized society has become. This is also the Sixth Wave so we are looking at a major attempt to suppress society under the same philosophy pf the Oligarchy that seized control of Sparta. The elites are behind this own and they always make it sound like they are doing this for us. But in truth, this is all about their power and total control" -Martin Armstrong. See this chart: https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrongeconomics101/economics/twitter-exposing-the-real-threat-leftist-revolution/
Deagle is an advertiser for the military heavy weapon suppliers; they took down the page with their popular projection of population and GDP. It showed the NATO nations population dropped by 25% by 2025.
Gates is working on a vaccine - for vaccines - lol. He said: "In the next 5 to 10 years, we will make a vaccine that really works." And you're right about "not drying up." He obviously intends to make sure the viruses are unleashed first, from his 7 new labs in Africa, for at least another 10 years!
Even surging death counts won't wake the masses - we are being desensitized to 'sudden unexplained deaths'.
Yup. When it gets bad enough, they can just wag the nuclear dog, blame the deaths on fallout or whatever garbage they unleash next time, rinse and repeat.
2 weeks to flatten the radiation levels folks! Stay inside for your own good!
"Climate Change" is killing these people. They really say that. 🤦🏻
They also say 5he stress of thinking about climate change is killing people and making them sick!
How many lives are being lost due to the senseless obsession with net zero?
great article! net zero is the new flashy lipstick on the old communism's face... if cold kills more people than heat, maybe the elites are just very happy about it. For some cold means survival. For the elites cold is a chalet in the Alps.
"For the elites cold is a chalet in the Alps." I like this description.
If you want to know what they will say next -- watch BBCCNN ... this is where they get their catch phrases and excuses
The imminent “Catastrophic Contagion” will cover for ‘vaccine’ injury numbers.
I thought we had an 'alien invasion' in January 2020. Can't be worse than that.
"People are dropping like flies, yet government & media pretend everything's normal. It's not. Children & teenagers don't die in their sleep. At no time in history have several hundred athletes dropped dead in a single year. Healthy people with no history of disease don't just die. And never before have people had tough fibrous clots, made from some mysterious, yet-to-be-determined elastic substance, in their cardiovascular systems
And they just say "how tragic," or "he/she was way too young" while stepping over all of the people that have died "way too young." It's terminally perplexing.
This is going to go exponential as well as immune systems are now compromised.
As of this moment, it's up to 1,082 athletes who have dropped dead, confirmed as having been jabbed, 1568 cardiac arrests. But no worries, it's perfectly normal and explainable. It's the referees' whistles, damn it, stop with your conspiracy theories. https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/
LOL - toot toot
Correct. The demoralization that Yuri Bezmenov spoke of is beyond complete. As he stated, it takes a couple of generations of people being propertly raised to break that. We are nowhere near even beginning the climb out.
I'll still stunned at how many of the so-called "awake" are mired down in politics as a solution and otherwise still believe so much of the ideological smokescreen. Anyone that watches TV I automatically dismiss as being ignorant to one extent or another.
It's mindboggling the lack of people questioning or otherwise simply curious..
Watching television when you know it’s a scam lets you know what the opposition is up to.
Not really. There are far more efficient ways of finding that out. For example, who the real and truly core perps are. I'm not referring to Schwab, Gates, etc. Larry Romanoff wrote a great synopsis on it.
How did I know that this entire PSYOP19 thing was a scam from its onset? It's because I understand who's behind it, at the top of that seeing eye pyramid.
The shit on TV is specifically designed to keep people braindead and religiously blind in their faith. e.g., Rush Limbaugh was an enormous part of that mechanism, yet so many people haven't a clue. He was a Trilateralist. He was perfectly in favor of all of the *FTAs that sent out businesses packing.
I know you probably have convinced yourself that's true, but personally, I'm rather tired of hearing my friends who are half awake but really want to stay in the cozy, comfortable matrix at the same time, who use this excuse to keep watching TV and reading the NYT, WaPo, etc when they really just want to be reassured it's mostly okay and to keep up on right-think so they won't offend the "normies" in their lives.
Share Links with your kith & kin, found inside my online sources to add to your own.
Was that Scooby Doo thing for real?
Scrolling thru that it hit me that nothing's going to change until the pols fear what the masses will do to them more than they fear what the Cabal will.
Talk about a rock and a hard place. Not that there's any sympathy mind you. LOL
The death counts would need to be off the charts --- literally say a third or more of the people each CovIDIOT knows would need to die....
Otherwise they will continue to repeat what BBCCNN told them - that the deaths are rare and the vaccines have saved tens of millions.
They really are THAT stupid.
The VAIDS thing is starting to confuse them ... so many of them are endlessly sick now ... and they haven't the slightest clue as to why.
I'm assuming when you say "we", you mean "they" :)
They will never admit that they were duped. Congressman Carsten lost his teen daughter to these shots. He hasnt and will not say a peep. Greg Wahls family is blaming a pride tshirt for his death. There is absolutely no threshold getting over that will convince these people to come to terms with this crime against humanity.
We need Do NOT Comply stickers! 🙂
They are coming!
2SG, is “Do Not Comply” a fitting call to action for a far broader audience? A banner for like minded individuals to get behind in non-violent resistance to totalitarianism?
I appreciate that it is associated with you and your substack, it is synonymous with your ‘brand’, your ‘merch’. But it could be and do much more.
Substack readers, and writers, are a polygamous lot. There’s a lot of commonality, collaboration, cross posting and ideological alignment. I’m sure a common rallying call could easily become ubiquitous throughout the Substack community. It is at least a visible foundation from which to build some consensus and promote word of mouth debate in a siloed censorious world. It certainly couldn’t do any harm.
I have creative ideas, and resources, to assist in an initiative if there is interest. But I feel that it should come from a rank and file beginning, not an owner. We are all owners of our shared opinions.
And Bumper Stickers!
https://www.canva.com/design/DAFUqlScjIA/wCPQFr3ilSwstXdbIFV9Xg/edit Soyelcaminodelfuturo has made his own.
Good idea. But I don't have a license to carry.
I made one for T-shirt:s
"I will never agree. If I suddenly die, please know, I’m not suicidal, the brakes on my car work just fine, I don’t know anything about the Clintons, the FBI, CIA, or Pfizer"
(Notice I didn't use the word "vaccine" and threw in the Clintons to refer to "sudden death" - but relating to vaccines of course)
That normies have absolutely no clue about what I'm talking about demonstrates the power of a completely captured corporate media. Mention of the "mouse shot" was made and a friend who just got it was shocked, "tested on eight mice"?
Have to admire the efficiency of the brainwashing psyop on those lacking critical thinking skills.
Do you know anyone who wants to admit they’re wrong?
Especially at the existential level
If the death rates become too obvious the globalists will simply declare it to be down to a new virus or other invisible undetectable (without a special test that they control) cause and all the mongs will do whatever they man on the telly tells them to do.
If they were told the new virus gets in via your arse hole they would shove an old slipper up there to keep it out, if they were told they need to have vinegar injected into their nuts they would have their plums out in the twinkleof an eye.
"Choices" Comrades.
THE PROBLEM is that people are sheeple and have a fatal disease, "Too Little, Too Late".
Pre-pare for food shortages? Pre-pare for inflated worth less & less Fiat Paper "money"?
"Doomsday" Preppers from TV propaganda are the installed images.
A People Deserve the Government & Society they Get. Sorry, there are No Excuses for becoming slaves in a Feral Coup Government.
"...perhaps those genetically modified humans that survive long enough shall finally appreciate what has been done to them." Hopefully they will, just as long as they don't resent we who did not fall for the rhetoric and blame us for not "forcing" them harder to listen when we tried to warn them...
Great post thanks. It is indeed easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.
"It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled." ... such a perfect statement for where we find the human species right now. It's no wonder that great civilizations came and went. And this current civilization thinks it is immortal.
I reckon we would need death rates of around 30% to wake these people up.
Cyclically, this craziness (after a short lull) accelerates from 2024 into 2032, at which point it collapses and we have the opportunity to reform society and government according to Martin Armstrong who has studied historical cycles his entire life and made predictions with uncanny accuracy.
"Ironically, the last turning point of or Leftist Revolution Model was in 2009. It was at the WEF in 2019 that they release the Build Back Better slogan for all governments to use. The next one is actually in 2032 but it will start to accelerate from 2024. We can clearly see how polarized society has become. This is also the Sixth Wave so we are looking at a major attempt to suppress society under the same philosophy pf the Oligarchy that seized control of Sparta. The elites are behind this own and they always make it sound like they are doing this for us. But in truth, this is all about their power and total control" -Martin Armstrong. See this chart: https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrongeconomics101/economics/twitter-exposing-the-real-threat-leftist-revolution/
You really think MSM is going to report it? I am not familiar with Deagle. 
Deagle is an advertiser for the military heavy weapon suppliers; they took down the page with their popular projection of population and GDP. It showed the NATO nations population dropped by 25% by 2025.
Thank you, aj. I did an online search and found a YouTube discussion on the Deagle website and predictions.
USA gets a 69 percent reduction
Yee Haw
we are #1 impediment to the WEF globalist plan to reduce the middle classes
Isn’t that special? I don’t mind exiting stage left, save a miracle and a New World, not a NWO.
Gates is working on a vaccine - for vaccines - lol. He said: "In the next 5 to 10 years, we will make a vaccine that really works." And you're right about "not drying up." He obviously intends to make sure the viruses are unleashed first, from his 7 new labs in Africa, for at least another 10 years!