Turbo Cancer Update: Monthly UK PIP Excess Breast Cancer Clearances for Ages 24-29 Up 174% from Trend
The horrifying turbo cancer data is unrelenting. Here is the latest UK data:

The latest USA data was covered last week, and is cited in this article:
Questions need to be asked. But no honest answers will be forthcoming from the One World Government that is perpetrating this global slow kill bioweapon eugenics program.
The turbo cancer breakout has only just begun.
But readers of this Substack know how to counter these multi-pronged attacks on health.
Do NOT comply.
If our medical gurus would decide to measure the blood value of vitamin D of all those that are hospitalized for ill health. They would discover that most are deficient in vitamin D.! Boosting the blood value over 50 ng’s would ensure the fact that all 3000 Genes that require vitamin D, which is a hormone would function the way it was designed! Ooops reduces dependency on drugs and hospital procedures!
And yet these people continue to push this poison on our children