Jul 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Fox was one of the two conservative networks (Newsmax as well) which got paid money from the government to push the bug shots. Now all the sudden, Carlson comes out of nowhere talking about vax injuries.

Why all the honesty all of the sudden?

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As I wrote previously, part of the PSYOP-19 program will be the mea culpa phase. We are nearing that now.....

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Jul 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Do you mean that the MSM knows it has to start informing the public of the lies because it’s becoming too big to contain, so it’s like a controlled demolition? Start with the right-leaning shows, till eventually CNN is onboard? And start throwing certain people under the bus?

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Yes, that is part of pivot. It will intersect with another "emergency" which affords them another pivot yet again. Etc. & etc.

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Don't tell me, let me guess...Climate Change...Then just starvation....then pivot again to no heat/colling/electricty/gas...

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Jul 22, 2022·edited Jul 22, 2022

they probably will need more than one bus. What about all the buses going to NYC with illegal immigrants ? That would mean hitting two nails with one hammer!

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I hope our crooked leaders turns on Phizer and puts bourlas head on a stick!

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Dream on.

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Dream big or go home I always say!

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Awe shucks. We done screwed up! Fergive us? Let's all move on together. Oh look! Ukraine! Climate!

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Are they trying to save face as well?

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Jul 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Tipping point. Now they see the least dangerous choice as getting out ahead of the problem /issue.

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Maybe someone at FOX has a conscience and couldn’t continue looking at themselves in the

mirror any longer.

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Um, that would be Paul Ryan and/or the Murdoch brothers. Nope, not happening.

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Yeah. Ruddy stated out with the Vince foster investigation, have the book. Well done. He’s just a tool now. I loosely scroll newsmax but he discredited himself long ago

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Tucker is the only reason I watch Fox. This issue was the acid test, and only Tucker passed.

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and they are giving him paxlovid ... must want him badly gone.

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He misquoted the German study as showing 1 in 5000 Germans suffered serious adverse effects from the vaccines; instead, 1 in 5000 shots led to serious adverse effects. That means far more than 1 in 5000 Germans got hurt, and that's not even taking into account under-reporting.

Having said that, I am beyond happy that Tucker is talking about this. He's the highest-rated cable network anchor in the US, so this is a big, BIG deal.

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Jul 22, 2022·edited Jul 22, 2022

Please never forget our scum bag money grubbing gubermint paid in total a billion dollars to dollars to the pee stream medias to silence all dissent!

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I fear it is not only those who get another dose in the fall who continue the die off but also those who had only one shot as they have trouble brewing inside them. It’s only a matter of time.

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I am afraid that this is gonna prove so. Spent the day in ER yesterday with my sister for a pain in her abdomen (4 days). She's thinking UTI, I'm thinking embolism.

I'm afraid every day for those I know.

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Me too.

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To be fair, many trusted the government, the media, and their doctors. And others had to do it in order to keep their jobs; in some places, becoming unemployed for that reason meant not being able to collect unemployment benefits.

I am sympathetic to most of the vaccinated, since they have (or will) pay a terrible cost for allowing themselves to be experimented on. My one exception is those who discriminate against the unvaccinated, wanting to strip us of our rights.

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Jul 22, 2022·edited Jul 22, 2022

I'm sorry that you paid such a heavy price, but it's good that you held the line. In Canada, roughly 90% of the population aged 5 (!!!!!) and up, has had at least one dose and now the government is encouraging parents to sacrifice their babies, who are now eligible for the shots if they're at least six months old.

Everyone I know has had at least two shots, and some even three or four. I try to enjoy my remaining time with my loved ones. My father is now dying of cancer and my mother has intermittent spasms since they got two shots of the Moderna. So far I've been able to talk them out of the boosters, thank God. Several friends and acquaintances have since been diagnosed with cancer, some of them now dead as a result.

ETA: It's been hard, and it's still hard, but every day I am grateful that I never gave in to the relentless pressure to get vaccinated.

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I feel the same. It’s crazy but I actually feel more gratitude in life than ever. I think because I realize I’m in the 4th quarter and I don’t have much hope the globalists will stop until they hit their depopulation numbers and whoever is left will live in China like social credit scoring systems. I would rather die. I’ll go off the grid until they find me and I’ll off myself before succumbing to some camp for the un-vaxxed.

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You made the right call. You chose life. Congrats. You will find your way. I’m in the same boat. God bless 🙏🏻

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I personally think that not everyone got the clot shot and that most likely a large percentage got placebo. If everyone got the clot shot there would be much more collateral damage which would’ve made it obvious the jabs were the culprit. many who got it aren’t getting any symptoms at all. It’s those useless idiots that will be first in line for the next series of jab/jab/booster. Just a thought.

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I think a lot of people will die later from cancer, organ failure, cardiac arrest, and other conditions because of long term damage caused by the jabs. Because of the delay the jab will not be blamed.

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It has been documented that the batches and locations are being closely tracked for both study and effect/destruction confirmation.

Until the rats nests of the coordinating Big Pharma players are rooted out, their social engineering of population reduction and relocation will continue to accelerate.

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I will say this. The only perfect person I have ever met was a perfect a-s hole and Tucker isn't perfect. Putting him in the same rotten apple barrel as some of the others at Fox News is a bit unfair. I'll wait for my tongue lashing.

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And as they take never ending tests !

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I am at last feeling SOME hope that the game is UP......the tide is turning! #uck this dystopian nightmare

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The question re tucker is was he complicit or muzzled. Big difference. I’ve met him and got a good vibe

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One MSM media down, at least 10,000 more to go. This is a breakthrough, and it's a big one. As one writer put it, Carlson is right over the target.

The 'official narrative' is collapsing. Expect the cocksuckers in control to double up on the lying and manipulating. The only thing keeping the sick COVID joke alive are ignorant people, dummies and corrupt media outlets.

We need an updated version of the Nuremberg Trials.

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