Jun 29, 2022·edited Jun 29, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

One certainly strange aspect of the depopulation agenda is that, according to some sociological estimates, once a region’s population decreases by a certain threshold, the process is irreversible; people will die out even without "help."

Indeed, the primary aspect of calculating whatever is coming comprises the assumption that the US, Russia, and the Chinese are working together on the WEF's NWO.

It was nearly obvious already a couple of years ago that accompanying the plandemic, WW3 would be staged on TV (but a few well-placed false flags, in the tradition of 9/11, must be expected). When are they going to play the "ET card"? The satellite-controlled robotic soldiers are ready! All it would take is a few holographic spaceships! I assume, first, the food riots must decimate the population so that the people will beg for martial law that will employ illegals and foreign mercenaries.

Eventually, all kinds of mass poisonings can be expected to create new scamdemics and, thereby, more control, while the noose is tightening. The demolition of currencies will hand over ultimate control to the fully-supervised new money that the perpetrators will issue.

All these have been, and are, easy to predict.

The inevitable mishandling of the bioweapons and the weaponized weather, however, can result in an Extinction Level Event before the eugenicist technocrats would ever like it and it might drag them to an early grave as well. After all, messing with human DNA will not go unpunished. These conceited morons have no idea of the avalanche of chain reactions they have started by relying on their quantum-based nanotech super AI that can only prevent things from happening if it initiated the events.

No matter what comes, it ain't gonna be pretty...

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I agree that it isn't going to be pretty. I do believe that the pit that they think they have dug for us is actually for them as they will fall in themselves. Evil is stupid behavior and it gets them sooner than later.

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It will take a lot of lives by the time it reaches them. As their poisons are now airborne (chemtrails, disinfectants, the injected shedding, and whatever else) as well, plus they put them in the food and probably in the water, too, not to mention pharmaceutical crap, I'm not sure, if anyone is going to make it.

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"Some", maybe only a handful, will make it, Life will go on. Though will this be the Reset of our Time Span of Knowledge? Erasing all but a few misunderstood monuments of the past to begin anew in some theorised place with our epoch becoming another Atlantis. Sci-Fi and Reality are entwined, the "Game" goes on and on into infinity.

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Jun 29, 2022·edited Jun 30, 2022

NWO davos etc. are theaters ...

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Well they want a total population of 500 million sheeple! It’s written in stone in Georgia!

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I'm so frustrated that I'm too old to have more children!

And that the adult children I already have, chose to take the DEATHVAX™.

I would like to be able to do my part to fight depopulation.

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No way would I ever want to give birth again. 😱

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I’m happy I never had any kids to bring into this insane world!

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I don’t know how many of us hear watch the business shows as the stock market opens. One thing I notice is that none of the anchors or guests ever point out that we have never had such times in our lifetimes and,therefore, can’t go by how the markets have reacted in the past. I don’t believe that going by past models makes any sense. We never before had a fully communist government bent on destroying this country. The WEF graduates have now been placed in western governments and they are marching to a coordinated beat. We have never lived under the orders of the WHO. The worst thing is we have seen how fear rules our species and how it turns them into compliant sheep. As the author here states, do not comply. Always be careful not to fall victim by believing whatever our government will say in the future. Vigilance is required.

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Really good summary of the concurrent OPS, both PSY & physical.

Artificial default - financial world understands our role in causing. “Rapid” Response & 300,000 size aren’t compatible. “... what was their acceptable level of planetary nuclear fallout?” Good one! Our dumb asses aren’t living in reality.

Russia has made clear that she will never be caught by a surprise attack again, as happened with WWII by the Nazis, wherein the USSR lost 26-27,000,000 (million) citizens and 9 - 12,000,000 (million) troops. We lost 407,300 combined Europe / Japan.

One of our population’s problems in understanding the USSR lesson and motivation is that none of WWII was fought within our domestic borders. All of our troops fought overseas. Our cities were not bombed, no Nazi tanks ran through our streets, etc. To most of our current younger generations, WWII and Nazis are some things in books. Wake up. Not a game of bravado as exemplified by such as Biden & NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg.

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

There will be compliance. Many fools are walking around here (PA) in masks!

I was messaged yesterday a Kendall report blurb that stated Stenger was shot walking from being dropped off by a car to his home. Can’t pull it up or message to you. Maybe someone not a technophobe will be able to get it!

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You mean Seth Rich style murder?

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That’s all it said. I assumed it was from afar, but you have a good point!

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

The gaslighting - quite phenomenal. Absurd and, as it is meant to be - dangerous. Playing with matches near gasoline.

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That's why I follow your substack, you know what's going on!

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Checking in for my daily dose of terror and fantastic excitement. LeCarre, Ellroy....amateurs.

By the way, Fauci is somewhat redeeming himself...https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A5pRacFfkzM&feature=youtu.be

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i wish this was a joke ... it is a tragedy happening before our eyes ...

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Right!? I went to watch the video, I get notified that my YouTube channel has a stike for medical misinformation from a video I posted in November of 2021, they informed me of this 3 days ago. 🤬🤬🤬🤬

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You're Government-Silicon Valley-Pfizer-CCP consortium friends at work, trying to kill you and yours.

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I am terrorized, depressed.

Humor is an antidote. One of them . We must fight one of main weapons of commies: demoralization.

It's called Dark humor.

Like ...my uncle was going to the gallows. A kindly guard offered him a cigarette. Uncle: no thanks, I'm trying to quit.

No outlets, we will go insane

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Like when George Carlin said "Before they give you a lethal injection, they swab your arm with alcohol. It's true. Well, they don't want you to get an infection, and you can see their point. They don't want some guy go to hell and be sick."

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

100% agree on your thoughts, I think we are only weeks away until the diesel rationing begins. What will cause people to panic will be the food, then the finance. Then chaos. This will mask the death vaxx genocide, the effects are accelerating.

Keep up the excellent posts, I share them far and wide

Chaos is coming

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Thank you,2SG, for making my day a cheerful one. What a wonderful future we have in store for us all. If you were a doctor you would lose your license for spreading false information. I share your views (though I wish I didn’t) and I really want to live long enough to see how it all plays out.

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Jun 29, 2022·edited Jun 29, 2022

Travis Barker (Mr. Kourtney Kardashian) in the hospital for pancreatitis, "triggered by a colonoscopy"-- they waited to release until they had their story straight about what to attribute it to, of course, as if they could differentiate whether it was that or the jab or anything else that was the trigger. Meanwhile, VAERS with its underreporting factor of--what, 10, at the most conservative, up to 43 says Kirsch?-- has 595 cases of pancreatitis reported.

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I'm not even an American, but I know the US Supreme Court is not there to please the American people but to make sure the laws as they are enacted obey the Constitution and not the whims of the elected.

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Jun 29, 2022·edited Jun 30, 2022

covid has been an eye opener hopefully shall pass too.

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That is our only hope.

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I am so sick of these unvaxxed holocaust deniers


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Did you see this one? 🤣


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You are greatest.

My kindergarten years: facing corner

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He is hilarious 😂

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If I didn't watch this, Line Ranger, Ave Maria, Rolling Stones, etc

I'd go crazy.

Caveat: most of my family would say, I'm already there.

I must confess... I didn't take vax because I read the science. I DIDN'T BECAUSE IM ADULT, AND I HATE FREAKEN NEEDLES,! 🙃

😂 😃 😄 😁 🤣

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I didn't take because both of those reasons and I worked in pharmaceutical research 😂 I said nope!!! My husband and I are always making fun of the end of pharmaceutical commercials when they say "May Cause........" I'm waiting for the days when Shizer does the same but wait they don't have to! I think I've already gone mad! 😂

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My gift


We have their descendants ..

Also descendants of Comanches and Sioux, who I salute

We can kick gates ass

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So my version of that song has always been,

"Rollin Rollin Rollin Gee my ass is swollen... Rawhide!"

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You are righteous. FEEDING MY ADDICTION

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JP stepping in... Like 2 rock stats joining ip

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I love JP! All his videos are great too.💜

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When the lights went out in Europe!

When the people have had enough these ESG goons don’t stand a chance against the masses!

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Europe is gonna be one cold place next winter. Elite idiots will be on the menu!

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